New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-12-18 she danced in New York City

#PinkTutuBlogNYC: Monday 18th December 2023 – A Tutu-ful Time in the City That Never Sleeps (Post 1489!)

Hello my darling tutu-loving darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad blogger, Emma, back from another magical weekend in New York City! This city never ceases to amaze me – it's a kaleidoscope of colours, sounds, and vibrant energy, and I just love to soak it all up! This week, however, my heart was truly set aflutter by one particular event – a performance of the "Nutcracker" by the New York City Ballet! Oh my word, it was pure, unadulterated magic. I think it’s safe to say I'm utterly smitten with this production! I’m a huge fan of Tchaikovsky, of course, and this production did not disappoint, bringing to life every intricate nuance of the score in stunning fashion. The choreography was utterly spellbinding, the costumes gorgeous, and the entire atmosphere absolutely electric!

A Dance Through the Big Apple

You know how much I love a bit of culture, and this weekend's trip was definitely all about that! As soon as I arrived, I grabbed myself a cuppa at one of the delightful cafes near Grand Central Terminal - it was such a treat! After getting my fix of caffeine and some delectable pastries, I did what any self-respecting ballerina would do: I jumped on the subway for a delightful tour of the city! Yes, the New York subway is one of my favourite travel experiences - there’s such a buzz and a feeling of genuine urban life there!

For my journey this time, I was sporting a fabulous fuchsia-pink tutu, and let me tell you, it definitely turned a few heads! (Remember, it’s all about spreading that pink tutu love!). As the subway whizzed and whooshed, I felt an immense sense of belonging. This city has an undeniable energy, an undercurrent of artistic talent, and a passion that radiates from its very core. I just love being swept up in that!

Of course, my journey through the city wouldn't be complete without some splendid shopping sprees! I am a massive fashion fanatic - let’s just say I have a particular soft spot for delectable designer footwear! I also picked up a fabulous new pink tutu at one of those gorgeous, bohemian shops I keep stumbling across, a truly lovely floral-patterned masterpiece with fluffy, glittery tulle. It just has to go with my new shoes - I just know I will absolutely twirl right into the hearts of everyone who sees me!

A Nutcracker Dream Come True

Finally, the day I’d been eagerly anticipating had arrived! It was showtime, and I couldn't wait to lose myself in the magical world of the New York City Ballet's Nutcracker! I arrived early, the thrill of being near the stage practically electrifying my senses! It’s been a while since I’ve been able to catch a ballet performance in the Big Apple, and let me tell you - my expectations were high, and boy did they get met!

This is a production that genuinely comes alive! The orchestra is phenomenal, every single member was absolutely firing on all cylinders, bringing a depth and passion to Tchaikovsky's beautiful music. You could feel the energy pouring from the stage right into the audience - it was truly awe-inspiring.

Then, of course, we have the dancers - absolute artistic wonders. Each dancer was effortlessly beautiful and captivating, with incredible fluidity and grace in their movements, portraying their characters with stunning detail. The Snow Queen, for example, was positively radiant and majestic, the Sugar Plum Fairy just the sweetest dream of grace and elegance, and Clara was simply adorable and enchanting!

The technical brilliance of this performance was genuinely mind-blowing! Every turn, jump, and intricate footwork felt so effortless yet absolutely dazzling!

My absolute favourite scene was the Snow Scene! Those magnificent snowflake costumes! Absolutely dazzling. The way the dancers danced, as if they were being carried on the wind, their silhouettes outlined against the shimmering, silver-hued stage - breathtaking. It made my heart truly leap for joy.

Inspiring and Inspiring, a Touch of New York

Overall, I'm feeling completely inspired, brimming with artistic energy, and so very grateful to have been part of this amazing weekend. I think a good ballet always does that - it makes you feel as if you could twirl through the clouds, and dance amongst the stars, with a touch of pure, artistic joy.

I was also struck, as usual, by the artistic energy of this city, and I simply cannot resist giving a huge shout-out to all of you gorgeous ballet lovers! No matter where you are in the world, remember: let the music be your guiding light, twirl with all your heart, and never forget that every single one of you is a ballerina, just waiting to step onto the stage!

So, to finish this post (I know, it’s a long one, sorry - I just had so much to tell you about my exciting week!), I thought I’d leave you with a lovely ballet quote from the truly inspiring Martha Graham :

  • *"Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” *

As always, dear readers, I would be thrilled to hear your comments! Leave me a message below. Are you going to see the "Nutcracker" this year? Have you got any exciting New York experiences to tell me about? Have you fallen in love with a new pink tutu? Or maybe you're inspired to wear one for the first time ever? Share your thoughts!

Catch you next week for another edition of #PinkTutuBlogNYC!

Lots of pink and twirly love,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2023-12-18 she danced in New York City