New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-08-23 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: #1368 Monday, August 23rd, 2021 – She Danced in New York City!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to another edition of Pink Tutu Blog NYC! It's Monday, which means it's time for a new post and for yours truly to share all the latest news and delightful discoveries from the Big Apple. This week has been a whirlwind, filled with the enchanting melodies of the New York City Ballet, the captivating thrill of Broadway, and the joy of discovering some incredible vintage treasures – all, of course, with my trusty pink tutu in tow!

So, settle in, grab a cuppa, and let's dive into a week full of pirouettes, sequins, and sunshine...

New York, New York: A Symphony of Pink and Plié

This week, my little heart skipped a beat with excitement as I had the chance to visit Lincoln Center and immerse myself in the magic of the New York City Ballet. You see, dear readers, it’s more than just watching beautiful dancers, it’s about experiencing the stories that they tell. From the sublime grace of the ballerinas to the power and energy of the male dancers, each movement was a perfect brushstroke, painting a masterpiece on the stage. It left me breathless, and let's face it, in awe!

Of course, no ballet outing is complete without my favourite pink tutu. You see, a girl can’t just blend into the background at these events! I made sure to pick a delicate, lace-trimmed pink tutu for the occasion – one that whispered whispers of a magical fairy tale with every pirouette. As the lights dimmed and the orchestra filled the hall with their music, the stage truly felt like my own little fantasy world.

And talking about fantasy… I was especially moved by the new production of "Sleeping Beauty". Oh, the magic of a prince waking up a princess with a kiss, and the elegance of those classic balletic steps, it was a delightful spectacle to witness. Just remembering the entire production sends a wave of happiness washing over me, it really was an unforgettable experience. It made me feel like a little girl all over again, caught in the wonder of it all.

Broadway Bound: Glitter and Glamour Under the Neon Lights

The next night, my senses were awakened once again, but this time in the glitz and glamour of Broadway. The entire city seemed to come alive at night, its neon lights twinkling like stars, the energy pulsating in the air. As I stepped into the vibrant heart of Times Square, I knew I was in for a treat.

For the evening’s entertainment, I decided to treat myself to a show, one of my favourite things about being in NYC, after all! This time I was drawn to the infectious energy of "Ain't Too Proud - The Life and Times of The Temptations". This jukebox musical took me right back to the soul-stirring sounds of the 60s and 70s. The choreography was brilliant – full of attitude, power, and raw passion, mirroring the incredible journey of the musical legends themselves.

Naturally, I was sporting a pink tutu that perfectly complimented the vibrant energy of the show. It was a playful pink tulle, all sparkly and full of life – much like the electrifying energy in the theatre itself. I'd say that's quite the feat when a Broadway performance can feel a tad overwhelming! But let’s be honest, what's a little pink sparkle when you're surrounded by such pure talent? It felt perfectly in place amongst all the bright lights and high-energy performances.

Fashion Finds and Metro Mayhem: Discovering Hidden Gems in NYC

Between the ballet and the Broadway spectacle, I found myself whisked away on a delightful shopping adventure. My mission: to unearth hidden treasures, those beautiful pieces of clothing and accessories that just beg to be worn. As I ambled down Fifth Avenue, the dazzling displays in the windows were enough to inspire me to channel my inner fashionista.

However, there’s something utterly exhilarating about a good old-fashioned rummage through a vintage store in New York City. They are havens of quirky, charming pieces – a kaleidoscope of colours and textures – each one with a story to tell. In the heart of Greenwich Village, I found an enchanting little shop brimming with forgotten vintage treasures.

As I sifted through a rack of old clothes, my hand reached for the softest, silk, pink dress imaginable. I can’t quite describe it in words. It was simply the most perfect shade of dusty pink, delicate and almost ethereal. A whisper of old Hollywood glam and 1950s romance. Of course, my search wasn't over until I'd found a pair of shoes that would perfectly complement this delightful find. A pair of beautiful ivory-coloured stilettos with intricate beading around the ankle completed my vintage fashion dreams. I had my outfit planned – perfect for the evening out with my dearest friend, Samantha.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow across the city, I hopped on the subway, feeling utterly exhilarated by my recent discovery. You see, the NYC Metro has its own charm. You witness a beautiful diversity of people. I love observing everyone and just soaking in the bustling city life that surrounds you. It's an intricate web of movements, sights and sounds, full of a thrilling, albeit slightly chaotic, energy.

