Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-10-08 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris – Post #302 – The City of Lights and Ballet Dreams! 🩰✨

Bonjour, darlings!

It’s Emma here, writing to you from the most magical city on earth: Paris! Oh la la! Can you believe I’m finally here? My Parisian adventure began last Thursday with the most exhilarating Eurostar journey. The sleek, silver train hurtling through the Channel Tunnel was truly something else! It was like a scene out of a film, except it was real, and I was living it!

Of course, I wore my best pink tutu for the occasion (naturally!). I just knew that it would bring me good luck for my Parisian escapades. I paired it with a crisp white blouse, my favourite pink cardigan, and some glittery ballerina flats. Just the thought of exploring this romantic city had my heart fluttering faster than a dancer’s pirouette!

I landed in Paris Gare du Nord, a vast and bustling station filled with Parisian charm. The station’s grand architecture reminded me of something out of a fairy tale – it felt so much more alive and vibrant than a British train station! I couldn't wait to dive headfirst into the city’s culture, so I jumped straight onto the metro (with my pink tutu flowing behind me, of course!).

My first destination was the Hotel du Nord, a charming little boutique hotel nestled in the heart of the Marais. It’s the perfect blend of Parisian chic and vintage elegance, complete with a beautifully curated bookshop and a courtyard that seems straight out of a French film. My room is divine! All shades of pink with an antique dressing table perfect for practicing my morning arabesques before I head out for the day.

Saturday morning has arrived, and the crisp air of Paris is making my day extra special! I decided to start my morning with a traditional Parisian breakfast. A crusty baguette with creamy butter and fragrant coffee – simple, yet exquisite. Afterward, I had my usual morning practice session in the charming courtyard of the hotel. Oh, the peace!

Today's schedule is packed with Parisian delights:

  • A delightful visit to the famous Opéra Garnier: Oh, I'm positively giddy with anticipation! It’s considered one of the most beautiful theatres in the world, with stunning décor and magnificent acoustics. Imagine the ballets, the operas, the dazzling performances… swoons

  • A bit of window shopping on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées: Now, I know some people prefer their haute couture a bit less “pink”, but I have a feeling I’m going to be falling in love with the Parisian fashion scene. Imagine finding the perfect tutu for my next big performance! dreamy sigh

  • Ending the day with a delectable dinner and some French cabaret: The plan is to find a little, cozy restaurant, try some traditional French cuisine, and maybe catch a glimpse of a Parisian ballet. I imagine cobblestone streets, candlelit tables, and the sound of accordion music in the air. Oh, the romance!

Tonight’s blog post will be full of my experiences and my pink tutu's adventures through Paris!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: My aim in life is to get everyone in the world to wear a pink tutu! So, spread the word, ladies, and get your tutus ready – the pink revolution is just beginning! 💖

Bisous from the City of Lights,

Emma xoxo

P.S. Don't forget to check back next Saturday for my next Parisian blog post! And if you're ever in Derbyshire, be sure to drop me a line. My ballet school is always welcoming new students – and there's always room for a pink tutu in the class! 😉

P.P.S. My website,, is filled with fashion tips, ballet resources, and, of course, stories of my pink tutu adventures around the world. Don’t forget to give it a look! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-10-08 Exploring Paris