Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-04-15 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post 16 (Saturday 2000-04-15) - Exploring the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes amis!

It’s Emma here, ready to whisk you away on a whirlwind tour of Paris! The City of Lights! The capital of fashion! Oh, la la! My pink tutu and I are positively smitten with this beautiful city.

Now, this trip was made all the more magical by my journey to Paris via the EuroStar. You simply cannot beat a train journey, particularly one that whisks you away from the grey skies of Derbyshire to the glistening Parisian sunshine in mere hours. Of course, my travelling ensemble featured my favourite pink tutu, paired with a chic black beret and knee-high boots. Because even when I'm on a train, I always strive to look fabulous!

I'm so incredibly lucky that I can fund my travelling adventures through my ballet performances. Every graceful twirl, every leap and bound helps me reach for my dreams of visiting incredible cities like Paris. And it's true what they say, ballet really does take you places!

I arrived in Paris with the intention of experiencing everything this enchanting city has to offer. But this weekend, I had one main mission in mind - seeing "The Phantom of the Opera!" My absolute favourite show! And it didn't disappoint. It was simply stunning! The music, the costumes, the story, and that amazing chandelier! Oh, to be whisked away to a world of drama, romance and beautiful costumes... truly, a highlight of my Paris visit.

After the theatre, I knew I needed a sugar fix, so I headed to the gorgeous Angelina’s on Rue de Rivoli. They're famous for their delicious hot chocolate, served with a huge swirl of whipped cream, and let me tell you, it was just the thing to satisfy my sweet tooth!

On Sunday, I'm going to make sure to visit one of my absolute favourite stores - La Belle et l’Homme on rue Saint-Honoré. You can find absolutely anything in there – gorgeous shoes, beautiful clothes and gorgeous Parisian style. Of course, it will be an absolute struggle to avoid a little retail therapy, even if it is for just a few pretty things… It's a hard life being a tutu-wearing shopaholic!

But even with a visit to my favourite boutique planned, no trip to Paris is complete without a visit to the Louvre. Seeing Mona Lisa, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, and the Venus de Milo, truly transports you to another time. The sheer magnitude of these artworks makes you feel incredibly small, in a wonderfully awe-inspiring way.

Speaking of awe-inspiring, I also took a ride in a horse-drawn carriage through the Bois de Boulogne. Oh, it was truly a magical experience, gliding through the peaceful streets with just the soft clip clop of the horse’s hooves and the gentle wind in my hair. The carriage driver even gave me a tiny sprig of lavender as we arrived back at my hotel, a lovely little souvenir.

This evening, I'm planning a stroll along the Seine, with the Eiffel Tower gleaming brightly behind me, taking it all in and soaking up the magic of this incredible city. And yes, you guessed it, my trusty pink tutu is being packed for the occasion! You'll catch a glimpse of it in the pictures I'm about to share on the Pink Tutu Blog.

Remember my ultimate aim in life is to encourage everyone to wear a pink tutu. This trip to Paris really reinforced that ambition! Imagine if all those lovely Parisians embraced the power of the pink tutu - what a magnificent vision it would be! Imagine the City of Lights sparkling with a sea of pink, dancing along the boulevards and twirling across the cobblestones!

I hope you enjoyed my little Paris update. Do check out all the amazing photos of my adventures on the Pink Tutu Blog website. And remember, there is nothing quite like the power of a pink tutu to add a little joy, sparkle and excitement to any adventure.

Au revoir!

Until next week!

Emma xx

Pink Tutu Blog – Paris, Part Two (Saturday 2000-04-22) - Fashion, Ballet and Parisian Perfection!


I'm so excited to share another Paris blog post with you today, it was such an exciting week. If you’re reading this, you are a bona fide Pink Tutu Blog follower, a friend in the Pink Tutu family! And with such an excellent family of fashion-loving, ballet-dancing adventurers, it's only right we make a splash in the fashion capital, yes?!

This week, my adventures continued with a visit to La Belle et l’Homme, which is definitely on every Pink Tutu enthusiast’s to-do list! It's truly the perfect Parisian paradise for any shopaholic like myself. Every time I go there, I get lost in the intricate patterns of fabrics, the elegant lines of garments, the elegant handbags and beautiful jewellery.

While it took every ounce of self-control to not completely break the bank, I did manage to emerge from La Belle et l’Homme with a couple of irresistible purchases – a silk scarf adorned with delicate floral embroidery, and a beautiful black top with stunning beadwork on the sleeves. It perfectly compliments my new, very stylish black and white skirt that I snagged on the famous Rue de Rivoli earlier in the week!

Naturally, I made sure to wear the skirt with my favourite pink tutu, creating the perfect combination of Parisian chic and playful elegance. But, it is, after all, all about striking that perfect balance!

After my little shopping spree, I decided it was time to take a ballet class. After all, it is my lifeblood, the foundation for everything! And a true ballet enthusiast like me just can’t visit a place with a strong dance tradition, without getting her practice on!

Luckily, Paris offers many incredible ballet classes, both classical and modern. So, I spent a few hours stretching and refining my moves at the beautiful "Les Studios" in the Marais District. This school had amazing instructors who made me feel like I had been transported straight into a Parisian ballet studio from a movie. You wouldn't believe the grace of the Parisian dancers, and the dedication of everyone there, from young children to seasoned ballerinas.

Oh, it is a wonderful sight, this passion for dance that truly breathes life into the streets of Paris! Every time I walk into a class, the music transports me, and I feel myself merging with this enchanting art form, allowing myself to twirl, to jump, to feel alive! And my pink tutu is right there with me, helping me embrace my inner dancer, bringing a bit of my personal style and my Pink Tutu spirit to this world-class dance school!

After a long day of ballet bliss, a Parisian picnic along the Seine with some beautiful crusty bread, and an absolutely divine slice of their exquisite chocolate mousse at a charming local patisserie, I was ready for the ultimate Parisian night out – dinner at a restaurant on the river and then to see "The Little Prince" at the Théâtre de l'Atelier. It truly is a magical experience seeing the world through the eyes of a small prince. It's also a little heart-warming reminder of our childlike wonder, to keep reminding ourselves of what's truly important.

You know, seeing “The Little Prince" felt very symbolic in a way. My Pink Tutu journey is just that – an attempt to bring joy and wonder back into the world! This simple accessory that's more than just a dress, it is a symbol of hope and joy and kindness, and like "The Little Prince," I'm simply attempting to make this world a more beautiful place.

I want you all to consider embracing your inner-prince, and your own version of the "pink tutu" principle! Whatever that is. This means spreading joy, embracing imagination and never, ever losing that sense of wonder that makes our journey so special.

But, as much as I love Paris and its magic, it's time to head home to Derbyshire, to England. However, as a frequent traveler and a pink-tutu-loving adventurer, I have no doubt that a little trip back to Paris is only around the corner!

The French people have this lovely term - "Joie de vivre". It translates directly to "joy of life" but there is something so poetic about that French phrase, something special, something powerful. It captures that essence of vibrant joy, a way of living life fully, and enjoying every single moment!

And it is precisely that “joie de vivre" that makes Paris so special. I encourage you all, as I pack my Pink Tutu and prepare to say "Au revoir", to keep seeking out "Joie de vivre" in every single moment of your lives, in every adventure, in every small detail. And when you do, remember the little Pink Tutu-wearing traveller, twirling her way around the globe and spreading joy!

À bientôt mes amis!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-04-15 Exploring Paris