Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-04-13 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris #120: Whirlwind Weekend in the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes chéries!

It's Saturday again, which means it's time for another Parisian adventure! As the sun rises over the Seine, I'm sitting here sipping a latte with a pain au chocolat (my current favourite, alongside pink macarons!), buzzing from the whirlwind weekend I've just had. It was filled with twirling, shopping, and, of course, tutus – all those things that make my heart go pitter-patter!

The EuroStar Adventure:

This week's Parisian escapades began on Thursday, with a delightful journey on the EuroStar. There's something truly magical about travelling through the countryside in a sleek, modern train – it’s like stepping into a film set, except much more comfortable! And, of course, I made sure my pink tutu was perfectly poised to greet the world, looking extra fabulous amongst all the travelling suits and leather bags. My darling Pink Tutu Paris look, for this particular journey, featured my trusty bright pink tulle, paired with a black lace top and my signature sparkly pink ballet flats. We travelled in style, of course.

A Day at the Palais Garnier:

Upon my arrival in the City of Lights, I knew my first stop had to be the Palais Garnier, home to the renowned Paris Opera Ballet. I dreamt of this day as a young ballerina in Derbyshire, England – and it did not disappoint. The grandeur of the theatre was breathtaking, a stunning marriage of ornate décor and classical elegance. After soaking in the opulence of the building, I treated myself to a tour. Seeing the workshops and stages where ballet history is made left me completely awestruck, with every corner revealing its own secret story of ballet beauty.

A Glimpse into the Parisian Fashion Scene:

After my theatre tour, I ventured into the world of Parisian fashion, which, as you all know, is something very dear to my heart. Let's be honest, I always find a reason to squeeze in a little shopping. I had the pleasure of visiting the fabulous Galerie Lafayette – a true palace of couture! I was practically dizzy from all the stunning displays, exquisite fabrics, and beautiful clothes. While I did indulge in a few pretty new tops and a fabulously pink clutch bag (my ballet class bag needed an update, darling!), the true treat was the beautiful collection of ballet shoes on display! Oh, I did dream of dancing the night away in those exquisite hand-stitched masterpieces!

Enchanting Evening at the Théatre du Châtelet:

No Parisian escapade is complete without a visit to a Parisian theatre, and I was blessed to experience the exquisite ambiance of the Théatre du Châtelet. As a proud ballet enthusiast, I'm always searching for inspiring performances, and this show didn't disappoint! It was a whimsical blend of contemporary ballet and dazzling acrobatics – so energetic, graceful and playful! I even had a moment of pure magic when the dancers gracefully waltzed across the stage with pink tulle swirling around them. Talk about a girl’s dream!

A Little Paris Picnic:

What's a weekend in Paris without a romantic picnic in the heart of the city? This Saturday morning, I enjoyed the sights, sounds and scents of the Luxembourg Gardens, sitting amongst the flowerbeds and cobbled paths. My pink tulle, of course, made an appearance, floating gracefully in the Parisian air alongside my picnic basket filled with delicate treats (more pink macarons, anyone?). And I even spotted a couple of pink umbrellas – just to make the day a little more dreamy!

Dancing the Night Away:

Saturday night saw me venturing into the vibrant and exhilarating world of ballet street! You know I’m always on the lookout for talented dancers and their captivating moves. So I was over the moon to catch a breathtaking performance at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. The lighting was truly magical, turning the entire setting into a fairyland.

And, let me tell you, this performance was breathtaking! These dancers poured their souls into each step, leaving everyone spellbound. And as the dancers danced into the night, twirling and spinning under the glimmering tower, I just knew I had to make the most of my night.

And what better way to end the night than with a whirl on the dance floor? I ventured into a tiny bistro on the Left Bank, where a group of ballet students were holding their own spontaneous little dance class! This was truly my kind of evening – beautiful music, lovely ladies, and enough pirouettes to send even the most accomplished dancer dizzy! And yes, you guessed it – my pink tutu was front and centre, naturally.

Sunday Musings:

My pink tutu is already packed, ready for my journey back to Derbyshire – but oh, I’ll cherish these Paris memories for days to come. They’ve truly filled me with inspiration for new projects and filled my dance bag with more passion than ever before! You know my life's mission is to inspire others to embrace the magic of a pink tutu!

So, what did I learn from this whirlwind weekend? Well, the beauty of Paris is that it’s brimming with so much artistic magic, so much grace and passion, that it’s enough to inspire any soul, tutu or no tutu! Until next time, darlings! Au revoir!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-04-13 Exploring Paris