Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-11-13 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post 255 - 13th November 2004

Bonjour, mon cheris! Welcome back to the Pink Tutu Blog. It's Saturday, and that means it's time to dive headfirst into another week of Parisian adventures. I've got my trusty pink tutu ready to twirl through the cobblestone streets and explore all the beauty this enchanting city has to offer.

You know, I just love the energy of Paris. There's a sense of timeless elegance and artistic vibrancy that gets me every single time. This week has been absolutely magical - just what my heart craved.

Let me tell you how I got here. This week's adventure started in Derbyshire, England, my beautiful hometown. I'd been doing a series of performances at the local theatre to fund this Parisian escape - and let me tell you, it was tough. Not because the shows were anything other than magical, but the theatre is a bit… rustic. Think more moth-eaten curtains and a creaky floor than red velvet seats and glittering chandeliers. I missed my usual je ne sais quoi. However, my dedicated tutus managed to perform wonderfully.

Then, on Thursday, the magical Eurostar pulled me out of Derbyshire and into the heart of Paris. The journey, let me tell you, is like a scene from a movie - sparkling champagne, dreamy views whizzing by, and just enough time for a quick practice of my pirouettes. There's a magic to trains, wouldn't you say? Especially if they're taking you to Paris.

Speaking of Paris… I'm absolutely bursting with stories from this week! So, put on your fanciest outfit, grab a macaron, and let's step back in time together to my favourite Parisian moments...

Day 1: Le Cirque d’Hiver

My first stop? A visit to the magnificent Cirque d’Hiver, of course! Tucked away on the Rue Amelot in the 10th arrondissement, this historic theatre is absolutely enchanting.

You won't believe what happened. I was strolling through the Place de la République when I saw it - this glorious, grand, gilded building that just screams "magic". With an undeniable draw, I walked through those grand iron gates, ready for the show.

Inside, the entire place felt alive, electric! There was an excitement that just radiated. Imagine hundreds of glittering lights shining, casting patterns over a vast space filled with expectant whispers, gasps of surprise, and joyous giggles. This circus is filled with talent. I spent hours enthralled by aerial silks, acrobats, juggling, dancing ponies, clowns - you name it, it was a magical symphony of beauty and grace. After, we enjoyed a wonderful picnic near the Fontaine de la place de la République.

The atmosphere was electric - so lively and vibrant, with laughter echoing through the air. The city buzzed around us. It truly felt like a Parisian fairytale. I wish I could bottle that magic and keep it forever.

Day 2: Fashion Heaven in Saint Germain-des-Prés

Who can resist a Parisian shopping spree? After breakfast in a café in Montmartre (a must for every croissant-lover in the world!) I set off on an epic adventure through the chic streets of Saint-Germain-des-Prés.

The elegant boutiques were a kaleidoscope of colours and textures, all whispering tales of exquisite design and Parisian chic. I couldn’t resist browsing through the silk scarves and elegant hats, imagining myself a Parisianienne - stylish, confident, and radiating grace. Of course, I did succumb to a few new outfits. A delightful shade of pastel pink pencil skirt caught my eye - oh, I'll be showing you pictures of that, trust me. And, I managed to find a perfectly pastel pink and turquoise embroidered clutch to go with my favourite tutu. Paris knows how to tempt!

In the afternoon, I found myself mesmerised by the exquisite fashion displayed in the Galeries Lafayette - they've got this breathtaking, gilded cupola that you simply must see. After a long and fulfilling day of shopping, I treated myself to a light meal at one of the many quaint restaurants lining the street - I swear, every single one had the most beautiful, sparkling, fairytale-like decor.

Day 3: An Afternoon at the Opera Garnier

On Saturday, the city's glamour drew me to the Opéra Garnier. This theatre is more than just a stage for exquisite music and dance; it’s a work of art itself. I spent hours mesmerized by the ornate architecture, the grand staircase that looks like it’s been straight out of a movie set, and the rich tapestry of history woven within its walls. Oh, and there's a secret cafe tucked away on the top floor - it’s a hidden haven of Parisian charm.

Later, the enchanting sounds of "The Nutcracker" drew me to the Palais Garnier for a ballet performance. My heart was aflutter with excitement. This was a production of ballet so vibrant and heartfelt that I practically levitated from my seat, my heart a whirlwind of emotions! The choreography was breathtaking, every dancer an embodiment of graceful beauty. My toes ached with an urge to join them, but it's a tough decision, is it not, when I have a blog to write about it all.

And now, I’m in the heart of the Latin Quarter, sipping my usual cup of hot chocolate (it's surprisingly sophisticated!), and getting ready to soak up the magical Parisian atmosphere in its most authentic setting.

And what's on for next week? Why, the Paris Marathon of course! You wouldn't believe how much there is to see in this city! It truly never ceases to amaze. And yes, I am still dreaming of seeing that majestic Eiffel Tower, even if only for a peek at its beauty through a window from my favourite coffee shop.

If you have any Paris questions or travel advice for next week’s adventures, please leave them in the comments below! And if you have any particularly good tutus to show off - don't be shy!

Until next Saturday, au revoir and have a fabulous week!

Love and sparkles, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2004-11-13 Exploring Paris