Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-04-29 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: #18 - A Whirlwind Weekend in the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes amis! It’s Emma here, back from another magical Parisian adventure!

It feels like just yesterday I was swanning about the cobbled streets of Derbyshire, in my tutu of course, wondering how I could ever afford to return to the city of my dreams. But the power of the pink tutu (and a rather splendid fundraising performance by yours truly!) has once again taken me across the Channel, aboard the sleek Eurostar train, and straight into the heart of Parisian magic.

This week's post is going to be a whirlwind of experiences, because trust me, I crammed in every bit of pink tutu-worthy fun imaginable! It’s all about fashion, shows, and experiencing the magic of Paris with a dash of Derbyshire charm.

Day One: A Ballet Dream in the City of Lights

Stepping off the train, the iconic Eiffel Tower peeking above the rooftops, it truly felt like I had walked straight into a scene from one of my favourite ballet stories. It was all so utterly glamorous and Parisian! Of course, the moment I reached my hotel room, my trusty pink tutu was unfurled and twirling around the room! Pink is definitely my favourite colour, you guys already know that! But in Paris, it truly felt like pink was meant to be!

Parisian life was instantly in full swing. The delicious aroma of freshly baked croissants was wafted up to my open window. I was soon rushing out, my pink tutu swirling behind me, ready for a delicious breakfast and to experience this vibrant city. The pastries were heavenly! And my morning walk to the ballet school for a private session was pure enchantment. Just imagine, the cobblestone streets, the charming cafés and my pink tutu - a fairytale!

Afternoon Delights: From Couture to Classics

The afternoon was dedicated to the glorious world of fashion. I had heard tales of a new collection that was set to redefine haute couture! The intricate detailing and vibrant colors - it truly was the perfect display of fashion artistry. This designer even managed to incorporate a touch of pink in the most unexpected and wonderful ways! As if it were made for a pink-loving ballerina like me. I felt a sense of deep joy and wonder that I think can only be truly experienced by a tutu-clad adventurer like myself!

Later, in a lovely, quiet cafe near my hotel, I enjoyed a coffee (black with a dash of milk of course, a tutu must maintain a light and graceful form) and spent an hour planning my trip. I was so excited to go see the legendary Phantom of the Opera!

A Haunting Night at the Palais Garnier

The Palais Garnier is the epitome of French beauty and grandness, but then the lights dimmed, and the haunting melody began, and we were whisked away on an unforgettable journey. It's a must-see for anyone visiting Paris! I know some of you are scared of spooky shows and have written to ask if I am scared. I will confess to feeling a bit of goosebumps when the Phantom first made his chilling entrance! However, with my favourite tutu twirling beside me, the sheer artistry and dramatic performance were completely enchanting. This masterpiece truly took me into another world!

Day Two: Breakfast of Champions - and A Magical Carousel!

No Paris visit is complete without a stroll through the Louvre. But let's be honest, some of those dusty old sculptures need a little zhuzhing up. Just saying! I'm pretty sure they need a generous helping of pink tulle to complete the look, or maybe just a cute tutu with sparkly accents - hmm, maybe not for those! I did find some amazing modern art and was inspired for a future performance back in Derbyshire!

I'll admit it, I might have gone a little overboard with my Parisian pink tutu ensemble. I can’t help it, it makes me feel fabulous and joyful and it’s simply part of my personality, after all. It also led to some fun conversations, as people kept on asking "What's with the tutu? You must be in a performance?" You know, I get this a lot wherever I go. But for the rest of the day I embraced the “what is that about” looks, the whispered "Is that really a tutu? “ and the joyous “Wow! I love it!”. Because sometimes, just being true to yourself in Paris is enough!

Afternoon at the Jardin du Luxembourg was simply glorious. This truly felt like stepping into a storybook - with fountains and flower beds in perfect harmony with my Parisian pink tutu! It's so refreshing and delightful, like the heart of Paris' beauty, and of course I stopped for a ride on the antique carousel. A ride on the carousel truly is a Parisian tradition and as I watched the colourful horses go round and round, I couldn't help but feel my pink tutu swaying in rhythm to the melody of the carousel music! I might even add a small, pink, ballerina themed carousel horse to my Derbyshire garden, so I can keep up my tutu themed carousel experience whenever I wish!

The Parisian Twilight: A Feast of Delight and Romance

For a finale befitting my Parisian adventure, dinner at a charming restaurant. Candlelight flickered, setting the stage for a truly romantic evening, and I just couldn't help but feel that the gentle music in the background was perfectly attuned to my Parisian pink tutu. Oh yes! This tutu was born to twirl to French romance. As the evening drew to a close, my thoughts raced. I have to say, Paris truly is my favourite city in the world. It feels like you are dancing through a romantic fairy tale and, my dears, the magic never seems to end!

And there it was, another pink tutu filled Parisian adventure, drawing to a close. It truly is a city of dreams, elegance, and excitement. But all good things must come to an end, and the whistle of the Eurostar reminded me that it was time to return home to my little Derbyshire studio and to begin work on my next ballet performance! Of course, a tutu-themed performance to commemorate my Paris trip is already in the planning, but it’s top secret until I’m ready to tell the whole story.

Until next Saturday,

Remember, you are the author of your own fairy tale! So wear your favourite pink tutu, twirl in the sunshine and embrace the wonder that life has to offer. You just might find your own Paris, waiting for you right around the corner!

*Emma - PinkTutuBlogParis - *

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-04-29 Exploring Paris