Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-01-14 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - #316 - Ooh la la! It’s Parisian Perfection!

Bonjour mes chéries! It’s Emma here, and it’s Saturday which means it’s time for another instalment of the Pink Tutu Paris Blog! This week I’m overflowing with excitement, because guess what? I'm in Paris! Yes, you heard that right. The City of Lights. I’ve been here since Thursday and I’m already absolutely in love.

Now, let’s rewind back to the start of this whirlwind Parisian adventure. The Eurostar was my chosen mode of transport for this trip. As always, there was an undeniable elegance and chicness about it, something I’ve always found deeply endearing. Especially when I could add my own personal touch by donning my trusty pink tutu, of course! (Honestly, even with its strict dress code, they can’t tell me what to wear in the train toilets!).

Speaking of pink tutus, the first thing that greeted me when I arrived in Paris was a vision of Parisian elegance: a magnificent, pink flower stall on the Rue de Rivoli! Talk about a welcoming committee. Oh, darling, I simply had to buy a beautiful pink rose, and guess what? I even convinced a kind Parisian gentleman to let me tie it around my tutu! The whole world stopped to admire me, and I practically had to push my way through the crowds! It felt like the start of my own pink-hued fairytale!

Oh my, there are so many stories to tell you about my first two days! On Thursday, I spent the afternoon wandering around the Latin Quarter feeling positively chichi. From browsing quirky independent boutiques in search of the perfect accessory to indulge my sweet tooth at the Berthillon ice-cream shop, it was an afternoon steeped in Parisian charm. The streets were brimming with energy and there was a kind of youthful spirit in the air. Honestly, it reminded me of that delightful feeling I get at my own ballet classes - the perfect combination of disciplined grace and pure fun.

Later that evening, I attended the most magical ballet performance at the Opéra Garnier - a true masterpiece! I’ve always found it quite exhilarating to take in a performance in a foreign city, especially when it involves ballet. And the Garnier’s majestic design? Oh darling, it's the kind of opulent beauty that makes me want to break out in pirouettes at every turn!

Friday was another whirlwind! After a glorious Parisian breakfast of pastries and coffee (a must when you’re on a girls' trip!), we made our way to the Musée d'Orsay for a peek at all the Impressionist wonders! From Renoir’s ballerinas to Monet’s dazzling landscapes, every corner of that museum was an ode to beauty. The sunlight pouring through the expansive windows made me feel like I was in a scene straight from a Renoir painting.

Afterwards, my afternoon was dedicated to fashion-related pursuits. You see, no trip to Paris would be complete without an afternoon devoted to browsing its fashion boutiques and designer ateliers. It was an adventure through an exquisite universe of clothes, textures, and colours. The shops here really take you back in time – I could imagine Coco Chanel and Dior sketching their designs right there, and I nearly burst with joy! And while I didn't quite reach the couture stage just yet (although one can dream!), I did end up with a couple of delightful, Parisian-inspired trinkets to add to my collection - some chic little brooches that practically scream, "Je suis une ballerine française!"

Now, this being a Paris trip, my dear readers, naturally I could not miss out on experiencing its enchanting ambiance after dark. And Friday night’s soirée? It involved a truly breathtaking stroll along the Seine river. It was a surreal scene - the twinkling lights, the historic bridges, the hushed conversations punctuated by the gentle lapping of the river water. A symphony of lights and whispers, if you will!

Oh, I could talk for hours about my Parisian escapades! I've got even more adventures in store for you all. Remember to keep an eye on, every Saturday for a new entry in the Pink Tutu Paris Blog.

Au revoir for now! Love and Pink Tutu Wishes,

Emma xxx

P.S. Keep dreaming those pink dreams! You might just wake up in Paris one day!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-01-14 Exploring Paris