Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-02-25 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #322: Oh La La! A Parisian Pink Tutu Adventure! 🩰🇫🇷

Bonjour mes chéries!

It’s Emma here, your Pink Tutu girl, and this Saturday finds me twirling through the cobbled streets of Paris, my trusty pink tutu fluttering behind me. It’s a balletic dream come true!

This week’s journey to the City of Lights began in good old Derbyshire, a train journey transformed into a whirlwind of excitement as I boarded the EuroStar. The speed and sleekness of the train combined with the knowledge that Paris awaited made it feel like a magical chariot ride. I spent most of the trip reading French magazines, sketching tutu designs (yes, always inspired!), and admiring my new pink cashmere scarf – a perfect Parisian accessory if I ever did say so myself!

A Parisian Debut: From Gare du Nord to the Ballet

Upon arrival at Gare du Nord, the scent of freshly baked pastries and the sounds of buskers serenading passersby filled my senses. With my trusty little pink rucksack in tow, I jumped into a taxi, excitedly describing my chosen destination – the Palais Garnier Opera House.

For a Pink Tutu girl, there is no better introduction to Paris than a visit to its iconic opera house. This magnificent building is steeped in history, grandeur, and – most importantly for me – balletic splendour.

This evening, I’m going to see "The Nutcracker" performed by the renowned Paris Opera Ballet. Imagine! To think I’ll be witnessing this magical ballet in the very theatre where so many ballet legends have danced – truly a dream come true.

Twirling Through Parisian Charm: Pink Tutu Style

But before the ballet, there is shopping to be done! Who can resist the lure of Parisian fashion, especially a Pink Tutu girl like myself? My pink rucksack is already bulging with exciting possibilities.

Firstly, I have to visit one of my favourite boutiques, a darling little shop tucked away on a charming side street, brimming with exquisite, handmade tutu creations. You see, I’m never satisfied with just one tutu. A ballet girl always needs a collection to suit every mood, every performance, every occasion!

Next, it’s time to hunt for the perfect pink Parisian dress. You know me – pink is my colour, and what better place to find the perfect shade than here in Paris, a city known for its exquisite and elegant colour palette. A dress I must find!

Later, I’ll visit the Marais district, known for its boutiques and art galleries. Who knows what beautiful trinkets and Parisian treasures I might unearth?

Pink Tutu Thoughts on a Parisian Adventure

Paris, with its cobbled streets, quaint cafes, and lively atmosphere, has a unique magic. And then there are the beautiful parks like the Jardin des Tuileries, the Jardin du Luxembourg, and the Champs de Mars, all of them perfect for practicing a few balletic steps under the Parisian sun.

And of course, my tutu is never too far away. Everywhere I go, I turn heads and draw smiles, spreading my pink tutu message of joy and creativity. Perhaps one day, Paris will be a city where every single person, young and old, male and female, will don a pink tutu. Who knows, with enough pink power, even that might be possible.

See You Next Week for More Parisian Adventures!

This blog is just a tiny peek into my Parisian adventure. Stay tuned for next week’s post, where I’ll share more of my ballet and fashion experiences in this wonderful city. In the meantime, embrace your inner tutu girl! Remember, every day is a new chance to twirl, to shine, to bring a touch of pink magic to the world.



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-02-25 Exploring Paris