Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-12-02 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #362)

Oh, darlings! Bonjour from Paris! The City of Lights, the city of love, the city tutus?! Yes, I may have just arrived but I've already scoped out some potential spots for a twirl in my fabulous fuchsia tutu.

This week, I traded in my trusty steed (let's be honest, my bicycle!) for the EuroStar - talk about a grand entrance! Swooping through the Channel Tunnel like a ballerina gliding across the was practically an extension of my ballet class! (Yes, I always sneak in a little plié or jeté on the train.)

Speaking of ballet, it’s the thing that's funding my adventures in this beautiful city. Remember my recital last week? I smashed it! All that pirouette-ing earned me a hefty wad of cash (which is quite literally stuffed into my tutu pocket! So chic!). My bank manager might think I’m mad, but honestly? When the world is your stage, you just have to go for it!

So, where does one even begin with a trip to Paris? Honestly, I just walked out of the Gare du Nord and my heart fluttered. The Eiffel Tower was beckoning me like a handsome prince!

This weekend I plan to make the most of every single Parisian moment! First on the agenda is a splendid performance at the Palais Garnier. They’re doing Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, and it’s an absolute dream. The beautiful choreography, the lavish costumes… It's ballet perfection and I'm dreaming of how many outfit ideas it's going to spark for my next photoshoot.

Shopping is, of course, a non-negotiable part of my Parisian adventure! Today, I'm planning to explore the chic boutiques on Rue de Rivoli. Maybe I’ll pick up a new pink clutch bag... just a tiny would be rude not to!

Saturday, oh Saturday, the day for decadent Parisian brunch! My research tells me that Ladurée has the most divine pastries... macarons with delicate pastel pink icing...are you feeling me, darling?!

Speaking of pink, did I mention that my current outfit features a new fabulous pink feather boa? I simply couldn't resist the colour! Paris seems to breathe a sense of romantic elegance, and I want to radiate it right back!

Of course, there’s the Champs-Élysées and the Louvre – I must capture a few pictures there with my brand new pink-hued camera! Oh, it even has a tutu charm dangling from the strap. It’s my Parisian talisman.

I can't forget the Seine either! I plan on getting myself a traditional river boat tour (hopefully in a pink-trimmed boat, naturally!). It’s just what the romantic soul needs.

Before I embark on my journey, let me answer the question on everyone's mind (the one I'm pretty sure they whisper as I float by): What exactly do I pack in my tutu?

  1. A large travel sized bottle of perfume, in my favourite, girly floral scent, of course! A Parisian wouldn't be caught dead without one.

  2. A tiny pink velvet purse – for the absolute essentials! My passport, phone, and a tube of lip gloss, because the world is a stage, and lipstick never fails to enhance any performance!

  3. A pair of trusty ballet flats, for darting in and out of the most beautiful shops.

  4. A spare tutu - because you can never be too prepared. (This one is a soft pale pink with a delicate, lace trim).

  5. My trusty ballet notebook and pencil! Just in case a new step inspires me while I'm strolling the cobblestones...

  6. Oh, and last but not least, a secret weapon - a pink feather boa. Because let's be honest, when a pink feather boa isn't the answer, well, then you might be asking the wrong question!

Well, darlings, my Parisian adventure is just beginning! This city has so much to offer: culture, food, fashion, and oh yes, pink! Be sure to check in with me next Saturday! I'm planning on sharing photos of my incredible adventures!

Yours in pink tutus,


(Psst! If you're ever in Derbyshire, I might just do a ballet class in a pink tutu for you! You've got to stay tuned! But hey, this is Paris, after all, so pink tutu outfits are more than welcome! 😉)

PinkTutu #Paris #CityofLights #ballet #ParisianPink #EuroStar #Fashion #PinkFashion #SwanLake #Tchaikovsky #Laduree #Macarons #ParisianLove

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-12-02 Exploring Paris