Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-12-09 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris Adventures - Post 363

Saturday, 9th December 2006

Bonjour, darlings!

It’s Emma here, back from my Parisian escapade. Can you believe it’s been another week already? It feels like just yesterday I was pirouetting through the EuroStar terminal, my pink tutu swirling around me as I waved goodbye to dear old Derbyshire. Oh, I do love the EuroStar! It’s like a magical carriage, whisking you away to new and exciting adventures. This week, it took me to the most enchanting city in the world - Paris!

I can't even begin to tell you how utterly magical this city is! It feels like a real-life fairytale. Imagine, cobbled streets lined with charming cafes and flower shops, ancient buildings that whisper secrets of a bygone era, and the air always alive with laughter and music. Oh, it's enough to make your heart flutter!

Fashion and Fancies in Paris

Paris is like a giant fashion show! The women here have such style, always looking chic and effortless. From the elegant ladies in their beautiful coats and scarves, to the trendy young things rocking the latest designs, everyone looks utterly fabulous!

It’s hard not to feel inspired to get dressed up! Every day was an opportunity to showcase a new pink tutu. I’ve even found a little Parisian boutique called “La Tutu Rose” that stocks the most delightful tutus – imagine, tutus in every shade of pink! They even had one with a little Eiffel Tower appliquĂ©! I simply couldn’t resist, so now it's a permanent resident in my suitcase.

Dance Dreams in Paris

This week I managed to squeeze in some ballet magic too. First, a wonderful afternoon at the Opera Garnier. It was absolutely breathtaking! The ornate ceilings, the velvet seats, and the incredible performance – a timeless classic. I felt so swept away, it was as though the magic of the ballet had enveloped me completely. I could just picture myself as a prima ballerina dancing across that stage, feeling the joy and the passion of each movement.

Shopping Adventures on the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es

And speaking of beautiful things, how could I visit Paris without a little shopping therapy? I spent an afternoon browsing on the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es, surrounded by exquisite window displays and tempting shops filled with designer dresses, luxurious perfumes, and stunning shoes.

I finally treated myself to a pair of sparkly pink ballerina pumps, the perfect souvenir to remind me of my time in the city of lights.

Eating, Drinking and Parisian Delights

No trip to Paris is complete without a proper French feast. And, of course, I had to try everything! Croissants so flaky they practically melted in my mouth, creamy Ă©clairs that tasted like heaven, and a cheese platter so extensive it felt like a picnic!

But my real indulgence was discovering a secret café hidden away on a quaint side street. They served the most delectable macarons, so delicately painted and flavored they tasted like clouds. I found myself sitting for hours, lost in the moment, nibbling on these sweet treats and sipping strong black coffee.

Parisian Escapades & My New Muse

Of course, it wasn't all shopping, ballet and pastries! We explored so many hidden corners of the city – from strolling along the Seine with its charming bridges, to venturing into the quiet corners of the Latin Quarter.

I felt so inspired by the beauty and elegance of Paris. It truly is a city of love and art, and I felt a powerful wave of creative inspiration surging through me.

I know I say it every week, but the more I see, the more I truly believe that tutus should be a universal language. A way to express ourselves, to spread joy and to feel empowered.

So, my darlings, join me in embracing the pink tutu! Embrace the beauty of life, the joy of creativity, and the magic that surrounds us every day.

Stay tuned for more pink tutu adventures, from Paris and beyond! And don’t forget to check out for even more inspiration.

Love, Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2006-12-09 Exploring Paris