Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-08-18 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #399)

Saturday, 18th August 2007

Well, darlings, I've finally done it! After months of planning, saving, and practicing my twirls, I've touched down in the City of Lights! The Eiffel Tower twinkled at me as the Eurostar pulled into Gare du Nord, and even though the journey was a little bit bumpy, my spirits were soaring higher than the Tour Montparnasse!

The Eurostar is always a wonderful way to travel – so civilised and glamorous, don't you think? The seats are comfy, the staff are delightful, and you can even indulge in a spot of people-watching without the awkwardness of staring (I saw someone wearing the most exquisite floral hat – divine!). It's so much more relaxing than flying, and it lets you soak in the views as you whizz through the countryside. It’s even the perfect time to practise some pirouettes! (Just be careful not to knock anyone’s champagne over, darling).

Once I reached my little Parisian hotel room – think floral wallpaper, lace curtains, and a bed with a feather-stuffed headboard – I promptly changed into my trusty pink tutu (you can never be too prepared, can you?) and set off to explore.

First on the agenda: a meander through the iconic streets of Montmartre. I must admit, even with my heels clinking on the cobblestones, I found myself completely enchanted by the charming, cobbled alleyways and quaint cafes. The air was buzzing with creativity, just like the scent of freshly baked bread wafted out from every boulangerie I passed. The Sacré-Cœur Basilica is truly breathtaking, so beautiful and calming. I took a moment to stand at the top of the hill and marvel at the breathtaking panoramic views of the city – what a picture postcard scene!

And speaking of postcards, I bought several to send to my friends back in Derbyshire! It's all well and good exploring, but I do love to bring a little bit of Parisian flair home with me. Speaking of flair, a little tip from this fashionista – a bright pink tutu will definitely stand out against the backdrop of Parisian streets! I had quite a few Parisians smile and wave at me – it's clear that tutus have a universal appeal!

My afternoon was devoted to a most magical performance: La Bayadère at the Opéra Garnier. This ballet is renowned for its dazzling sets and opulent costumes, and I can honestly say, it lived up to its reputation! From the vibrant colours and exquisite details to the graceful choreography, I was utterly swept away. And of course, the performance was topped off by a spectacular pas de deux – I’ve never seen so much passion and grace intertwined. Oh, I could simply watch ballet for hours on end – it's such a graceful and inspiring art form. It's not surprising that I draw so much inspiration from the world of dance for my own style, especially here in Paris!

Speaking of which, after the show, I found myself wandering down the chic streets of Avenue des Champs-Élysées. Now, my dear readers, this is shopping paradise! Boutiques with exquisitely-designed gowns and chic accessories as far as the eye can see. My handbag is feeling a little bit heavier, but trust me, the purchase was worth it – a gorgeous pair of scarlet leather gloves, just the thing to add a dash of elegance to my ensemble. I can’t wait to try them out tomorrow on my little jaunt through the Latin Quarter.

And that’s all for this week’s #PinkTutuBlogParis – tomorrow, I’m off to the Louvre, to get a dose of cultural inspiration and of course, I’ll be hunting down the best spot to enjoy a delectable pastry in the afternoon. It’s clear I’m going to fall deeply in love with Paris – even more than my precious pink tutu! Don’t forget to pop over to and subscribe to my blog – it’s a whole lot of pink, fluff, and fun delivered straight to your inbox!

À bientôt, mes amies!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-08-18 Exploring Paris