New York City NYC Pink Tutu Ballet Blog

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2024-03-18 she danced in New York City

Pink Tutu Blog NYC - Monday 2024-03-18: New York City Twirls!

Post Number 1502

Good morning, darlings! It's Monday, which means a brand new Pink Tutu Blog post, straight from the Big Apple! I've been waltzing through New York City for the past week, and it's been an absolute dream. Just think, darling - *Manhattan in pink! * Honestly, who doesn't love the colour pink? From my cherry blossom pink tutu (because, why wear boring old black when you can wear a shade as exquisite as this?) to my blush pink velvet headband (perfectly chic!), my New York City wardrobe has been a symphony of pink delight.

I have to say, this city really knows how to sweep you off your feet!

For this trip, my schedule has been packed with a divine mix of Broadway, ballet, and fashion. I love that I get to combine my passion for dance with my love of shopping and city adventures. It's no secret, my dears, that I have a deep and abiding love for all things girly, but New York just gets me - there's a certain spark in the air, a captivating energy that makes every moment feel special, even the times I get swept away in a human tidal wave trying to squeeze onto the subway (the best way to see the city, by the way!).

I know many of you have asked, "Emma, how do you afford to do all this?" And the answer, darling, is ballet. I'm a professional dancer, you know. Performing, taking class, even attending ballet-themed events like The Nutcracker gala and various workshops (always looking for those fresh moves!). My passion for dance is how I fund all of this glamorous living. I truly believe you can make your dreams come true, one pirouette at a time.

New York City Ballet Shenanigans!

This past weekend was pure magical! The New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center was truly a delight. I even bumped into the fabulous Misty Copeland after the show! I was in utter awe. Honestly, my heart fluttered for an entire week just remembering that moment - and seeing Misty on stage is another story. Her talent, grace, and power are so inspiring! I'll be sharing a blog post next week all about my experience - watch out for that!

By the way, are you in NYC this week? You can check out the "Current Performances" section on the NYC Ballet website! Grab your girlfriends and come dance with me!

The City That Never Sleeps - And Shops Until it Drops!

Okay, let's be honest - it wasn't all just tutus and ballet. I had to indulge in a spot of shopping. I mean, New York is a shopper's paradise, wouldn't you agree? So many shops! And each one overflowing with style.

This trip, I'm completely enamoured with Rebecca Minkoff's latest collection. I picked up a divine pink bag - the colour is like a rose garden dream! You know I love a handbag that speaks volumes. And I'm already eyeing her "Maverick" jacket for my next adventure. (Spoiler alert: I may or may not have splurged on that blush pink leather bomber… ) I'll have to show you pictures later!

My favourite "Pink-ified" NYC Moments!

Speaking of pink, let's dive into a few of my very personal New York City highlights:

  1. Afternoon tea at The Plaza Hotel: Tea, dainty sandwiches, and perfectly pink petit fours, all served on elegant china - what more could a girl ask for? It's a bit of London luxury tucked right into the heart of Manhattan.

  2. Walking through Central Park: Spring is in the air in New York, and I couldn't resist a stroll through Central Park. It's a breathtaking green space where you can escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a bit of peace and quiet (although I did stop to admire some beautiful ballerina statues in my pink tutu!).

  3. Street Performer Spectacular!: Let's be honest, street performers are a big part of what makes NYC so dynamic. I saw a truly wonderful dance performance the other day - a girl was using a massive inflatable ballet skirt as she danced to "Dancing Queen" (classic!). You know I had to do a quick change in my real tutu and have a go - it was hilarious!

My Monday Routine

Today, it's a quick "back to business" as I prep for my next dance gig. But no matter what life throws my way, I'll always start my day with a hot cup of tea and a little bit of me-time, complete with my favourite ballerina playlist. I always listen to ballet music for inspiration. You can never have too much inspiration! I find myself making up little ballet routines all the time in my mind - so many ideas! I wish I could be on stage every night!

Speaking of the ballet - remember my dear friends, every one of you can dance. You have the right to move, to twirl, to express yourself through dance. It's more than just pretty movements; it's freedom of expression.

Don't let the thought of "proper ballet" hold you back! Find your own groove, put on your favourite song (maybe even one of those on my ballet playlist!), and just go for it. You might just surprise yourself!

"Wear a Pink Tutu" Campaign: #PinkTutuPower

This week, I'm challenging all of you to wear a pink tutu, or any colour for that matter! (Although pink does go wonderfully with spring...) The whole world could use a dose of dance-inspired fun and creativity. Let's get everyone twirling! Post a photo on social media with the hashtag #PinkTutuPower. Maybe I'll even feature it on the Pink Tutu Blog!

New York City Never Disappoints!

So there you have it, darlings, another amazing week in the City that Never Sleeps. New York truly is a magical place, a city filled with energy, laughter, and a touch of magic. Whether you're taking in a Broadway show, twirling in Central Park, or simply savouring a cup of tea in a stylish café, there's something here for everyone, especially if you're a tutu enthusiast!

Until next week, my lovelies! Stay fabulous and always remember - it's a beautiful world, so go twirl like no one's watching!



Don't forget to visit the website! I post a new blog every Monday, and I love hearing from you, dear readers. Share your favourite NYC experiences, your tutu adventures, and anything that makes your heart dance!

#PinkTutuBlogNYC Monday 2024-03-18 she danced in New York City