New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-08-16 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog: New York City Adventures (Post #1367)

Monday, 16th August, 2021

Oh my darlings! I’m back in New York City! You know how much I love this magical metropolis, the city that never sleeps, and this trip is all about exploring a different side to this vibrant hub of creativity and culture. It’s hard to believe it’s been just a week since I bid adieu to my beloved Derbyshire – but, as ever, the urge to pirouette into new adventures has propelled me across the Atlantic and straight into the heart of Manhattan!

It’s been a whirlwind of activity since I arrived. From navigating the iconic yellow taxis (my trusty tutu acting as a perfect beacon amidst the urban chaos!) to sipping steaming hot coffee amidst the bustling energy of Times Square, my senses are overloaded in the best possible way!

Today’s mission? Exploring the cultural landscape of New York through the lens of a ballerina – which, of course, translates into a day of dance! And as any good dancer knows, the day starts with a well-honed pointe shoe, so the first order of business was a trip to the renowned Dancewear Solutions store on Broadway. The aroma of fresh leather, the colourful display of fabrics, the sheer variety of pointe shoes – heaven! It felt like a dancer’s dreamland. I was delighted to find the perfect pair to elevate my performance in the City That Never Sleeps.

Speaking of performance, it’s no surprise that New York boasts an impressive roster of theatrical masterpieces, and I had tickets for none other than Moulin Rouge! The Musical, which I knew would be a showstopper.

This show is like a whirlwind of sequins, feathers, and raw energy, a vibrant tribute to the iconic Parisian cabaret. The performers were a tour de force, their talent breathtaking and their enthusiasm infectious. From the moment the curtain rose, I was swept up in a dazzling world of color, passion, and dazzling theatricality.

The set design was breathtaking, an extravagant spectacle of dazzling lights and opulent décor. And then there were the costumes! Talk about a visual feast. They were spectacular, sparkling with life and capturing the spirit of Belle Époque Parisian extravagance perfectly. The music, oh, the music! From the soaring ballads to the electrifying show tunes, it was an emotional rollercoaster – I felt myself swept away on a wave of energy and excitement, and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

But my love affair with New York is never just about the theatrical spectacle; it’s about the vibrancy of the city itself. The sidewalks are bustling with a melting pot of humanity, each with their own unique story to tell. From the trendy youngsters on skateboards to the stoic businessmen, everyone feels like they’re part of this grand ballet of life. It’s inspiring!

One of the greatest joys of New York is its abundance of fantastic stores! It's simply a dream come true for any fashion lover – the possibilities seem endless! Today’s must-visit? The one and only Nordstrom. I can't resist a good browse in their shoes and accessory departments! And as a pink enthusiast, I found myself surrounded by beautiful, shimmering, girly delights – a symphony of pink, fuchsia, and candy floss colours! I treated myself to a divine blush-colored blouse and some adorable blush-tinted heels for my upcoming evening event – because, why not, darling?

And let’s not forget about the food. New York is a culinary playground – the street vendors offer the most delicious treats (hello, street-side pizza!) and I’m already working my way through a list of Michelin-starred restaurants – just one more reason why my stomach does a happy little jig whenever I arrive.

So, you can see why I'm loving every minute of this trip! I'm fully embracing the energy of the city, feeling like I could twirl through its iconic streets for days on end, and embracing every bit of the fashion and dance magic it has to offer.

My pink tutu isn't the only thing attracting attention – I'm making it my mission to inspire everyone I meet to embrace the magic of a pink tutu! After all, wouldn't the world be a much more magical place with a little bit of tutu magic?

That's all for today, my lovelies. Until next Monday! Stay tuned for more updates from your favorite New York-loving, tutu-wearing ballerina!

Lots of love,

Emma xx

Pink Tutu Blog: More New York City Delights (Post #1368)

Monday, 23rd August, 2021

Dearest readers! This past week has been another whirlwind of dazzling delights and inspiring experiences in New York City. And, of course, my trusty pink tutu has been with me every step of the way – the perfect accessory for a city that never sleeps!

It’s always a joy to explore new corners of the city. This week, I found myself venturing to the heart of Harlem – a vibrant melting pot of culture, history, and creativity that oozes with its own distinct charm.

Now, you might be wondering how a pink tutu fits into the landscape of Harlem. You'd be surprised! I love finding ways to blend my love for pink and dance with any environment – and in Harlem, it was like discovering a new symphony of expression.

My adventure began at The Apollo Theater. This iconic venue has been the cradle of so much musical history, and its energy vibrated with a distinct beat. I felt a powerful sense of the legacies of those who graced its stage – James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Michael Jackson – the list is endless. I’m talking true musical royalty, darlings! And of course, I had my pink tutu in tow, a symbol of vibrant spirit against the rich tapestry of musical history.

As a ballet dancer, I'm drawn to stories, whether on the stage or in life. My curiosity took me to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, a testament to the power and resilience of African American culture. Each exhibit was a testament to a profound and poignant story, bringing to life moments of triumph and sorrow in American history. The way in which it blends historical significance with captivating narratives is truly remarkable.

From history, I found myself drawn to fashion, something I always adore – a natural transition in the ever-evolving spirit of this city. I ventured to the Fashion Institute of Technology, a beacon of design education and a hub of creative innovation. Here, I felt the palpable energy of upcoming talents pushing boundaries and embracing new interpretations of fashion. The vibrant hues and intricate designs reminded me of the vibrant pink world I find myself immersed in.

The world of food continues to be an adventure! Today, I savored the true essence of New York cuisine by joining the ranks of local New Yorkers – queueing for a street-side hotdog! I've learned that it's not just about the sausage, it's about the whole experience! From the way it’s wrapped in a crispy, brown paper bag to the generous splatterings of mustard, ketchup, and relish – it's a flavour explosion that captures the essence of New York in a bite!

However, this week, my love for a good ballerina twirl took me to the enchanting New York State Theatre at the Lincoln Center. It was a treat to watch The Nutcracker. The dancers performed with such elegance and grace, It reminded me of my passion for dance – how it connects us to emotions and transports us to other worlds. I was mesmerized by the set design, the costumes, and the beautiful story of a young girl’s magical journey.

To conclude my evening, I found myself venturing to the Upper East Side – a luxurious, glamorous part of the city, perfect for a touch of refined sparkle. Here, amidst the chic boutiques and sophisticated diners, I reveled in a sense of elegance and sophistication.

New York has a magic of its own, but for me, that magic is enhanced by the whimsical twist of a pink tutu – adding a playful touch to the streets and my every encounter!

As always, this vibrant city inspires me. The stories I uncover here remind me that we are all artists, each contributing our own colours to the tapestry of life. I embrace the creativity that flows through these streets – the hustle, bustle, and captivating charm.

So until next Monday, darlings, keep your tutus twirling and stay inspired.

Lots of love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-08-16 she danced in New York City