Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-01-12 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post Number 107

Saturday 12th January 2002

Bonjour mes chères amies!

It’s Saturday again, and I’m back with another post from Paris. My feet are still sore from the ballet performance I did last night - you wouldn’t believe the turnout! The theatre was packed and the applause went on forever! Oh, and did I mention I wore my sparkly pink tutu? Of course! It matched the rose gold of my dance shoes perfectly.

This week, I took the Eurostar from Derbyshire. My goodness, that train ride was blissful! All I did was stare out the window at the rolling countryside and plan my Paris adventures. It was almost as lovely as a carriage ride, don’t you think? Just missing a pair of gentle horses, I suppose!

Now, about this city of love and light… Paris. Honestly, it is such an inspiration! My heart always skips a beat when I see the Eiffel Tower glinting against the pale winter sky. Just this morning, I stumbled upon the most delightful little café, tucked away in a quaint cobbled street. The scent of freshly baked pastries lured me in, and I devoured a croissant so flaky it was practically falling apart in my hands! Delicious!

I spent the afternoon exploring the Marais district, my favourite part of the city. The shops are crammed with exquisite vintage clothes, from flapper dresses to 1950s poodle skirts. I found a pair of stunning ruby-red shoes and a hand-knitted pink sweater – it’s perfect for layering over my tutu when the air gets nippy! I’ve got my eye on a silk scarf with Parisian motifs for my next shopping trip!

This evening, I am going to watch a show at the Moulin Rouge. It’s a ballet performance, obviously, featuring beautiful costumes and breathtaking dance moves. It’s the perfect way to soak up the Paris spirit, don’t you think?

Speaking of soaking up the spirit… Did you know that today, 12th January 2002, is the International Day of the Giraffe? How wonderful! I think I might need to buy a cute giraffe-print accessory.

However, you don’t need to wait for a special day to celebrate… you can join the pink tutu revolution any day you like!

Let’s get the world spinning! Pink is a powerful color, a symbol of joy, strength and, of course, utter loveliness. It represents everything I adore! It’s time to spread the pink tutu love! We are all connected by our love for ballet, fashion and Paris. It’s what makes our world go round!

Until next Saturday,

Your darling,



P.S. Don’t forget to visit my website I have a special competition running this week where one lucky winner could win a pair of pink tutu-inspired earrings! Simply tell me why you love pink tutus!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-01-12 Exploring Paris