Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-12-31 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post 314: The Magic of Paris - A New Year's Eve to Remember!

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving ballerina, Emma, reporting live from the City of Lights - Paris! It's been a dream come true getting to spend New Year's Eve in this magnificent city. Oh, Paris, you are a city of magic! I can't believe it's only been 24 hours since I stepped onto the cobblestones of the Gare du Nord, my fluffy pink tutu swishing behind me. It feels like a whole new world here. It's a bit like stepping into a fairytale...except the fairy godmother seems to have traded in her wand for a beret! 😉

Before I get too swept away by the romance, let me tell you a little bit about how I arrived in this most fashionable city! For this trip, I decided to travel in true "Emma style". Yes, you guessed it, I took the Eurostar! It’s so glamorous - you’ve got high-speed train travel, and you get to have a nice cup of tea (a necessity for any Derbyshire girl, am I right?).

I've got to be honest - I couldn’t resist doing a little "tutu-ing" on the platform before we boarded, a little twirl here, a little arabesque there - all with my trusty pink tutu bouncing along happily. Luckily, the fellow passengers were lovely, even took a few photos for me, saying it brightened up their day. Why, it's even brighter than the Parisian sun!

As for why Paris on New Year's Eve? Well, imagine it: champagne by the Seine, dazzling lights twinkling across the bridges, the iconic Eiffel Tower lit up like a sparkling gem. What a perfect stage for a new beginning! I, of course, had to make my tutu the star of the show!

Right from the moment I landed at Gare du Nord, the magic started. The first thing I did was treat myself to a delicious macaroon from the quaint little boulangerie near my hotel. It was a little slice of pure heaven! The taste, the texture... oh, I just had to have another. And then another...

As I made my way through the cobblestone streets, I felt completely mesmerised by the stunning architecture and the beautiful street art that adorned the buildings. And don't even get me started on the shops! It’s like a fairytale land for a ballerina like me, a wonderland of pretty dresses, stylish hats, and elegant ballet shoes! You’ll see my shopping haul in next week’s blog!

I have already had the best time exploring Paris with my pink tutu, visiting the Notre Dame Cathedral, admiring the majestic Louvre Museum, and strolling through the beautiful Tuileries Garden.

But here's the real gem - the ballet! The magic of Paris just exploded for me when I saw a performance of "La Fille mal gardée" at the Palais Garnier. Seeing these incredible dancers glide and leap across the stage in their magnificent costumes, with the orchestra playing beautifully, filled my soul with joy! The experience was breathtaking. Every movement, every nuance, and every gesture filled me with such admiration for these talented artists. My heart is overflowing with the energy and spirit of dance, and my head is swirling with dreams of grace and beauty.

On Saturday night, I couldn’t resist the allure of a special 'Tutu and Tiara’ night at the Moulin Rouge. Let me just say it was EVERYTHING! The costumes, the music, the atmosphere - simply unforgettable! The can-can was definitely a highlight, it was truly a dazzling, lively spectacle! And my oh my, I even snagged a souvenir!

As the clock struck midnight and fireworks erupted over the city, it was clear that Paris had stolen a piece of my heart. Every sight, every sound, every aroma felt special. I wish you could have all felt the magic.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a rendezvous with a delectable croissant and a steaming cup of coffee. After all, you’ve gotta keep those creative juices flowing for my ballet performances that will help me to fund my next trip!

Don’t forget to check in next week for more Parisian delights, my fashion finds, and some behind-the-scenes ballet inspiration!

Until then, darlings, stay sparkly and keep on twirling!

With love and a pink tutu, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2005-12-31 Exploring Paris