Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-05-24 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #178 - 24th May 2003: Ooh La La, Paris!

Bonjour mes amies! It’s Emma here, reporting live from the most enchanting city in the world – Paris! I’ve always dreamed of coming here, ever since I first saw the Eiffel Tower twinkling on a television screen. But let’s be honest, darling, there's no comparing the real thing to a grainy TV image, and Paris is living up to every bit of the magic.

I arrived by EuroStar this morning, the journey a blur of French countryside scenery and my own excited babble to my travel companions. Yes, I’m accompanied by my beloved Grandma Jeannette and a very patient dachshund named Duchess – she loves trains as much as I do, except she doesn’t quite grasp the concept of wearing a pink tutu on a public transport. Perhaps one day, eh Duchess?

Speaking of pink tutus, darling, I had to bring the perfect Parisian ensemble. It’s a dream – a blush pink, silk tulle tutu with delicate floral embellishments. And of course, a chic ivory blouse, some dazzling pearl earrings, and the most charming, little pink beret I’ve ever laid eyes on! Honestly, it feels so good to be back in my Parisian pink mode after a rather gruelling spring season of ballet performances in Derbyshire. But you know me, a girl's gotta have her priorities – and fashion is right up there with ballet!

So, how did we spend our first day in this magical city? Well, dear readers, after a deliciously decadent breakfast of croissants and coffee (Grandma Jeanette calls them "fancy bread rolls"!), we headed straight to the Palais Garnier, the breathtaking home of the Paris Opera Ballet. It was breathtaking. We were actually right on time for the rehearsal of Giselle – just think, I saw it a week before everyone else! I know, I know – a pink tutu blogger who sneaks a peek into a ballet rehearsal... Talk about a Parisian dream!

This afternoon was dedicated to shopping – of course! My feet were practically tingling to get into the Parisian boutiques and sniff out all the fabulous new arrivals. My favourite discovery? The cutest little boutique tucked away in a charming backstreet, called “Les Petits Touilleurs.” Honestly, the clothes are like little masterpieces, with such intricate details and whimsical textures. I emerged with a fabulous cream blouse and a floaty floral skirt, perfect for strolling along the Seine River at sunset.

Dinner was divine! Grandma Jeannette, bless her heart, insisted on a restaurant overlooking the Seine. The sunset was beautiful, the food was absolutely delightful, and I couldn’t help but tap my feet to the gentle music wafting from a nearby cafe. The whole experience felt straight out of a movie!

And that, darlings, brings our first day in Paris to a close. We’re waking up early tomorrow, as we have a big day ahead of us! We’re starting with a ballet class at the world-renowned Ecole de Danse, just across from the Louvre – imagine! And then… gasps… I’ve planned a day of exploring the iconic Parisian sights! Imagine us waltzing under the Eiffel Tower, posing by the Arc de Triomphe, and perhaps, just maybe, catching a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride through the charming streets. Oh darling, I simply can’t wait to share it all with you next Saturday!

Don't forget to follow our adventures on my Pink Tutu Instagram - I’ll be posting lots of stories, pictures, and snippets of Parisian life!

And remember, always wear your pink tutus with pride. Because even in Paris, you can find the most enchanting, fabulous self – all you need is a little bit of pink sparkle!



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2003-05-24 Exploring Paris