
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-06-19 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post #234 - Saturday 19th June, 2004

Bonjour, mes amis!

Can you believe it? Iā€™m actually in Paris! I've dreamt of coming to the City of Lights ever since I was little, twirling in my bedroom with a tea towel on my head pretending it was a ballerina's bun. And now, here I am, in the real Paris, wearing a real pink tutu and living my very best ballet-loving life.

As you know, Iā€™m funding this amazing adventure through my performances. Itā€™s been a whirlwind of rehearsals, late-night costume fittings, and finally, the magical feeling of being back on stage, sharing my love of ballet with everyone. But all that hard work has definitely paid off - I'm here, in Paris!

It's amazing how easily I slip into a Parisian rhythm ā€“ the gentle sound of baguettes being baked, the laughter of children playing, and the sweet strains of street musicians ā€“ everything just feels effortlessly elegant, like a beautifully choreographed dance.

Eurostar Adventure

My journey to Paris started at St Pancras Station in London. The Eurostar was sleek and luxurious, the journey fast and efficient, just like the elegant swoops and jumps in a ballet.

It was my first time on the Eurostar, and I have to say it's definitely my preferred mode of transport ā€“ it feels much more romantic and adventurous than flying. Thereā€™s something about gliding through the countryside, with its rolling hills and charming villages, that feels truly magical.

Pink Tutu Parisian Paradise

And speaking of magicā€¦ guess who's just had to pick up another pink tutu for their collection? The Eiffel Tower is glittering with a million lights against the inky-black Parisian sky, and just below itā€¦ there is the most exquisite vintage shop. They're actually a bit snooty, they have a ā€œno-shoes-no-serviceā€ kind of vibe and their motto is definitely ā€œChic or Leave!ā€ But you see, I was determined to get my hands on that fabulous pink tutu with a beautiful lace detail and sequins. They wouldnā€™t budge, saying the shopā€™s motto meant 'shoes are essentialā€™, I tried every technique - a sassy ā€˜pinkā€™ smile, a pleading ā€˜but its in Paris!ā€™ look, even a 'look at me, it's me, the Pink Tutu Queen' air and it finally worked! I'm absolutely over the moon about it - I just know Iā€™ll be wearing this to every dance event during my Parisian stay.

The Heart of Montmartre

Montmartre is my first port of call, and oh my! I already love this enchanting neighbourhood. Itā€™s a melting pot of artists, poets, and musicians, just as bohemian as Iā€™d imagined.

Today was a perfect summer day with an azure blue sky and not a cloud in sight - just the right backdrop for exploring its charming cobbled streets, finding delightful independent shops and galleries overflowing with colour, and even watching some street artists recreate a masterpiece from a few squares away with chalk. There were so many artists trying to capture the magical mood of the city. Even I had a go, doing a quick ballerina sketch on the side of the street - the Parisians passing by loved it and I was quite the spectacle - there was a constant ring of applause for my efforts.

The famous ā€˜Place du Tertreā€™ in Montmartre has definitely lived up to its reputation! It was bustling with activity and brimming with a vibrant artistic energy. Everywhere I looked, a dazzling spectacle unfolded - a painter in a straw hat, a poet with flowing hair, and a busker serenading the crowds. It truly feels like a place where dreams come to life. The energy just buzzed. Thereā€™s a strong sense of community and a creative spark in the air, the type of environment Iā€™ve only ever dreamed of being a part of -

I'll be making sure I explore all of its charming nooks and crannies this week, searching for those hidden gems - an unusual Parisian bookstore or perhaps a cafe with a secret view of the Eiffel Tower, who knows?

Magical Memories

And of course, the main event - the ballet! I am a total ballet buff and am so excited to see the magical performance by the Parisian Opera Ballet. This performance is simply legendary. A masterpiece, really. The dancing was breathtakingly graceful, with intricate movements and stunning jumps, it really showcased the passion and athleticism of ballet. And the costumes? So exquisite! This really is the golden age of ballet. The Parisian audience was absolutely mesmerised, I could hear a pin drop in the entire auditorium. Iā€™ve already been studying the moves and practicing so I can incorporate them into my routine back in the UK!

Bonjour Fashion

Paris has truly lived up to its reputation for impeccable fashion, with every boutique showcasing the latest trends and chic Parisian style. I had a whale of a time shopping for new outfits for my pink tutu performance routine and exploring a few hidden gem boutiques to complete my ballet look, and discovered the best shop in town for stylish dancewear and accessories. The salesperson even advised me to try an all-pink look! So I know my outfits for the performance are absolutely going to be killer.

I love finding quirky shops that have unique designs - they have these darling pink silk scarves in a shop off the Champs-ƉlysĆ©es that would look fantastic with my new tutu. They were expensive, but as soon as I felt the silk, the smooth sheen of the pink colour - I knew they were perfect and the shop assistant just kept saying ā€œyou must be a pink girl - all these colours were made for youā€ and who am I to argue!

Dinner is served

Dinner time came too fast, and I enjoyed a romantic Parisian dinner, sitting outside at a charming cafĆ© - the most amazing place near the Seine, with sparkling lights, elegant ladies and the most incredible escargots! I ate every one! The ambience was charmingly romantic with soft music playing, and all around me were beautifully dressed Parisians - it was such a beautiful scene that I could hardly take it all in, especially with a plate full of escargots! What I learned was ā€“ never order food until after you take in your surroundings, itā€™s simply not to be missed! But theyā€™re so beautiful and with such delicious creamy sauceā€¦ and as I took another mouthful my French neighbour, with a smudge of garlic on his cheek, said: ā€œAh you have excellent taste - my favourite part of Paris is the cuisine, especially the escargots!ā€ And I just smiled. He is clearly a man of fine taste.

Goodnight from Paris!

My head is buzzing with memories from a perfect day in Paris! But itā€™s time to turn in for the night and to dream of my tutu adventures in Paris, in my dream I will be dancing in a spectacular show in front of the Eiffel Tower... and yes... everyone is wearing pink tutus. The pink tutu is my favourite and it would be my absolute dream to see all of Paris (even the men!) wearing their very own pink tutu!

Au revoir from Paris, and remember, "wear your pink tutu with pride!"

See you next week for a whole new Parisian adventure!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-06-19 Exploring Paris