New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-11-22 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: New York, New York! (Post 1381)

Monday 22nd November 2021

Hello darlings! It's Monday, which means it's time for a new #PinkTutuBlogNYC! I'm sitting here in my little pink hotel room overlooking Central Park. The air is crisp and there's a gorgeous, golden autumn glow over the whole city. I could sit here for hours watching the leaves twirl and tumble in the gentle breeze - and just writing these words fills me with such pure happiness.

I can hardly believe I'm finally back in the Big Apple. I have to admit, though, a part of me is feeling a little bit nervous too. After all, the world is a very different place than it was when I was here back in 2019.

But something inside me - a tiny, tutu-twirling voice - told me that I had to return. To reclaim a little magic. To find that sense of wonder and awe that always blossoms within me when I step into the energy of this city. And you know what? So far, it’s been living up to every single one of my expectations.

I touched down at JFK on Saturday afternoon after a beautiful, long flight (I must say, that sleep I got on the plane felt utterly heavenly - don't worry, I wore a pink silk eye mask!). My apartment, conveniently close to the 7th Avenue station, is like my little haven. I absolutely love this neighbourhood.

I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of New York City! It’s always brimming with so much life, colour and creativity, and I can't wait to soak it all in over the next few weeks.

Today was a perfect blend of girly-fun and cultural indulgence - everything I live for! Let me tell you all about it...

Breakfast at Tiffany’s
 Sort Of

My day started off with a little ritual that's become a firm favourite during my New York visits. It's a very particular ritual, a breakfast at “Tiffany’s” if you will - but without the cafĂ©!

You see, before I venture into the city, I like to stand right outside the Tiffany & Co flagship store on Fifth Avenue, soak up the glamour, the gleaming windows filled with beautiful jewels, and the utter majesty of this legendary landmark. I wear a dress I love (of course it was pink today) and stand there for a little while just feeling incredibly alive and ready for the day!

Tutu Shopping and The Glamorous Side of Times Square

With a skip in my step (it always starts there when you’re wearing a pink tutu!), I headed towards Times Square. I wasn't too bothered about seeing the garish flashing billboards this time, though I have to admit, they do make for quite a photogenic scene (they wouldn't dare to wear pink!). No, my mission today was something much more personal... It was Tutu Time!

New York is a shopping mecca, so naturally, there had to be a boutique selling some exquisite tutus! Let me tell you, darling, I didn’t have to look very hard to find it! Tucked away in a delightful corner was a store that just shouted ‘Ballet and Glamour’. My heart started to beat faster the second I spotted the gorgeous collection of tutus lining the walls – a sheer riot of feathers, sparkle, satin, and, of course, plenty of pink!

I couldn't resist buying one - a stunning soft-pink confection with fluffy tulle and delicate beading. Oh, the joys of shopping!

A Ballet Masterclass - Tutus and Talent in Central Park

Central Park in the early evening with the crisp autumn air felt truly magical. I met up with some of the loveliest fellow ballet enthusiasts for a glorious Masterclass. Our teacher was exceptional; a retired dancer from the American Ballet Theatre, so her teaching was wonderfully elegant. I really tried to focus on my footwork and make sure my pink tutu flowed perfectly. There were some lovely people there and, after all the laughter and dancing, I felt exhilarated, energised, and completely inspired.

An Evening at The Ballet: Beauty, Passion, and Perfect Pink!

After a delightful picnic with my new friends - the most scrumptious array of salads, and delicious brownies from the new ‘Sweet Surrender’ bakery just around the corner from the Masterclass, I headed off for the night's entertainment... Ballet, darling, pure ballet!

The most captivating ballet of the season – ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’, by the New York City Ballet - took place tonight, at the legendary David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center. And wouldn’t you know it - the ballet even had its own delightful pink tutu moment!

As the fairy queen, a character known as Titania, made her first appearance onstage - my heart literally skipped a beat. The moment the shimmering, powder pink tutu came into view I gasped. It was as if a whimsical fairy had brought to life my dreams. The whole theatre was filled with this beautiful aura - all those passionate fans completely enthralled by the music and the dancing. There's truly something magical about ballet. It is both powerful and incredibly graceful; like a powerful force made from pure poetry and movement.

I spent the entire evening captivated. It truly was the perfect blend of fantasy and artistry, with such remarkable attention to detail – every delicate costume, the breathtaking costumes, every perfectly controlled gesture. It’s this level of excellence that makes ballet a complete feast for the senses.

Later, after the final curtain call and that feeling of elation you only get from a perfect performance, I wandered over to Lincoln Center's fabulous book shop and bought a special ballerina journal to start my ballet adventures and remember the show.

Late Night Delights and Sweet Dreams

Now back in my hotel room, the evening’s excitement still buzzing in my head. My pink tutu - its silky soft fabric and delicate pink shades - is folded on my bedside table. It's always the last thing I look at before I drift off to sleep and it always makes me feel calm and ready for another adventure.

Of course, no night is complete without a late-night slice of New York’s finest cheesecake - the most exquisite creation you could ever wish to find. I savoured every rich, creamy bite with my cup of peppermint tea (just a touch of the peppermint essential oil on my temples as well; so refreshing for those sleepless nights!)

Now, as I gaze out over the city and listen to the city’s nocturnal symphony of traffic and distant sirens - and watch the sky begin to fade towards dawn - I can't help but smile. It was truly a splendid Monday - a perfect blend of fashion, art, and culture!

Oh, and did I mention
 I saw someone else wearing a pink tutu!

Now it is just me, my favourite little pink ballerina slippers, and this glorious city with my tutu-dreams filling up the night!

Stay tuned, darlings - there’s more Pink Tutu Blog coming your way.

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2021-11-22 she danced in New York City