Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-04-22 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #17: Bonjour Paris!

Bonjour mes amis! This is it, post numéro dix-sept from yours truly, Emma the pink tutu wearing ballerina, finally here in Paris! I swear I felt like I was in one of those romantic French films the moment I stepped off the Eurostar at Gare du Nord! My trusty pink tulle spun a little in the breeze as I skipped out of the station, feeling like a little ballerina swan landing in a beautiful, beautiful ballet studio… which is exactly what I feel like I'm stepping into in Paris.

Oh Paris, my heart has always had a little place for you, and you are even more beautiful than I ever imagined! I don't think I've ever seen such incredible buildings, the architecture is simply stunning, it feels like you could find inspiration everywhere, and for me, it’s pure Parisian chic… perfect for my own, little Pink Tutu style, don't you think?

Speaking of chic, you won't believe my lucky streak! My recent ballet performance at the Derby Theatre - yes, my home in Derbyshire is full of so much talented art! - was such a success, it's just about bought my entire trip! Well, at least the train ticket and a new tutu for all these photo opportunities (you know this blog needs some serious visual inspiration!) And let’s not forget that a girl's gotta keep those ballet shoes on top form to dance around Paris. My love for all things French ballet will just not be contained… Paris, oh Paris… you’ve captured my tutu heart.


Today, after I landed and checked into the cutest little hotel (I found it on a whim while reading through all the amazing French blogs - so many amazing pink tutus everywhere in Paris! I can’t get over it!) I donned my most fashionable pink tutu and took the métro for a tour. The underground in Paris has such an interesting, almost ethereal vibe, especially for a tutu wearing girl like myself… it felt like I could hear the echoes of Parisian ballet history and whispered ballet secrets as I traveled the underground, surrounded by the beautiful Parisian ladies with their fashion sense - that effortless chic look that just seems to effortlessly drape around them. I’m really determined to find out what their secrets are…

Now, aujourd’hui, it was all about experiencing Paris from the ground up. As soon as I reached the top of the Eiffel Tower (you can guess the views were magnificent!) I grabbed a macaron and a coffee and sat to just feel Paris. There’s something magical about it. Even the little things here are so inspiring… and pink! That beautiful Parisian colour! Every café window was filled with these little delicate French delights… little sugary pinks, and every café was full of the chicest men and women… the fashion just pours from the very walls. I almost had a fainting spell! The Parisian streets are a true spectacle - so much style, such beautiful pink outfits and colours… and they even have pink tutus on display! Honestly, I've been getting so much inspiration for future outfits. I almost wished I was going shopping...

It felt like it was straight out of a film… a true cinematic masterpiece… the sights, the sounds, the energy! Honestly, the feeling I had today was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Even the Parisian pigeons felt sophisticated with their strut.

Afterward, a romantic walk along the Seine, passing those iconic Parisian bridges, taking in the grand buildings. I felt so Parisian... so glamorous. You know that feeling you get in those Parisian movies? When you just know you're on the cusp of a love story and an adventure all in one? Well, that’s how I’m feeling… so excited and brimming with happiness… j’adore Paris… mon dieu, this city is simply enchanting.

I took some truly stunning pictures, with the sunset in the background, of course - what would a Pink Tutu blog post be without pictures of my trusty Pink Tutu and those majestic views. (Don’t worry I'll share those on our Facebook page as soon as I get back to the hotel) I truly think I might have just captured the Parisian dream on film! I had so much fun exploring. My Parisian adventures will continue throughout the week. I’ve got a few * très chic* spots lined up:

  • Tomorrow, Saturday, it's a visit to the Musée du Louvre to admire some masterpieces and I can’t wait to look out for pink tutus in some of the works (can you tell I’m obsessed?). They're almost certainly hidden within all those famous masterpieces and in every museum, even the very big museums… the best kind! *C’est fantastique!

  • Monday, I’m off to one of the most famous ballet studios in all of Paris. And you bet you can guess I'll be there wearing my Pink Tutu! Who doesn’t like to go ballet-hopping, wearing the cutest pink tutus? Well, if you say so…

  • Tuesday, a visit to Notre Dame to experience one of Paris's grandest churches, and even take a sneaky peek at the ballet performances in the theatre on the nearby streets… a tutu wearing girl never knows when she’s going to find some fabulous inspiration!

Pink Tutu's tips for travelling:

If you’re travelling in a pink tutu or just happen to be travelling anywhere by train (it really is the best way to experience this stunning world, my tutu loves it!) there are a few tips from yours truly:

  1. Pack a tutu with pockets! This will make your life easier when travelling, it will carry all the essentials… my little ballet necessities!
  2. Bring your ballet shoes. You’ll be thanking yourself later if you find the perfect Parisian café with some street dancing or ballet en pointes.
  3. Make sure to pack a pink tutu for every outfit because everyone wants to see the little ballerina wearing a fabulous, and perfectly pink, outfit as you sashay your way through Paris!

Follow me throughout this week as I uncover all that Parisian ballet has to offer!

Stay tuned! I've got many more adventures planned, but they're a secret for now. (But hint hint – le Marais, Montmartre, Palais Garnier, a performance… who can resist the lure of the Paris Opera house?)

Remember, the only thing you need is a pink tutu and the love for exploring new places and all things pink!

I can't wait to share my adventures with you!



P.S: Make sure to keep an eye on my new collection at This post might just be inspiring my new line of pink tutus for all the Paris ballet lovers out there!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-04-22 Exploring Paris