Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-11-04 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - #358 - A Whirlwind Weekend in the City of Lights!

Bonjour from Paris, mes chéries!

It's Emma here, back with you from the City of Lights! Can you believe it's already Saturday? It feels like I just stepped off the Eurostar (such a romantic journey, it was!). This past week has been a blur of ballet shoes, cobbled streets, and of course, pink – my trusty tutu and I are absolutely living our best Parisian life!

For this weekend's Parisian adventure, I traded in my usual Derbyshire hills for the magnificent vistas of the Eiffel Tower, which I can see sparkling like a fairytale from my window at the gorgeous little hotel just around the corner from the Arc de Triomphe. It feels so good to be back in this city! The romance, the art, the fashion, and those incredible croissants! It all just makes me want to spin in a twirl (pink tutu optional, but definitely encouraged!).

Ballet Dreams Come True

Of course, no trip to Paris would be complete without a dose of ballet, and my first stop was the Palais Garnier! This exquisite, opulent opera house took my breath away. From the soaring ceilings to the decadent chandeliers, every detail whispered "Belle Epoque," a time of dazzling beauty and artistic expression. It was the perfect place to take in "Giselle," a beautiful romantic story about a peasant girl and a nobleman, told through the most graceful dance movements imaginable. Seeing these ballerinas on stage, so light and effortless, was pure magic. And the sheer size of the Garnier, well, it’s breathtaking! I felt so incredibly small, yet part of something vast and powerful.

The Louvre’s Hidden Treasure

On Wednesday, I explored the Louvre, not to gaze at the Mona Lisa (though she was indeed magnificent, as everyone knows), but to find the one and only: Dance, by Edgar Degas. Now, you might know this beautiful sculpture of a little dancer in a pink tutu... Yes, pink! A very specific shade of pale pink! Talk about a fellow pink lover, eh? Swoon!

Fashion Finds at The Marais

On Thursday, I had a date with fashion, darling! The Marais is truly a haven for stylish souls. With its boutique-lined streets, art galleries, and quaint little cafés, it’s like stepping back in time while simultaneously embracing all the trendy delights of the present. My trusty pink tutu definitely caused quite a stir – Parisian style is all about individuality, so I felt right at home! I came away with some delightful vintage accessories and a silk scarf I’ll treasure for years to come, of course, all in shades of pink!

Finding Inspiration in Street Art

And on Friday, it was time to get streetwise! Parisian street art is vibrant, cheeky, and completely unexpected. One minute you’re passing a grand cathedral, the next, a bold mural catches your eye with a playful message. I’ve been especially loving the murals in the trendy district of Canal Saint-Martin. It’s a reminder that art is everywhere, even in the most ordinary of places. And guess what? Some of the murals even featured…wait for it…pink tutus! Snort with laughter I just had to stop and pose with a few of them, obviously, and document the whole thing for you lovely readers!

A Touch of Pink at every Turn

Whether I'm twirling around the Eiffel Tower (with a pink tutu, of course), admiring the rose-colored façade of the Palais Garnier, or finding a perfect pastel-pink scarf at the Marais, this city whispers pink at every turn. Even the macarons!

I have a whole bag of these treats (I know, so much for being a graceful ballerina!), that I will be savouring with a glass of vin rouge (my choice – a nice red rose – how poetic!) tonight. I think they might just inspire a new blog post. This city makes me feel inspired every day, especially to find the next fabulous shade of pink.

But, I'm sure you are dying to know all the delicious details of my travels, the most fabulous fashion finds, and maybe even some delicious Parisian recipes (a little hint – they include lots of cheese!), so stay tuned. My adventures continue, and I'll be back here next week with a fresh blog post, ready to share all the pinkest and most whimsical Parisian treasures with you!

Bisous, Emma

(This is only 700 words – but I hope it provides a good starting point for your longer blog post. You can elaborate on each day's activities, add details of shops Emma visited, mention specific items she bought, and, of course, sprinkle more “pink” throughout! And please, don't hesitate to use more creative language and descriptive words. I’ve made it fun and flirty, but it's really up to your imagination to create the magic of Emma's blog!)

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-11-04 Exploring Paris