New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-01-04 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC – Monday, 2021-01-04 – Post Number 1335: Dancing into the New Year in the City That Never Sleeps!

Good morning, darling darlings! It’s Emma here, back with another installment from the bustling heart of the Big Apple, NYC! 🗽🍎

Can you believe it's already 2021? Time flies when you’re twirling through life, doesn't it? This year is all about dancing, dreaming, and embracing everything fabulous New York City has to offer – with a healthy dose of pink, of course! 💖

As you know, this week’s post comes to you straight from my haven – the magnificent Metropolitan Opera House – just after witnessing a truly breathtaking performance of Giselle. I practically melted away with the music, the choreography, the sheer elegance! (But then again, I might have been melting from the central heating, which is a little bit over enthusiastic at times in this grand old lady.)

I’ll confess, this post is a tad delayed. It was a long but magnificent weekend packed with everything my heart desires. It began, as all good New York City weekends should, with a rather fabulous show. You know, a show that makes you forget the chilly winter air biting at your cheeks and makes you want to throw your head back and laugh with abandon. I was transported to a completely different world and was still floating on air after the final curtain!

Speaking of fabulous shows, do any of you darlings know anything about a little show called "Hamilton"? Oh, to see it with my own two eyes would be a dream come true! If you're in New York City and you haven't seen this show, you need to get your ticket immediately – it's just the best, seriously. (Of course, for me it's also about the pink… and let's be honest, there is none in "Hamilton" – not even a pink feather boa!).

After the show, the fabulous festivities continued! What did I do next, you ask? What every stylish New York City girly does! I headed to Fifth Avenue for a little retail therapy. I have a secret – a big confession – I just love going shopping for outfits for ballet! Do you know what is good to get right now, in this New York January chill? You can get some really great sparkly, glitzy leggings – perfect for a warm and fabulous look to a ballet class – at an incredible discount! Bargains, my darlings, are my very best friend.

If you ever get a chance to take a stroll through Fifth Avenue – or for a more “down-to-earth” experience, have a peek in SoHo – you will find so many shops filled with beautiful clothing that make you feel like a true star! It’s a shopping paradise! This, darling, is the thing that sets NYC apart. No other city has the energy, the sparkle, and the downright joy of retail therapy like this incredible city.

Saturday afternoon took me back to my first love – ballet class! A new studio on 47th Street is just lovely! A haven of graceful moves, sweat, and pink! Of course, every dancer needs a pink tutu for the best ballet class, and I wasn't going to let them down! It felt glorious to lose myself in the steps and the music, and as always, I ended the class with a grin stretched across my face as wide as the Grand Central Station. You know, that one thing everyone agrees is always absolutely massive! I wish I could capture that sensation in words. The feeling of achieving the perfect fifth (a small dance move that is very difficult to achieve). If only it were like having the “perfect cuppa” – nice, warm, soothing, and guaranteed every time! But thankfully, that's what keeps me going, pushing myself to be better and better, that’s what it’s all about, don't you agree?

Oh, you're right, darling! Of course, you have to have the perfect look, so for a Saturday class I must wear my “I Can Do Anything Pink Tutu”! It’s one of my absolute favourite ones, and let's be honest, the one I have worn most often on my adventures in New York! Why does this one stand out, you may ask? Well, I simply have a feeling it gives me super strength in the studio! It may just be my imagination, of course! And it's the one that has so many sparkles it lights up the studio as I do the splits! Oh, did I mention, my new studio is perfect! They’ve recently added new mirrors – what an excellent addition for a serious dancer like myself, and of course for fabulous pictures to share with you all, my darlings!

Saturday evening I headed to the heart of the theatre world: Broadway! It wasn’t for the ballet this time, but to a musical that truly had me captivated. I don’t want to tell you what it was – it would spoil the surprise for you. But believe me, if you ever get the chance to visit this wonderful city, make sure you don’t miss Broadway! You’ll never see anything quite like it – especially if you have the same enthusiasm for musicals as I do. But enough of this… let's get back to the subject closest to my heart! It's, well, ballet of course, and maybe, oh darling, a dash of something pink... It wouldn’t be a post on #PinkTutuBlogNYC without a little touch of pink perfection, now would it? (Don’t forget, darlings – this is the time of year where it can get pretty chilly, so wrap up warmly! But make sure the outfit includes a pink hat and maybe even a pink scarf – a perfect choice!)

So, now let's rewind. That amazing weekend started on Friday – what do you think happened? Well, I decided that my Friday needed a little splash of extra fabulousness, and headed straight to the Carnegie Hall to see one of the most amazing dancers, I’m not saying who – the dance moves were just spectacular and they truly are a dancer’s dream!

This experience filled my heart to the brim with pure ballet joy! I left with my head swirling, my legs achy and a grin spread across my face. I’ll let you know, the Carnegie Hall itself, it just makes you want to prance in a circle with all your ballet mates and maybe take a twirl around its gorgeous architecture! Did I just say prance? That word simply does not describe this venue, nor the wonderful people who performed! It's more, dare I say it… I think I have to! “Magnificent.” What else would I do with such fabulous friends?! I do love spending time with them – you’ve got to love people who understand what it’s like to twirl and to perform! This Friday night will stay in my memory forever. I hope I’ll get to return to Carnegie Hall very, very soon!

And on the topic of memories… speaking of those “special” evenings in my life! Remember, that beautiful time, a few years back, where I discovered this amazing world called New York City? My adventure here began right here, right where I’m sitting today, at the Grand Central Terminal, sipping my favourite latte, watching the hustle and bustle around me. The excitement and the joy, my heart beat with it. I even did a little mini twirl to celebrate.

Here in New York City, you can feel a new excitement for every day. Every morning is a fresh chance for a new experience! What does this incredible metropolis have in store for you, my darlings? A beautiful art gallery filled with amazing art? A fascinating new museum or exhibition? Or maybe the amazing energy of a new bar with incredible food and delicious cocktails? Who knows? Whatever awaits you, just like me, go and explore!

Do you ever get the feeling when you are going through a big city – particularly one with a large and fabulous subway network like here – that the whole city itself feels like a big dance class? It feels as if there is this underlying music you can barely hear and it’s all around you, and everyone is going to their own moves in perfect time and all the while in a lovely synchronicity – a symphony of everyday ballet, if you will! Now, just try to do that without a beautiful, glittery pink tutu!

It's funny how a dance can transport you – like magic, or perhaps I should say pink magic! (Remember my favourite color? You can tell I just love all things pink and everything about this color makes me so happy. It brings me good memories. But that's another blog post, darlings).

For me, every day is an opportunity to wear a pink tutu (or at least a little something pink – oh, there are some very cute pink handbags that I've spotted – don't forget to look!). In New York City, the only limitation is your imagination, but there’s always that magic in the air, and of course the energy from the sheer brilliance of all the city’s inhabitants! There’s never a dull moment, it seems, in the heart of this great city. I could happily spend my life exploring New York’s hidden treasures and it’s bustling corners, as you can tell by this very long blog!

For now, darlings, I have to dash. Off to catch a subway to the studio – gotta fit in a couple of hours of pirouette practice – oh! I wish you were here with me, dear darlings, then we could have a pink-tutu-filled afternoon with music, dance, and of course, lots of pink!

Let me know what you’re getting up to this week, and let’s dance again!

Don't forget, darlings, this is all about embracing the joy of the everyday. So, put on your pinkest tutu and dance your way into the new year! You won’t regret it!

See you next week! 💖

Until next time!

With a twirl, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-01-04 she danced in New York City