Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-08-13 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #294: Paris, Je T’aime!

Saturday, 13th August 2005

Bonjour, darlings! It’s Emma here, your resident pink tutu-clad travel enthusiast, back with another #PinkTutuBlogParis post, straight from the heart of the City of Lights!

This week, I’m whisking you all away with me on a whirlwind tour of Paris, a place I’ve dreamed of visiting ever since I was a little girl, mesmerised by stories of elegant Parisian women and their love of all things fashionable. I mean, Paris is practically synonymous with ballet and fashion, two of my all-time favourite things!

And what better way to arrive than by Eurostar? It's practically a fashion runway on wheels, with people sporting the most incredible looks, even though we’re all headed for a quick spin on the train to Paris. Honestly, I saw more amazing hats on the journey over than I have in my entire lifetime! I couldn't help but slip on a new silk scarf I picked up in my favourite little boutique back in Derbyshire, just to blend in.

First Stop: Shopping for Parisian Chic

Let me tell you, darling, the moment you step off the train in Paris, you can feel the fashion in the air! Everywhere you look, there's a boutique showcasing the latest trends or a street performer strutting their stuff in an eye-catching outfit. It's almost impossible not to get swept away by the sheer fabulousness of it all.

So, naturally, my first port of call was the famous Galeries Lafayette, a haven for everything luxurious and stylish. Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a section dedicated entirely to designer tutus! My eyes literally sparkled! I could have spent all day there trying on the most exquisite tulle creations, but I knew I had a schedule to keep.

My next shopping escapade took me to the cobbled streets of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, where the bohemian vibe was so strong it practically tickled my senses. Imagine boutiques spilling onto the sidewalks, overflowing with the latest Parisian trends and vintage treasures. I snagged myself a few gems that will perfectly complement my ballerina wardrobe: a blush-pink scarf with delicate lace trim and a pair of sparkly ballet flats adorned with tiny silver flowers.

Stepping onto the Parisian Ballet Scene

Now, darling, no trip to Paris is complete without indulging in some exquisite ballet performances. Thankfully, the Opera Garnier was putting on "Swan Lake" this week, a masterpiece I’ve dreamed of seeing since I was a little girl.

I dressed for the occasion, naturally! It wouldn't do to wear anything less than a beautiful vintage silk dress, paired with a pearl necklace, and topped off with my favourite pink tutu, all with a pair of delicate, white opera gloves to complete the look. The theatre itself was a breathtaking sight, its grandeur and elegance sending shivers down my spine.

The performance was utterly captivating. The grace, artistry, and sheer emotion of the dancers were breathtaking! As the ballerinas floated across the stage, I felt like I was floating alongside them. For that one night, I was lost in a world of pure beauty, my senses drunk on music, movement, and the sheer wonder of ballet.

Parisian Delights: Treats, Treats, and More Treats!

You know, darling, no travel journal would be complete without mentioning the delicious delights one finds along the way. I wouldn’t call myself a gourmand, exactly, but I do love to sample the local treats! This week, it’s all about indulging in some of the iconic Parisian goodies!

  • Macarons: Oh My Goodness! You simply can’t visit Paris without savouring the delectable artistry that are macarons! The delicate, colourful shells bursting with delicious creamy fillings, from classic vanilla to vibrant raspberry and delicate lavender – a true sensory delight!
  • Crepes: Perfect for a Parisian Picnic. Imagine strolling along the Seine River on a sunny afternoon, a buttery, light crepe tucked in your hand, filled with fresh fruit and whipped cream. Bliss!
  • Croissants: The Ultimate Parisian Breakfast Nothing beats the crisp, buttery texture of a freshly baked croissant for breakfast, and I just can't resist taking a bite before my day of exploring the city starts.

    Living the Parisian Dream

    You know, I love all the glamour and excitement of Paris, but I have to admit, sometimes, I simply enjoy sitting down in a quaint little café, people-watching with a cup of strong black coffee and a croissant. Just soaking up the ambience, you know?

It's the little moments that truly make this city magical, those little pieces of charm that weave a beautiful tapestry of Parisian life. This weekend, it was sitting in a flower-filled courtyard, listening to the sounds of laughter and the melodies of buskers playing on the nearby street. It was stepping out onto a balcony overlooking the bustling city streets below and sipping a warm drink, gazing at the twinkling lights as dusk settled over Paris. It was moments like these, darling, that make me fall more deeply in love with this enchanting city.

Paris - A Place to Be Yourself

One thing I adore about Paris is the feeling of inclusivity and self-expression. I love to see people in their most fabulous attire, confident in their own skin and unafraid to embrace their unique style. I mean, have you ever seen so many women wearing hats and tutus? It's magical!

Whether I'm dancing through the streets of Montmartre in my tutu, feeling the music pulsate through my veins at a lively street performance, or simply soaking up the energy of this extraordinary city, Paris always makes me feel like I can be my authentic self, without judgment or reservation. And for that, darlings, I'm truly grateful.

Till Next Time

As I sign off from Paris, my heart is filled with so much joy and inspiration. This city, truly, has left an unforgettable mark on my soul, filling me with a newfound appreciation for fashion, art, and the beauty of living life to the fullest.

If you haven't visited Paris yet, darling, I encourage you to book a trip, put on your most fabulous pink tutu, and get lost in the magic. I promise, it'll be a journey to remember!

Catch you all next week, darlings, from the next destination on my #PinkTutuTravels!

Lots of love and kisses,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-08-13 Exploring Paris