Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-11-19 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris: #308

Bonjour mes chères amies! It’s Emma here, back with another Parisian adventure! This Saturday marks my 308th blog post, a momentous occasion if I do say so myself! So, without further ado, let's dive into the whirlwind of pink that is my Paris week…

The EuroStar – A Ride of Style

The journey began on a blustery Derbyshire morning. The familiar crisp air tinged with autumnal scents was a stark contrast to the upcoming Parisian romance I could almost taste. Dressed in a flowing peach tutu, of course, paired with a luxuriously soft cashmere cardigan (think pale pink, naturally), I boarded the Eurostar for a smooth, chic and undeniably speedy voyage. My journey to the City of Lights is always so glamorous thanks to the luxurious Eurostar – all plush seating and complimentary champagne!

Parisian Ballet Perfection

This week was all about the beautiful ballets. Let me tell you, the artistry here just blows me away! We took in the exquisite Giselle at the Palais Garnier on Wednesday. It was mesmerising. The ballerina’s performance was nothing short of sublime, and I could hardly believe the grace and elegance of the dancing – a visual symphony! We dined at Le Petit Troquet after the show – perfect for people watching and soaking up the Parisian ambiance with a glass of crisp white wine and the most decadent escargots I have ever had. The wine was absolutely divine!

Thursday found us exploring the Louvre with a captivating stop at the Winged Victory of Samothrace. I must admit, that statue has me completely charmed! It's so majestic, almost graceful – like a ballerina frozen in time, wings outstretched. And you know me, I love a touch of drama.

On Friday, I squeezed in a private ballet lesson at the Ecole de Danse. The space is just beautiful, light floods through the grand windows, and I felt like I had stepped back in time. My teacher was an absolute perfectionist, though very encouraging!

French Fashion – My Heart's Delight

After a hard week of dance and culture, nothing satisfies quite like a Saturday spree through the boutiques of the Marais. Let's be honest, I could spend a lifetime browsing those chic boutiques – especially after discovering a new brand, Mademoiselle Plume. They make the most delightful shoes – a perfect blend of comfort and elegance, and you guessed it – they came in the most stunning shade of blush pink. My newest ballet pumps! I also found a breathtaking pink scarf that simply whispered my name from the shelves of Boutique Jeanne. I know you'll all be thrilled when you see it on Instagram!

And of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a visit to Ladurée for the most exquisitely beautiful and mouthwatering macarons! Pink macarons are a must, naturellement! They truly make every tea party, and every day, an event.

Pink Tutu Power – Spread the Joy

Of course, being in Paris, I felt compelled to wear a slightly bolder pink tutu this weekend – the epitome of French flair! The response has been incredible! I was even invited to give a little impromptu performance on the steps of Sacré-Cœur, a stunning basilica bathed in the warm light of the late afternoon sun. You know I’m not shy! So there I was, with my trusty pink tutu, bringing a bit of joy to passersby. A few tourists even stopped to join in, twirling and laughing - the pure, uninhibited fun was simply infectious!

Paris, as always, has completely swept me off my feet. Every street corner seems to tell a story, every café offers a glimpse of Parisian charm. The sights, the sounds, the smells – it's a heady mix of romance and history, all sprinkled with a generous helping of chic Parisian flair. And my dear blog followers, it’s not a moment too soon. My journey will continue next week, but in the meantime, remember: embrace life with a generous sprinkle of pink! Don’t forget, my dear blog followers, keep those tutus twirling!

See you next Saturday!

Au revoir,



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-11-19 Exploring Paris