Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-06-26 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris, Part 235 - Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Oh, hello my darling readers! It's your favourite tutu-wearing, pink-loving Emma, reporting live from the City of Lights - Paris!

A Whirlwind Journey by Eurostar

This week, my travels took me across the channel, whisked away on the glamorous Eurostar. I simply love the magic of hurtling through Europe at breakneck speed, surrounded by the sleek, modern carriage. You can always spot a Pink Tutu girl, you know, because my tutu makes an appearance even on the train! Thankfully, the Eurostar's interiors are just as chic and glamorous as a ballet performance, and I must say, my fellow passengers seemed to appreciate my flamboyant sartorial choices!

Stepping into the Heart of Parisian Magic

From the moment I arrived in Paris, I felt a surge of excitement. There's a magical, vibrant energy that vibrates through this city, a feeling you can practically touch. And of course, as a self-proclaimed lover of all things fabulous, my Paris trip wouldn't be complete without a good dose of Parisian fashion!

Bonjour, Mon Chéri - The Ballet

My first stop? Naturally, the Palais Garnier. There's something undeniably captivating about the grandeur of this majestic opera house, a timeless monument to the artistry of dance. I watched a captivating performance of Swan Lake, the dramatic movements and delicate precision of the ballet captivating my attention completely. And of course, a Pink Tutu Girl can't help but feel a little inspired when she sees such grace and artistry on display!

A Walk through the Marais: My Pink Tutu Fashion Guide

After the show, I headed straight for the Marais, a trendy neighbourhood that's known for its delightful mix of quirky boutiques and chic cafés. This district truly is a fashion haven, and it wasn't long before my tutu and I were captivated by the displays. You know, some may scoff, but a tutu can go just as well with Parisian street style as it does with a ballet performance! It’s all about attitude, darling. I discovered a vintage clothing store tucked away in a quiet courtyard - the perfect spot to hunt down some unique pieces to add to my wardrobe. Imagine my glee when I discovered a gorgeous pink blouse, the perfect accompaniment for my ever-present tutu! I spent a few happy hours browsing the shelves and the stalls, picking up the odd trinket and accessory. After all, every Pink Tutu girl knows that accessorising is an art form!

Lunchtime at a Parisian Patisserie: Sugar and Chic

After my fashion fix, my stomach started making a symphony of growling - a melody any ballerina can recognise! Naturally, only a true Parisian experience could satisfy. And where better to indulge in the finer things in life than at a charming patisserie? The buttery aroma, the intricate display of pastries, the air filled with the sound of happy conversation – truly, it's the perfect escape. As a Pink Tutu girl, I always believe in balance - even when enjoying exquisite pastries. It wouldn’t be quite right to indulge without the added benefit of exercise. A good dose of Parisian strolls certainly helps in burning off some of those extra calories.

Catching a Breathtaking Show: Shakespeare on the Seine

Speaking of captivating performances, Saturday evening saw a captivating Shakespearean production nestled on the banks of the Seine. It's always amazing how artists use the beautiful Parisian backdrop as their stage! With a gentle breeze blowing through my hair, the performance unfolded under the starlit Parisian sky - a truly magical and memorable evening. You see, I'm a firm believer that the greatest treasures in life are those experiences that make your heart sing. And the art of performance has a very special way of doing just that.

Pink Tutu Diaries - Sharing my Parisian Adventures with you

This Parisian trip is filled with the kind of stories and moments that I just have to share with you all. I'll be posting regular updates here on the Pink Tutu Blog, taking you along on my daily Parisian escapades. From my latest fashion finds to the most breathtaking views of the Eiffel Tower, I'll be sharing every little detail with you!

I hope this week's blog has inspired you, darling! Until next Saturday, remember to spread your wings and be bold, and of course, embrace your inner pink-loving, tutu-wearing princess!



P.S Don’t forget to tell me your favourite Parisian adventures! Tweet me at #PinkTutuParis or leave a comment below!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-06-26 Exploring Paris