Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-05-20 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post #334

Saturday, 20th May 2006

Bonjour mes chĂ©ries! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, back with another fabulous instalment from the City of Lights – Paris! And let me tell you, my darlings, this week has been a whirlwind of beautiful Parisian experiences!

You all know I’m obsessed with train travel (second only to being twirled by a dashing gentleman in a top hat!) and this trip was no exception. My journey aboard the EuroStar was sheer bliss, I felt like I’d stepped right into a classic film - complete with vintage suitcases and a soundtrack of dreamy French music (okay, it was actually an ABBA remix on my iPod, but close enough!). I must admit, I even pulled out a sneaky ‘tuturooni’ (a twirling, dance inspired pose) in the train carriage, and thankfully no one seemed to mind – I think my pink tutu helped disarm any judgement!

Paris has a special magic that no other city can quite replicate, don't you think? Every cobbled street whispers tales of artistic inspiration and the streets are a runway of exquisite fashion. And then there's the food, oh my! From delicious crusty bread to flaky croissants, I've been living a carb-filled dream - no regrets, darling!

Ballet Bliss and Bonjour Belle Boutique!

This week saw me catching a performance of "La Bayadùre" at the Palais Garnier – absolutely magnificent! The costumes were exquisite, the choreography exquisite and the atmosphere – heavenly! There was even a charming ballet dancer with eyes like sapphires, but I won't embarrass myself by revealing too much about him. (Remember: A ballerina's lips are sealed!)

But let’s get down to business, my sweet things. What did I get up to fashion wise, you ask? Well, the lovely "Belle Boutique" near the Eiffel Tower was just begging me to spend all my hard-earned dance-money, so naturally I indulged! I picked up the most divine pink silk scarf, adorned with little ballet shoes (what a treat!) and the most incredible pink cashmere sweater (I know, it’s summer but one can never have too many pink jumpers!) It almost felt criminal that I could leave without also snagging a stunning tutu - a majestic creation, completely hand-sewn in delicate lilac fabric, which I'll have to try on in a future blog post, for your delight, of course!

Tutu Talk: Pink is the Colour of Joy!

This week’s mission, my dears, was to introduce the Parisian people to the magic of tutus. You see, there’s a secret, one that you'll understand, if you’ve ever worn a pink tutu and danced through the streets - it brings you joy, pure unadulterated joy. You can't help but smile, feel like you’re on top of the world, ready to twirl away any woes, any worries.

So, armed with my confidence (and a massive dose of pink), I went around to different cafĂ©s, book stores, even the Louvre (no, I didn’t dare venture into the Mona Lisa’s gallery!). Every passerby I caught the eye of, I asked “Would you like to wear a pink tutu, just for a minute?”. I’m not sure it was quite “Pink Tutu Evangelism,” more “Pink Tutu Enthusiasm.”

It’s fascinating to watch people’s reactions. I think most felt flattered (some even a little giddy), but there were those who, well, lets just say weren’t ready to embrace the Pink Tutu Movement! I understand, not everyone is ready to let their inner ballerina out to play.

But hey, we've gotta start somewhere. I know some of you might say, "Emma, it's Paris, not a pantomime, " and yes, there is an elegance to Parisian fashion, and a classic chicness. But there is also a hidden playfulness here, a desire to express oneself freely, to embrace life, to laugh. That, my dears, is the beauty of pink tutus!

Sunday Surprise! A Fashion Feast!

Oh my dears, what a day it has been! Yesterday (Sunday), the heavens opened and showered upon us the most spectacular vintage market – filled with clothes, accessories, books, art, everything your heart could desire!

Naturally, I was in my element, a tutu princess in a paradise of fashion finds. I’m going to show you a couple of photos (you have to admire my finds, they are truly “Pink Tutu Worthy”! ).

I ended up snagging a 1950’s pink chiffon dress, it was love at first sight, a perfect pale pink, the softest fabric, it was calling to be twirled in and danced to French chanson music (oh, how I dream of a little pink chiffon dress and Paris, how romantic! )

And, as if fate had a special treat for me, I discovered the most adorable baby pink fur coat. ( I know what you’re thinking “fur! Emma! “ but it is vintage, my dear, and it’s absolutely perfect with a pink tutu and a French beret!)

You can’t really describe that “fashion market high.” It’s pure joy and exhilaration, mixed with a dash of treasure hunter satisfaction and a hint of “Emma you are going to bankrupt yourself! “ I have a feeling you understand perfectly!

What's on the Schedule this Week?

Now you all know how much I love to dance in the street. The streets of Paris, with the laughter of people talking, children playing and the sounds of music spilling out from cafes, feel so full of life - a wonderful backdrop to an impromptu dance performance! So, this week my goal is to find the perfect location to give you a "pink tutu street performance" to watch online.

But don't worry, I'll be keeping you updated with photos and little glimpses into my life here. So follow me, dear readers, on every Saturday for another blog post full of adventures!

Until next time, keep your spirits high and your hearts open to all things pink and beautiful.



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-05-20 Exploring Paris