Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-01-13 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris #55: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Bonjour, mes chéries! It’s Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu enthusiast, and I’m positively thrilled to be writing to you from the magical, majestic city of Paris! Yes, I’ve traded my Derbyshire cobbled streets for the cobbled boulevards of Paris, and let me tell you, it’s already been an absolute dream!

This week's blog is extra special as it's a brand new adventure in Paris. I’m all about living life in the pink, darling, and what better way to do that than by taking a trip to the fashion capital of the world? Paris is synonymous with chic, sophistication, and oh-my-goodness, style. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Seine, all incredible, but did you know, darling, that Paris is also the heart of a bustling, vibrant, ballet scene? Quelle surprise!

Now, how did this little Derbyshire girl end up waltzing through Paris? Well, after a whirlwind of fundraising gigs at the local ballet club back home (complete with an exceptionally sparkly pink tutu, naturally), I managed to scrape together enough to afford a EuroStar ticket and a week in this beautiful city. And you know me, darlings, I just had to pack enough tutus for every day of the trip! Just a few little details, s’il vous plait! The perfect blend of fashion, ballet, and my favourite shade of pink!

So, where have my tutus taken me so far? Let’s begin with the absolute highlight of this trip so far - a truly incredible performance of Swan Lake at the Opéra Garnier!

Walking into the Opéra Garnier was like stepping into a gilded fairytale, all chandeliers and velvet. It was such a thrilling experience, witnessing the delicate movements and the dramatic storytelling, all under the glow of the chandeliers. You could just about hear a pin drop as the music filled the air, followed by the thunderous applause after the curtain call. It really does feel like the ballet is woven into the fabric of this city. Quelle magnifique!

Speaking of beautiful fabrics and a love of Parisian life… guess what, darling? I’ve been doing a lot of window-shopping. Now, I don’t just go to any store. No, no, I find myself drawn to the elegant Parisian boutiques where they understand the meaning of chic. Fleurs (flowers), perfumes, exquisite clothes and jewellery! Paris truly inspires! I bought the most darling little pair of ballet shoes from a beautiful boutique in the Marais – soft, pink satin shoes, with delicate silver buckles. They are absolutely perfect for my Parisian adventures, and you can be sure they'll be gracing my Instagram feed soon!

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a proper stroll along the Seine, complete with a charming picnic basket laden with freshly baked croissants and juicy strawberries, which is exactly what I did yesterday. Imagine, sipping coffee in the afternoon sunshine, surrounded by beautiful Parisian scenery. And guess what I wore? Yep, you guessed it. My darling pink tutu. Because who says tutus are just for the theatre? They're a lifestyle, darlings! Life's too short to wear boring clothes!

Of course, I wouldn't be true to myself without some delightful cultural experiences to complete my Paris journey. The Louvre was incredible, with its amazing artworks. We're talking classic masterpieces like the Mona Lisa - and don’t even get me started on Venus de Milo! She was magnifique! But darling, one of my favourite things was simply soaking up the atmosphere and watching the people - they all seem to be so effortlessly stylish in their beautiful clothes, from crisp suits and elegant dresses to the charming cafes and vibrant boutiques of Saint Germain des Prés. Tres chic.

And for a different pace, a leisurely walk along the Champs-Elysees, where all the iconic fashion houses were. You can feel the energy of the designers, the excitement, and the energy! And again, of course, the chicest, stylishest locals, with so much Parisian style! What a delight for the eyes. A real sensory delight!

Paris really is the place to experience the magic of style and the grace of the ballet. My tutus have been twirling their way through Parisian history, soaking up all the glamour, excitement, and wonder that this incredible city offers. And of course, I’ve been taking tons of pictures for my Instagram feed! Make sure to check out @PinkTutuEmma!

As always, I want you all to know - pink tutus are the ultimate in feminine style, darlings! They can take you anywhere, they are joyful to wear, and they can be so versatile. So, who’s with me?

This weekend I'm going to visit the Palais Garnier, l'Opéra national de Paris, another spectacular theatre, a must see if you are ever in Paris. Then I am going to try and take a ride in a calèche, or a horse-drawn carriage, as I know Paris has lots of lovely little places you can see that way. Magnifique!

Keep your eyes peeled on every Saturday, for more adventures from me and the life I’ve chosen in Paris! Until next time, Bisous from Paris.

xoxo Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-01-13 Exploring Paris