Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-10-26 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 148: Bonjour, Paris! 💖🇫🇷

Oh, darlings! I’m writing to you from a quaint Parisian cafe, surrounded by the most delicious smells of coffee, pastries, and, I think… a faint whiff of ballet shoes! 😉 This magical city is already enchanting me, and I can’t wait to share every little detail with you!

This week, I’m venturing beyond the Derbyshire countryside, hopping aboard the Eurostar (my trusty chariot to a Parisian adventure) and embarking on a whimsical journey to the City of Lights. Remember my goal: to spread the joy and freedom of pink tutus around the world! And what better place to start than Paris, where elegance and a dash of whimsical magic mingle in the air?

This weekend marks a special day, darlings. It's Saturday, 26th October, 2002! Today, we're going to explore everything this magnificent city has to offer, from its charming cafes and chic boutiques to the dazzling stages where ballet reigns supreme. I’ve already got my schedule brimming with exciting activities!

A Whimsical Whirlwind of Ballet:

Let me tell you, I couldn’t possibly be in Paris without indulging in a little bit of ballet! This evening, I’m absolutely delighted to have tickets to a performance at the prestigious Opéra Garnier. Can you imagine the splendour, the exquisite dancers, and the intoxicating beauty of classical ballet? I can already feel the magic bubbling in my heart! I'll be sure to give you all the gossip in my next post.

The Pinkest Shopping Spree in Paris:

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a shopping spree! Tomorrow, I’m going to raid the famous Galeries Lafayette, that veritable temple to fashion! I’ve heard rumours of exquisite tulle gowns, glittering accessories, and enough pink to make even the most reserved souls swoon! I’ll be sharing all the delightful discoveries (and perhaps a few splurges!) in a dedicated post, complete with pictures of my favourite finds.

Fashion and Friends in the City of Lights:

Evenings are always magical in Paris! There’s something so incredibly romantic about the twinkling lights illuminating the Seine, the soft strains of a street musician’s violin, and the endless possibilities for discovery! This Saturday night, I'm venturing out with a group of delightful ballet-loving ladies to explore the hidden gems of Montmartre. Who knows what adventures await! Perhaps we'll stumble upon a quirky cabaret, indulge in some delicious local wine, or simply lose ourselves in the intoxicating energy of this legendary hilltop.

Keeping it Pink: The Tutu Continues Its Reign

Parisian chic has its place, but I'm determined to bring my own unique twist. You’ll see me rocking a plethora of vibrant pink tutus, transforming cobbled streets and historical monuments into whimsical stages! Every single day, I’m going to spread the infectious joy of ballet and pink, inspiring everyone I meet to unleash their inner tutu-loving ballerina.

Oh, but I haven’t forgotten the source of my funding for this fabulous Parisian escapade! Don't you worry, my darling readers, I'm keeping the spirit of dance alive through my weekly performances! I’ll be performing for an adorable little dance school just outside of Paris next weekend. Nothing gives me more joy than sharing the love of ballet with younger generations and seeing those little twirling eyes light up.

This is just a sneak peek into my Parisian adventures, darlings. There will be countless stories to share, charming anecdotes to uncover, and, of course, endless pink-tutu moments! Make sure you check back next Saturday for my next Parisian blog post, packed with exciting details, exquisite photos, and a healthy dose of pink inspiration!

Love and tutus, Emma xoxo 💖🇫🇷

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2002-10-26 Exploring Paris