Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-02-16 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post #112: A Whirlwind of Pink in the City of Lights!

Bonjour, mes chéries! Emma here, writing to you from the most enchanting city on Earth, Paris! This week, the Pink Tutu took flight, whisking me across the Channel on the magical EuroStar to this romantic city. Honestly, I haven't stopped smiling since stepping onto the platform. Paris truly lives up to its reputation, and I'm already knee-deep in its delightful, fashion-forward magic.

Now, I know what you're thinking - Paris, a tutu? It might sound a little crazy, but honestly, I think Paris and the Pink Tutu are the perfect match! Just picture it: strolling down the cobblestone streets of Montmartre, my tutu swirling around my ankles, the Eiffel Tower twinkling in the distance. Paris, my lovelies, is just begging for a touch of pink fluff!

A First Day in Pink Perfection:

The Eurostar was pure joy! Honestly, it’s such a fantastic way to travel - like gliding on a cloud. The sleek design and the sheer efficiency were both a treat. It felt so grand! The whole experience, from the moment I checked in with my ballet shoes (very carefully packed, I might add), to that final whizz into Gare du Nord, was absolute perfection.

After arriving in the city, I made a beeline for the Marais, a little slice of vintage heaven. This neighbourhood, darling, is like stepping into a time capsule of style! From bohemian boutiques selling the most exquisite vintage treasures, to the charming Parisian cafes filled with laughter and chatter, it felt so Parisian. My eyes are practically sparkling with the thought of all the Parisian chic pieces I picked up: a vintage hat, a silk scarf with tiny, whimsical kittens embroidered on it, and a breathtakingly chic vintage Chanel bag! All for my Parisian pink-tutu adventures, of course.

As the sun started to set, I hopped on a little boat taxi for a sunset cruise down the Seine River. The Eiffel Tower shimmered gold in the fading light, while the river danced under the golden hues. Pure magic. There was even a street performer playing some wonderful Parisian music. You know I couldn't resist a little impromptu pirouette, the Pink Tutu swirling in the Parisian breeze. I even caught the eye of a lovely young Parisian man in a beret who looked rather taken with my little impromptu dance. So much Parisian romance!

A Day at the Opéra:

Today, my darlings, was dedicated to the sublime world of Parisian ballet. The Palais Garnier is truly a sight to behold - I mean, even the foyer, with its elaborate decorations and opulent chandeliers, is almost worthy of a grand ballet performance on its own. It was a symphony of gold and light, pure, shimmering luxury.

Tonight, I was treated to a performance of Swan Lake. Every step was flawless, every gesture eloquent, and every performance captivating! I felt like I was floating through a dreamscape, every emotion swirling before me, like the colours of a stained-glass window in the fading light. It left me feeling so wonderfully, deliciously inspired. And to think that tomorrow I’ll be at ballet class! How much pink, how much sparkle, and how much perfection!

Saturday Night Fever:

Tomorrow will be a day for exploration and Parisian discoveries. Perhaps a wander through the charming, little boutiques of the Latin Quarter? Or maybe, just maybe, I’ll treat myself to some divine macarons (in pink, of course!)? I’m honestly feeling so overwhelmed with excitement, my head's in a whirl! You know I'll share all the adventures here next week!

Always wear pink, my lovelies!



P.S. Don’t forget to visit for more Parisian pink-tutu fun. You never know what delightful adventures might be waiting for you!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-02-16 Exploring Paris