New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-08-01 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC: Monday, 2022-08-01 - Post #1417

New York, New York!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to another installment of the Pink Tutu Blog, where life is always a pirouette and a good time is a performance! This week, I've packed my bags (and yes, my favourite pink tutu is nestled safely inside!), and I'm stepping onto the bustling streets of New York City, a metropolis that truly captures the spirit of glamour and high drama, just like my beloved ballet.

Oh, the excitement! My dear friend Fiona and I hopped on the Metro to the city from my Derbyshire home. You know I can't resist the underground: it’s like a whirlwind of mystery and magic, all tucked away under the surface! We have a splendid week planned in this fabulous city, and I simply can't wait to share all the fabulous adventures with you, from dazzling ballet performances to the intoxicating charm of NYC fashion.

I've got a hunch this week will be full of pink perfection, but for now, let's rewind the clock and start our trip right at the beginning.

A Metro Marvel to NYC!

As soon as I landed, the vibrant energy of the Big Apple, like a thrilling concerto, enveloped me. After collecting our luggage (a process that was so much quicker than the time I travelled to Milan, remember?), we navigated the iconic New York Metro. What a triumph for travel! My heart soared.

The bustling passengers and their endless streams of stories and the cacophony of noises gave a feeling that every station was a stage. Everyone is an actor! I love the feeling that each carriage could become the platform for an unexpected show, or even a dance performance! Who knows, perhaps that random businessman beside you could actually be a professional dancer in disguise.

After all, you never know what you'll find on the streets of New York.

NYC – First Impressions

Stepping off the train at Times Square felt like an exciting entrechat, a jump right into a swirling scene of billboards and energy. And yes, we found a coffee shop where the décor was absolutely stunning. Just what a fashionable tutu-wearing ballerina wants in a coffee shop! Pink, obviously! Fiona and I were giggling at the irony of having coffee on a stage as exciting as the main entrance of Times Square!

Fashion Flair - Shopping Till You Drop

There's something magical about shopping in New York City. The shops, with their exquisite displays, felt like sets for a grand production. Fiona and I made our way to Fifth Avenue and its flagship department stores, where we could find a ballet-themed shoe with any type of design we desired. There were heels with the most decadent sparkles! I also loved the elegant simplicity of a pair of ballet flats – perfectly crafted for elegant street strolls. Fiona chose the ultimate tutu-inspired top, which will be the most exquisite outfit for her summer wardrobe! We simply had to snap a selfie at each window display for Instagram - fashion-forward girls always know the best photo spots! We giggled and made plans to visit Central Park with our loot. I know how much I'll enjoy twirling in my new ballet-themed finds.

Ballet on the Menu!

New York is teeming with cultural opportunities, and it goes without saying, I am on the hunt for everything ballet! My diary already holds several show times for my ballet adventures:

  • *Tuesday - *"Giselle". The iconic and deeply emotional tale of a country girl's transformation into a ghostly woodland spirit - a powerful masterpiece!
  • Wednesday - An exploration of the legendary American Ballet Theatre. It will be truly enchanting to see world-class ballerinas showcase the breathtaking work of these brilliant artists.

The Grand Theatre and The City That Never Sleeps

As dusk fell upon New York, Fiona and I headed back to our hotel – a most luxurious place for a night's sleep! You see, one must be well-rested to fully appreciate the energy of a place like New York City! It’s not unusual to feel a sense of thrill just from standing in one spot. The city is bursting with vibrancy and the sheer quantity of its buildings, its towers scraping the sky - it's breathtaking. Even the twinkling lights make it look like a giant sparkling crown, dazzling and a reminder of the magic in this urban wonderland.

Oh, darling, I am already utterly enchanted by New York City! I’ll keep you updated throughout the week with more details about all my glamorous adventures in this most incredible of cities!

Pink Tutu, On the Go!

Now I simply must ask you lovely followers – what are you wearing to a day in the life of a busy metropolis? Tell me about your stylish finds and favourite fashion must-haves in the comment section below!

See you back here next Monday!

Love, Emma

Remember, darlings, if it doesn't make you feel like a dancing princess in a pink tutu, it's not worth wearing!

P.S. * Don’t forget to check out my other blogs for inspiration about life as a tutu-wearing ballerina! I’ve been posting weekly on Monday since *2012. We have so much to share with each other!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2022-08-01 she danced in New York City