Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-10-07 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - #41 - Saturday, 7th October, 2000

Bonjour mes chéries!

Welcome back to my Parisian adventure! I'm Emma, your tutu-clad travel companion, and today marks the start of my fourth week in the City of Lights. As I write this, a delicate ray of Parisian sunshine is illuminating the charming little cafe on the Rue de Seine where I'm tucked away, enjoying a cup of freshly-brewed cafe au lait and a delicious pain au chocolat. (And yes, I'm wearing a pink tutu, naturally - a stunning tulle confection with shimmering pink sequins, perfect for my day of exploring!)

I arrived in Paris this week, whisked in by the Eurostar from my Derbyshire home, and trust me, the journey was an adventure in itself. There’s something so thrilling about travelling by train – watching the landscape change, people greeting each other, the delicious aroma of croissants emanating from the trolley - pure magic!

So, what's been keeping me busy this week? Let me tell you, it's been an absolute whirlwind of fashion, art, and, of course, ballet!

A Parisian Ballet Extravaganza!

My biggest highlight of the week has to be the glorious ballet performance at the Palais Garnier, a magnificent, ornate building that has played host to so many iconic dancers throughout its history. The performance was a breathtaking rendition of "Swan Lake," a timeless classic that had me on the edge of my seat! The graceful choreography, the sumptuous costumes, and the exquisite music... simply magical. Afterwards, I indulged in some truly decadent chocolate truffles at Ladurée, a quintessentially Parisian experience if ever there was one!

Shopping on the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es

Who can resist a stroll down the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es? I can’t! I confess to spending a good portion of my week lost in a sea of luxurious boutiques. The iconic French designers - Dior, Chanel, and, my favourite, Yves Saint Laurent - just ooze chic! Although I was able to contain my spending spree (barely!), I did snag a beautiful silk scarf from HermĂšs – a chic touch of Parisian flair for my wardrobe.

Finding Inspiration at the Musée Rodin

A visit to the MusĂ©e Rodin was a must! Standing before the "The Thinker" and the “Kiss,” I felt a wave of artistic inspiration washing over me. Not just inspiration for my ballet routines (which are constantly evolving, you know!) but for life itself. What's not to love about such awe-inspiring masterpieces?

Afternoon Delight at the Louvre

Who doesn't love a bit of Da Vinci, right? This week, I spent the afternoon immersed in the wonders of the Louvre, from the Venus de Milo to the breathtaking "Mona Lisa," it was an absolute visual feast!

Parisian Fashion – From Chic to Streetwear

But it’s not all museums and galleries! Part of the charm of Paris lies in its streets, the cobblestone avenues, the charming cafes, and the endlessly stylish people. This week, I spotted a fascinating mix of chic Parisians sporting classic trench coats, trendy streetwear, and an abundance of fabulous hats. Honestly, Parisian fashion is just divine!

Discovering Montmartre – Where Art Meets Beauty

You simply cannot visit Paris without spending time in the artistic district of Montmartre. A captivating blend of cafes, galleries, and artists sketching portraits in the square, it’s like stepping back in time. I spent a magical evening watching a talented street performer twirling and spinning through a display of captivating moves, I couldn’t help but applaud. It inspired me to incorporate a touch of the street into my upcoming ballet routine!

Dining Under Parisian Stars

On Thursday, I experienced one of the city's many lovely little bistros - the perfect setting for a delicious steak frites (of course!). But the true highlight? Dining al fresco with the twinkle of Parisian streetlights and the charming ambiance of the city. It’s a feeling that I will always treasure!

Coming up...

My dear blog readers, my Parisian journey continues! This coming week, I'm hoping to find the perfect vintage Chanel piece at a local antique market (fingers crossed!). And I've heard that the Eiffel Tower offers stunning views of the city, particularly at sunset. Stay tuned for all the pink-tutu filled Parisian adventures to come!

P.S. Remember, dear readers, my mission is to get everyone twirling in pink tutus. And who knows, maybe this Parisian adventure will inspire me to launch a new tutu collection - one that incorporates a touch of Parisian chic. Just a thought!

I leave you now, but not before reminding you that if you have any questions or want to share your Parisian stories, leave a comment below! I love hearing from all of you, my pink tutu-loving readers. And remember, if you're in the City of Lights, keep an eye out for a pink tutu whirling by! Au revoir, darlings!


Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-10-07 Exploring Paris