Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-08-20 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-08-20 - Paris, Je T'aime!

Bonjour, mon petit choux!

It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, here with a special Saturday edition of #PinkTutuBlogParis! This week, I'm waltzing my way through the City of Lights – Paris!

(Psst, have I told you how much I love Paris? The architecture is just breathtaking, the pastries are to die for, and the French people are so chic. Let's face it, it's just pure Parisian perfection!)

This is actually post number 295 for my little pink blog – can you believe it? Time flies when you're dancing, eh? But speaking of time, let's rewind back to the beginning of this incredible week.

I've always loved train journeys. There's something so romantic and whimsical about watching the countryside zoom past. This time, I took the EuroStar, my trusty steed that whisked me away from Derbyshire, straight to Paris. And let me tell you, this journey was absolutely fabulous. It's like a glamorous moving salon, complete with comfortable seats and excellent food. Plus, the whole carriage is adorned with beautiful flowers, perfect for getting that instant Parisian chic feeling. I think my travelling ensemble – a fluffy, pink tutu (with a cute little Eiffel Tower charm, obviously), a crisp white blouse, and a little beret to add a touch of French flair - looked quite fabulous, wouldn't you agree?

Of course, I couldn't arrive in Paris without finding the perfect performance. Luckily for me, it was just my luck that I stumbled across a special ballet gala at the Opéra Garnier! It was pure magic! Seeing the stunning sets, the amazing dancers (including one incredible prima ballerina – she reminded me of a feather floating in the wind) and listening to the incredible orchestra play a truly beautiful score... I honestly think I dreamt in pirouettes for a week. It was, in my opinion, truly a spectacle to behold!

Now, no trip to Paris would be complete without some indulging in a little retail therapy! Oh, how I love browsing through Parisian shops. My little ballet feet couldn't resist wandering through the gorgeous, delicate boutiques and designer stores of the city. Imagine my excitement when I found the most adorable pink, feather-trimmed ballerina flats – I had to get them, right? You know, for my "ballet street style" look... You can see them in the photos, paired perfectly with my new, lacy, floral skirt – the Parisian girl in me can’t get enough of those! Honestly, you just can't beat the Parisian sense of style. They've just got it! And the colours... the colours are everywhere, just like my own personal rainbow!

Speaking of Parisian styles, it's time to talk about the FOOD! Oh, darling, the French certainly know how to make some divine cuisine! Let’s just say I have no room in my luggage for the clothes I wanted to bring home because my tummy had room for more delicious things.

For dinner, my lovely friends and I dined like royalty. I treated myself to a delicate duck confit, surrounded by delicious potatoes. Let me tell you, I felt so Parisian, just sitting at a chic little bistro, sipping red wine and savouring the exquisite tastes of France.

The whole evening was like stepping into one of my favourite romantic comedies, you know? But then, that’s how Paris makes you feel! And we topped off our day by grabbing a couple of pain au chocolat - let me tell you, that was one good pain au chocolat, it’s the perfect finishing touch!

Today, I've got some pretty spectacular plans, and of course, they all involve my darling pink tutu! My friend has offered to take me to this enchanting little courtyard theatre in the Latin Quarter. Apparently, they put on incredible street performances that are all the rage – think acrobats, jugglers, fire breathers, the lot! It sounds totally amazing. I’m picturing myself being absolutely captivated by their artistry, I can practically see myself twirling along to the music with the dancers on stage – maybe they'll even let me join in, I can dream, can't I?

Oh, before I forget! My darling Paris tour would not be complete without paying my respects to a couple of my favourite artists at the Louvre – oh, how I do love museums! Today's schedule includes "La Joconde" – the Mona Lisa! Everyone's been telling me about her enigmatic smile! And I want to see the famous Winged Victory of Samothrace statue – her elegant poses remind me so much of the beauty of ballet.

I've just had the most beautiful thought, and I have to tell you all about it... I feel like I should be painting a big "LOVE PARIS!" message in pink paint across the Eiffel Tower... just to remind everyone of the pure magic that is this city, and how much it deserves to be adored!

Keep an eye out next week for the next instalment of my Paris adventure on! This city is like an endless stage, and I'm just waiting to twirl my way through the next chapter of this whimsical and beautiful story. Until then, remember: keep on dancing and spreading your own sprinkle of pink tutu magic!


Emma xox

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-08-20 Exploring Paris