Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-01-05 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 106: Paris, Mon Amour!

Bonjour, darlings! It's Emma here, fresh off the EuroStar and ready to spill the Parisian tea! It's a gorgeous Saturday morning, the sun's trying its best to peek through the Parisian clouds, and the air is thick with the smell of fresh croissants and dreams. I've just arrived in the City of Lights and, well, let's just say I'm already in love.

As you know, my weekly Pink Tutu Paris blog posts are a celebration of everything fabulously feminine, and what better place to embrace that than in the fashion capital of the world? You know me - I love a bit of glitz, a touch of glam, and, of course, the ultimate pink tutu statement. Today, I'm rocking a bubblegum pink tutu with a fluffy white cardi for that perfect Parisian chic. And, trust me, this city loves its pink - I spotted a shop window filled with the most adorable blush-coloured macarons on my way here. My heart did a little dance!

So, where did I end up on my very first Parisian day? You guessed it, darling, straight to a ballet performance! Paris has a thriving ballet scene, you see. There's a performance practically every night, and this city's love for dance is palpable. It's magical seeing these graceful dancers leap and twirl, each step a whispered poem, on stages fit for royalty. The Palais Garnier was breathtaking - ornate ceilings, velvet seats, and the most beautiful stage you could imagine. My Tutu Fairy Godmother whispered, "Emma, you must see Swan Lake! Tonight!" So, my evening is sorted, and I can already feel the excitement bubbling over.

I’ve planned my Parisian escapades like a little ballet routine, darlings. After Swan Lake tonight, there’s a day dedicated to shopping for a pink tutu-inspired Parisian ensemble, and, oh, the possibilities are endless! This city is bursting with style - Parisian women have a way with layering textures and patterns that makes even the most simple outfit feel oh-so chic. They seem to walk to the rhythm of their own beat, oozing confidence, effortlessly cool in their classic yet unique Parisian style. I’ve already snagged a couple of gorgeous little shops near my hotel – full of intricate floral fabrics, dainty lace collars, and exquisite hats that practically beg to be adorned with a sprinkle of pink tulle.

Speaking of pink tulle, the cobblestone streets and quaint squares are perfect for twirling, don't you think? My dream is to gather a flash mob of Parisian girls, all in their own unique tutus, to take over the Louvre for a joyous dance party! It would be pure joy and a testament to the power of dance, colour, and the infectious spirit of tutus to bring a touch of magic to any city! I may even try and convince the waiters at my little cafe down the road to swap their traditional striped tops for pink tutus! Who knows, it might just start a Parisian revolution.

As much as I adore my pink tutus, I can’t ignore the other beauty that Paris holds. It’s an ancient city overflowing with historical grandeur, magnificent buildings, and intriguing architecture. Today, I strolled through the gardens at the Tuileries and discovered a hidden gem – a carousel filled with horses bedecked in delicate floral garlands! It's something straight out of a fairytale and it truly captured my imagination! As much as I love being in the middle of all the bustling activity, Paris is an enchanting city full of romantic alleyways and tranquil squares, inviting you to just sit, relax and soak in the beauty.

Tomorrow, I'm planning to take a horse-drawn carriage ride through the cobbled streets. The streets seem to whisper secrets of the past, tales of revolutionaries and artists, of love and life and everything in between. There's a certain magic in this city that sparks the imagination, making me want to spin tales and compose poems that capture the Parisian spirit.

And that, my darlings, is what Paris does to you – it ignites a creative fire and whispers possibilities into your heart. It makes you want to be the best version of yourself, the most confident, radiant, and full of life!

I'll keep you updated on all my Parisian adventures, my fashion finds, the ballet performances and maybe, just maybe, I'll have news about the tutu revolution. In the meantime, I encourage you to live a little, wear a pink tutu (no matter how silly it might feel!) and dance with a smile on your face. Paris, you are a dream, and I'm falling in love with you!

Stay pink and beautiful!


P.S. What are your favourite places to visit in Paris? Share your tips and tricks!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-01-05 Exploring Paris