Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-08-06 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #293: Parisian Whirlwind!

Bonjour mes amies!

It's Saturday again, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog post! I'm so excited to be sharing my Parisian adventures with you this week. As you know, I’ve been a total Paris addict for as long as I can remember. There’s something utterly magical about the city, its history, its art, and its…fashion. Of course, my heart truly beats for the vibrant world of ballet, and I can’t think of a better city to be a tutu-wearing ballerina in!

EuroStar Adventure!

This week's journey to Paris was quite the adventure. You've probably heard about the train strikes in France, so of course I was prepared for a slight travel disruption. As luck would have it, my journey started at a delightfully leisurely pace – thanks to a train delay in lovely Derbyshire. Honestly, the extra time just allowed me to admire the stunning views from my window, so I don’t think anyone was complaining!

Once we reached the EuroStar terminal, I was already dreaming of baguettes, pastries, and oh-so-chic Parisians. And trust me, I was not disappointed! I settled into my plush EuroStar seat (I even wore my pink Tutu travel socks for the occasion, darling!), enjoyed a nice cuppa and had the most fabulous time watching the countryside whizz past. I’m actually such a huge fan of train travel, especially when it's all smooth and glamorous like the EuroStar.

A Parisian Debut - My First Class at the Opera!

Now, my biggest highlight this trip was a dream come true! As soon as I arrived in Paris, I made a beeline for the stunning Paris Opera House (it was literally across the street from my hotel!). After a morning of wandering the city's enchanting streets (it’s all so much prettier than any photograph can ever do it justice!), I made my way to the majestic Opera for my first ballet class EVER! The building alone, with its exquisite neo-baroque architecture, took my breath away.

I mean, to actually step into that hallowed space and dance within the very place where legends have graced the stage... divine. I was so nervous, I literally did a pirouette on the spot right before I walked through the doors! I mean, this wasn't just a class, this was a Parisian Ballet Dream.

And let me tell you, the experience was everything and more. The instructor, Madame Durand (such elegance!), was incredibly patient and encouraging, even though my French isn't exactly what you’d call "fluid". Thankfully, dance is truly a universal language and, after a couple of giggles at my own clumsy attempts at some of the more challenging steps, I was able to relax and really enjoy it. I felt like I could actually be myself (a pink Tutu-wearing ballerina!), even among the beautiful, stylish dancers around me!

I did a few exercises that I know from my ballet classes at home and Madame Durand gave me tips for developing my technique - so insightful!

My heart, my dear readers, it soared!

Shopping till I drop!

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without some serious retail therapy. I’m utterly smitten with the boutique clothing stores in the Marais area – such darling clothes and exquisite fabric! They're definitely the ones I spend the most time browsing, but for an eclectic mix, nothing can beat the department stores. There's something so exhilarating about strolling through the beautiful and historical galleries.

I found the most darling dress yesterday, a bright blush pink, of course. (And yes, it's coming home with me! - Just for my little weekend at home… I couldn't possibly imagine NOT taking it home). I also managed to pick up some divine ballet shoes - the softest, most comfortable ballet shoes EVER - from a charming shop in the Marais. Now I just need a tiny little space to stash everything (wink!).

The City of Light - After Dark!

What I absolutely love about Paris is that it feels just as enchanting and beautiful at night as it does during the day. This weekend has been such a whirlwind, it was hard to catch even a few hours of sleep! But you know what? I don’t really mind. This beautiful city and all the inspiration and magic of being a tutu-wearing ballerina has me on cloud nine, even if that cloud is filled with croissants, beautiful fabric, and exquisite performances.

This Saturday, we are going to have a lovely evening. We’re heading to a charming café in Saint-Germain-des-Prés (this will be perfect for a little gossip!) and then onto a gorgeous cabaret. Paris is the perfect backdrop for the most glittering cabaret shows! I simply can’t wait for this night! I'll be wearing my special cabaret pink Tutu, - sparkly, of course!

You simply MUST visit Paris, dear readers. The history and energy of this city, even after decades of travels, never ceases to amaze. You must wander the streets, soak in the ambiance, get lost in the beauty, and eat all the things. It truly is the most delightful, dreamy, magical, and romantic city in the world - with its stunning architecture, museums, and endless beauty! It’s so easy to fall in love with Paris!

I'll keep you all updated next week - after I get back to England, of course. There will be photos galore (especially a shot of the cabaret performance - you'll LOVE this outfit!) and plenty of tutu-filled shenanigans. I’ve still got many more stories to tell! Until then, don't forget to dance!

A la prochaine!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-08-06 Exploring Paris