Speaking of chaos… let's talk about a minor fashion faux pas, or should I say faux pas in the form of a faux fur jacket, which I must confess to wearing in the warm summer weather… Don’t get me wrong, it was beautiful and totally worth buying – a gorgeous piece in a stunning dark grey colour. I simply got caught up in the moment of finding an incredible bargain… and just had to have it! It may have been too warm to wear it outside the store, but it felt utterly decadent in the comfort of my metro journey! My only advice? It is best to stick to pink when shopping in the sunshine. Just like it is best to stick to pink for your whole life.

A Pink Tutu in the City: It’s More Than Just a Tutu…

As you've likely gathered, darlings, I’m a girl who believes in a little bit of magic in every day. For me, the pink tutu isn't just an accessory, it’s an expression of my joy, my confidence, and my zest for life. It’s about turning every moment into an opportunity for whimsy and fun, no matter how hectic the day gets!

Don't be surprised if you catch a glimpse of my pink tutu while I'm hopping onto the metro, dashing across the bustling streets of NYC, or even standing outside the theatre, waiting for a show to begin. Honestly, it has even accompanied me to some of New York City’s more unexpected locations. Just ask my friend Sarah, she will tell you about my daring pink tutu outfit at the baseball game – a little bit of sartorial brilliance, or a bit of a pink-tutu-fashion disaster?! You be the judge!

More importantly, I’ve discovered something quite profound about the city itself: There's an element of whimsy to be found in every corner. A sense of possibility and, above all, an acceptance of unique individuality, and it truly welcomes all those who embrace their inner sparkle. That’s why I find so much inspiration and joy in this city. It feels as if New York has given me permission to be my most expressive, most authentic self – pink tutu and all!

From Derbyshire to New York City: My Pink Tutu Story

Let me tell you a little secret. Just before arriving in the bright lights of New York City, I was born and raised in the picturesque English county of Derbyshire. Now, I wouldn’t describe my childhood as a whirlwind, it was rather traditional. In fact, it felt somewhat quiet at times. But you know what? It instilled a quiet strength, a calm spirit and an appreciation for the simplicity of beauty that finds its way into my every creation.

There were definitely no pink tutus in my small town – a world away from the dynamic, energetic atmosphere of New York. I spent my days dreaming, twirling in my own imaginary worlds, lost in ballet stories, inspired by dancers I would watch on the TV, and fueled by the books I devoured. As a child, I spent a great deal of my time with my dear grandmother, she really is the inspiration behind it all. You see, she introduced me to the beauty of fashion and taught me to see the magic in every detail. She was always the one to tell me to dress with panache, a piece of advice I truly hold dear.

As I grew older, my love of ballet never faded. The feeling of flowing grace and strength that I felt on the dance floor, the connection to the music, the camaraderie, it’s a truly special bond I hold. You can’t get much closer to pure movement, pure beauty and joy than that, really. I'd take every opportunity to attend a ballet performance, or join a ballet class, but, you guessed it – always wearing my trusted pink tutu!

My dear grandmother had gifted me my first pink tutu when I was six years old. She said it would bring me joy and a whole lot of confidence. It certainly has done both! The tutu was her way of letting me know that she would always believe in my dreams, no matter how audacious they might seem.

It wasn’t until much later, after several years of working on my dreams and passions that I came across the chance to embark on this exhilarating adventure. You could say the big apple has truly been a dream come true!

So, there you have it, my pink-tutu-wearing darlings. This week has been all about whimsical ballet moments, dazzling Broadway nights, and fashion finds that bring joy to my heart. Now it’s back to packing my favourite tutu and embracing the next adventure in the incredible world of New York City. Remember to look out for me in the streets – I’m always around!

Catch you next week, and always remember – you're beautiful, you’re brilliant, and don’t be afraid to embrace your inner sparkle!

Sending you love, glitter and a sprinkle of pink tutu magic!


#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-08-23 she danced in New York City