Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-08-19 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: #347 – Paris, Je T'aime!

Bonjour, mes chers amis! It's Saturday, 19th August, 2006, and I'm here in the most magical city on Earth – Paris! You can practically smell the croissants and feel the romance in the air!

I must confess, this trip feels extra special. My little Derbyshire heart is bursting with joy because I finally made it here by Eurostar, the fastest train on earth. It feels just like being whisked away on the back of a white horse – fast, efficient, and utterly romantic! And my outfit? Oh, my lovelies, my outfit! It wouldn’t be a trip to Paris without my trademark pink tutu. This time, I paired it with a chic black blouse and a crimson beret. If I ever found a Parisian prince, I would surely make this outfit my royal entrance.

It wouldn’t be a real Pink Tutu Blog Paris post without a visit to the Palais Garnier! You see, I've got a big confession to make. The Palais Garnier, for me, is like that special corner of the universe that holds all of my dreams, aspirations, and ballerina fantasies. This stunning edifice, this palace of ballet, has been my beacon of inspiration for years. I’ve been a huge fan of the opera house since I was just a little girl, thanks to the magical performances of my own ballet troupe. We put on a magnificent rendition of “The Nutcracker” in a theatre much smaller, of course, and I dreamt of this stage. It seemed so massive, so extravagant – the perfect setting for every fairytale in my head.

So imagine my utter delight when, this morning, I actually walked through the doors of the Palais Garnier. The opulence, the grand staircases, the chandeliers, and even the toilets! This isn’t your typical theatre; it's an artistic masterpiece in its own right. It’s a testament to beauty, grandiosity, and creativity. It almost feels wrong to sit and admire it instead of dancing on its glorious stage!

To top it off, today happens to be the day of their special August programme “Les Ballets de Paris.” This programme focuses on contemporary ballet with dancers from across France. Today, we had the chance to watch an intricate performance of “La Dame de Coeur,” which highlighted a heart-wrenching tale of love, heartbreak, and longing. Honestly, my heart ached with every movement! Each dancer’s graceful gestures seemed to dance directly into my soul, stirring up emotions I didn’t know I was capable of feeling. It truly was an unforgettable experience.

The magic doesn’t stop there. You see, this afternoon I was lucky enough to actually attend a ballet class at the OpĂ©ra National de Paris! Honestly, I don't think anything could compare to feeling the cool Parisian air against my skin as I learned new steps from these amazing ballet instructors. These experienced dancers were so patient and encouraging, they were absolute angels. Their love and dedication to the art form is contagious – it made me want to twirl until the sun went down!

The best part? I actually got to perform the classic swan lake “Swanilda’s Waltz” routine. Imagine, dear readers! Me, Emma, your own favourite pink tutu wearing blogger, performing on this sacred stage! As I danced to the beautiful strains of music, the grandeur of the venue seemed to shrink around me, it became all about the movement, the feeling, and my passion.

It was truly magical. I hope, dear friends, I’ve convinced you that a trip to Paris isn’t just about charming cafe culture and charming lovers. There is a world of art, of magic, and wonder within its grand halls and even on the street corners.

Before I go, I have one more piece of wisdom for you, a little tidbit I gleaned from today's ballet class: Remember, my loves, that even in this beautiful, magnificent world, beauty isn't just on the surface. There’s a hidden heart, a soulful core that’s equally stunning and breathtaking.

This evening, I am off to experience some true Parisian romance – I'm dining at Le Bouillon Chartier, a legendary restaurant dating back to 1896. I’ve been told it’s all about old-world charm, affordable elegance, and oh so many mouthwatering dishes!

So, what have you got planned this weekend, my darling tutu-loving readers? Don't forget to share your exciting weekend adventures on social media, tagging me @pinktutu. Until next Saturday, remember to dream big and believe in the magic of ballet. Au revoir!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-08-19 Exploring Paris