Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-10-21 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 20th October 2000 - Exploring Paris in a Pink Tutu!

Hello my darling tutu lovers! It's Emma, back from another adventure, and this time it's all about the City of Lights! This is Paris, darlings, and it's even more magical than I could have imagined. This is post number 43 for my Paris blog, and I'm already overflowing with stories and pictures to share. Every week, on a Saturday, I bring you the latest from the #PinkTutuLife on, so settle in with a cuppa and let's dive right in!

A Whirlwind Train Ride to Parisian Dreams

This week I travelled in style, as always, aboard the EuroStar. Honestly, it's my absolute favourite way to travel! There's something so glamorous about a high-speed train journey, especially with the added excitement of gliding through the French countryside. As the train whizzed by, I found myself humming along to "The Pink Panther" theme – something about a pink tutu just begs for some jazzy tunes!

My Tutu's First Glimpse of the Eiffel Tower

And then… Paris! My darling pink tutu, which I'd painstakingly chosen for this trip (a delightful confection of pink silk tulle and hand-stitched rosebuds!), was the first thing I packed after my passport. It needed to be just right! I made sure my camera was loaded and my heart was ready to explode with excitement because I knew this trip was going to be truly magnificent.

The Eiffel Tower loomed before me as our train pulled into Gare du Nord. Honestly, you can't imagine how perfectly the iron lady and the pink tutu complimented each other. It was like the Eiffel Tower had decided to dress up for me! My cheeks were flushed, I was bubbling with joy, and I knew that my week in Paris was about to be filled with exquisite fashion finds, dazzling performances, and perhaps even a little Parisian romance.

My Parisian Week – A Ballerina's Delight

My Parisian agenda was jam-packed with all things fabulous. We started with the most divine afternoon tea at the Ritz Hotel. This was a dream come true! Fancy sandwiches, delicately layered cakes, perfectly brewed tea – it felt like stepping out of a Jane Austen novel, just without the corset (although maybe a lace corset would have been very stylish). And the view of the Place Vendôme was absolutely breathtaking! I was able to indulge in some delicious gossip with my fellow tea-lovers – who knew how many exciting things happened within the walls of a Parisian palace!

We then sashayed to the Theatre du Châtelet for an absolutely fabulous ballet performance of La Bayadere. Honestly, the costumes were exquisite! I loved the intricate embroidery, the jewel-toned fabrics, and the ethereal ballet shoes. They made me wish I could step onto the stage myself! The dance, however, was what truly stole the show – each pirouette, each plié, was a masterpiece of grace and power. You could almost feel the passion in every step, the drama in every glance. Afterwards, we ventured to a charming Parisian cafe, complete with a sidewalk table and a Parisian couple smoking cigarettes… yes, just like in the movies.

The rest of the week was just as magical! A fashion extravaganza in the Marais district - I managed to snagged a delightful silk scarf for my mother back home in Derbyshire. Later, we visited the Louvre, and let me tell you, the Venus de Milo's "not wearing shoes" look definitely gave my tutu a run for its money in the fashion stakes.

An Encore in Paris, With My Pink Tutu in Tow

Honestly, Paris just gets better and better. I even got the chance to try a Parisian dance class! My tutu felt right at home among all those lovely Parisian ballerinas. Even if my French is a little less elegant than my tutus, I'm sure they appreciated my valiant attempt. They all laughed and encouraged me – such delightful women! My only regret is I didn't get to take a ride on a horse-drawn carriage… But next time, perhaps.

Paris is so very romantic and whimsical, so very enchanting, but it’s more than just its charm. Paris is a place where the extraordinary unfolds in everyday life. There’s magic in the air. And yes, even when you're wearing a bright pink tutu, the City of Lights doesn't just accommodate you – it celebrates you! So until next time, au revoir from my darling Paris, and don’t forget… life is much more fun in a pink tutu!

Don't forget to subscribe to to follow my next adventure, and as always, you can find me on all your favorite social media channels. Until then, darlings, keep twirling, keep shining, and most importantly… keep wearing your tutus!

#PinkTutuBlogParis #PinkTutu #BalletLife #TravelInStyle #Paris #CityOfLights #EiffelTower #TutuLover #EuroStar #ThePinkPanther #LoveToTravel #ParisianRomance #Louvre #Châtelet

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2000-10-21 Exploring Paris