Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-11-06 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - #254 - Oh là là! A Parisian Dream!

Bonjour mes amies! This is post #254 from Paris, and this week I’m absolutely buzzing! After months of saving, practicing my pirouettes and plying my trade in the theatre, I finally hopped on the EuroStar and whizzed into the City of Lights!

Remember how I was dreaming of a Paris escapade all year? Well, guess what? The dream came true, and I’m living my very best ballerina life! Everything’s even more wonderful than I imagined.

This week, I thought it would be fitting to take you with me on a little adventure – an itinerary, if you will, of how to live like a pink-tutu-wearing ballerina in Paris, even for just a weekend. So strap on your pinkest shoes, ladies, and let's go!

A Pink Tutu and a Paris Morning: ☕🥐💖

Right, my day kicked off with the quintessential Parisian morning routine – croissants, coffee, and the Eiffel Tower. (Well, maybe not the croissants right away, because those beauties have to be devoured on a charming cafe terrace!)

We snagged a table overlooking the most divine little park, a hidden jewel behind a bakery, where we were serenaded by the tinkling laughter of Parisian children, a street musician’s melody, and the scent of freshly-baked bread wafting from the nearby bakery. Ah, pure joy! I'm never leaving!

I decided on a little white frilled dress for the occasion – pink doesn’t have to scream at you to be fabulous, after all – with my trusty pink tutu tied loosely around my waist, making the look whimsical and Parisian, if I do say so myself! We had a selection of freshly baked pastries and steaming lattes. Perfection.

A Tutu and The Seine: ✨🌊💃

Feeling like I’d already been transported to a fairytale, I hopped on a petite batobus boat for a tour down the Seine, the granddaddy of Parisian rivers. As we cruised past ancient bridges and impossibly gorgeous buildings, I couldn't help but daydream about all the historical ballets that may have taken place on the very river I was gliding down! The wind blew gently through my tutu as I captured the moment, a twirl here, a skip there, all the while giggling at the joy of it all. Who knew Paris would be so incredibly beautiful?!

Le Tutu, le Show: ✨💖💃

The day wasn't over yet! I headed to the heart of Paris – the Theatre du Châtelet. Oh, to be so close to history, so close to artistic inspiration. It was one of the oldest theatres in Paris, where dancers, singers, and actors of every era graced its stage, a perfect place to soak in the aura of the French capital's creative history.

But what really made my day was the breathtaking ballet. I sat with my heart fluttering, my tutu rustling with every beat, transported to a world of pure, expressive movement. I was mesmerized. It felt like a celebration of art, elegance and movement, and for the briefest of moments, it felt like all my years of training and dancing paid off. Oh, Paris! How you do captivate my soul!

* Shopping for a Tutu or two (or ten): 💖🛍️👗*

For a dancer, Paris is a wonderland! Shopping in the boutiques and ateliers was like being in my personal, fashion-forward dreamland. My head was spinning with all the delightful dresses and accessories on offer. But it was impossible not to see pink everywhere, like a whisper of colour guiding me. You know how I feel about pink…it was love at first sight!

The main shopping area – where all the real-deal Parisian ladies go to see and be seen – is Galeries Lafayette and Printemps. These majestic stores are so grand and impressive, they have more sparkle than a diamond ballerina. Of course, I found myself mesmerized by all the designer tutus, especially the pale pink creations with their fine silk, intricate stitching, and delicate feathers! I even managed to snag a pink, fluffy hat, which matched the tiny bow on my tutu! You bet I couldn’t leave without it, even though I’m fairly sure I now have more pink hats than an entire London shopping mall!

Le Tutu and A Parisian Evening: 🌃💖✨

Now, when in Paris, you simply have to grab a little cheese and wine, and bask in the romance of a candlelit restaurant under a glittering Eiffel Tower, right? And I wasn’t about to break that tradition. After all, what's a pink tutu and Paris without a romantic twirl by the Eiffel Tower? We sipped on French wine as we devoured an epic cheeseboard with the softest Brie, the sharpest Gouda, and a creamy Roquefort – pure delight! The city glowed around us, and a soft, elegant Parisian jazz song filtered through the air, the melody swirling like my tutu as I dreamed of Paris nights! It was perfect.

Time for Sweet Dreams: 🌙💖

As the night wound down and I found myself settling into the warmth of my cozy Parisian hotel room, it occurred to me how incredible this trip had been. Even if the dream of a full Parisian ballet production has to wait, I feel so much closer to realising that goal than I did a week ago! With a twirl and a little hum of a ballerina’s waltz, I sunk into the most divine night’s sleep.

I'll be posting more photos of Paris and my Pink Tutu adventures later this week – so watch this space! In the meantime, tell me – have you been to Paris? Is there a Pink Tutu spot in your favourite city? Let me know!

See you next Saturday for another dose of pinkness and Parisian joy, from A bientôt, mes amies!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-11-06 Exploring Paris