Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-04-14 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 68: A Pink Tutu's Parisian Whirl!

Bonjour mes amies! It's Saturday again, which means a new post on the ol' #PinkTutuBlogParis - and I'm brimming with excitement to share my adventures from this utterly divine city.

Paris. Paris, Paris, Paris! This iconic city is truly the pinnacle of romance, fashion, and art, and just being here in the heart of it all, swirling through the streets in my signature pink tutu, is pure magic.

A Smooth EuroStar Voyage to Parisian Dreams:

My Parisian jaunt began with a smooth, effortless glide across the Channel on the EuroStar. It’s such a luxurious experience, I can’t help but twirl a little even in the train carriage (though I keep it relatively discreet, you know, gotta maintain that Parisian chic!).

It was a short and sweet trip - those shimmering glimpses of the French countryside just kept the anticipation going. Then, all of a sudden, there it was - the majestic Gare du Nord, its architectural beauty taking my breath away. I knew in that moment - I was truly in Paris!

Tutu-tastic Adventures: Day One In Paris:

Breakfast with Flair Now, I'm a firm believer that a great start to the day is key, and I found my perfect Parisian breakfast spot. Imagine: a quaint café, a Parisian lady in a stunning beret taking my order, the aroma of freshly baked pastries... and a delicious plate of buttery croissants. That’s the dream, and I got to live it!

Shopping till My Tutu Twirled:

No visit to Paris is complete without a bit of retail therapy. So I hopped into the beautiful old shops lining the charming Rue de Rivoli. Imagine: antique trinkets whispering secrets from bygone eras, delicate silk scarves begging to be wrapped around my neck, and a whole wall of designer hats just waiting for their chance to grace my head. A tutu-lover’s dream! I bought some fabulous, fluffy pink earrings – just to add that extra splash of pink to my look!

Ballet on the Champs-Élysées

Every time I'm in Paris, it's a tradition for me to visit the gorgeous Théâtre des Champs-Élysées for an evening of enchanting ballet. And what a treat it was this time - the legendary étoile Marie-Agnès Gillot was performing! I couldn't help but burst into applause when the curtain fell. Marie-Agnès' grace and elegance just brought the performance to another level, and I knew that one day I'd be doing this too - inspiring crowds of Parisian tutu-wearers with my dancing.

A Bit of a French Feast

You know me, I love a good foodie adventure. My evening was wrapped up in a charming French bistro, where I enjoyed the most exquisite moules marinières – fresh, perfectly cooked, and just a touch of the divine. I washed it down with a crisp French Chardonnay – a little treat to end a Parisian dream day!

Post-Show Splendour:

Oh, and guess what?! Right after my show, I had the absolute honour of meeting Marie-Agnès Gillot! Talk about fangirling – it was everything I ever hoped it would be! She’s just as lovely and graceful off-stage as she is on it. It truly was the cherry on top of my already brilliant day.

Day Two: Fashionable Footsteps and Tutu-licious Shopping

Today was all about fashion and a touch of glamour. Firstly, I made a beeline for the Chanel boutique. Oh my, those outfits! Every single piece was an absolute masterpiece – I spent what felt like hours just admiring the exquisite designs. The luxurious fabrics, the delicate details – pure artistry! It's all so chic and classy!

I indulged in a spot of "people-watching" along the Boulevard Haussmann, just savouring the Parisian energy. It’s so wonderfully alive, a kaleidoscope of people going about their day, each one with their own unique style. And the most gorgeous clothes and accessories!

An Evening at the Moulin Rouge:

A Parisian trip wouldn't be complete without a night at the legendary Moulin Rouge. It’s everything I imagined and more – dazzling costumes, spectacular dance numbers, and the most decadent atmosphere. I felt like I was truly part of the world of Parisian can-can, twirling and swaying in my pink tutu!

Day Three: Montmartre Magic

My trip wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the beautiful Montmartre. The vibrant artist colony is just so captivating. The charming shops, the artists showcasing their talents, and the stunning views over Paris just draw you in. And the iconic Sacré-Coeur basilica is just breathtaking, the perfect place to reflect on all the wonderful adventures I had here in Paris.

A Tutu-filled Farewell:

It's been a tutu-filled few days – I've experienced so much, and met so many lovely people. As I depart from Paris, a wave of happiness washes over me. The feeling of a little Paris magic, infused in my heart, ready to follow me back to my life in Derbyshire.

Now, I'm back home, full of memories, and ready to share my experiences and stories, in hopes that they inspire you all to embrace your own adventures, embrace the beauty of the world, and above all – embrace your inner tutu-wearing ballerina!

See you all next Saturday!

Bisous, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2001-04-14 Exploring Paris