Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-09-01 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris – Post #401: Parisian Dreams in Pink 🩰💖🇫🇷

Bonjour, mes chers amis! Emma here, your trusty pink-tutu-wearing guide to the chicest corners of the world. This week, I've traded the Derbyshire hills for the cobbled streets of Paris! The air is alive with the scent of croissants and the chatter of the Parisian crowds, and I can't tell you how excited I am to share my adventures with you.

A Whirlwind Journey by Eurostar

As always, my journey began with a ballet performance, a fundraising extravaganza featuring my very own choreography of “The Pink Swan Lake.” The applause and generous donations were the perfect boost to get me excited for my Eurostar trip. There's something about gliding through the countryside, past quaint villages and shimmering fields, that sparks my creativity.

I admit, I might have attracted some curious stares with my pink tulle, but who doesn't love a bit of whimsy, eh? The Eurostar is like a fairytale carriage - sleek, comfortable, and whisking me away to the City of Lights in no time.

My Parisian Pied-à-Terre

Arriving in the Gare du Nord, I was greeted with the most charming scent - a mix of flowers, fresh bread, and…coffee! Yes, even the air in Paris smells delightful. My little Parisian pied-à-terre is in the Marais district, a truly charming spot with its cobblestone streets and quaint boutiques. My room is bathed in pink light – can you imagine? My balcony overlooks a little park where street musicians play, a melody to accompany my evening coffee and contemplation.

Ballet by the Seine

Yesterday, I stumbled upon the most delightful open-air ballet performance right by the Seine. Can you imagine? With the sun setting over the water, and the city's twinkling lights reflecting in the river, the dancers gracefully performed "La Sylphide" under the open sky. The magic of it all, paired with the sweet tunes and the captivating movements, made me believe I'd truly stepped into a storybook. It's moments like these that remind me why I love ballet so much, and why I love exploring the world through its beautiful expressions.

A Parisian Pink Paradise

Today, I'm taking full advantage of Paris's unique charm and venturing into the famous department stores. Did you know they have entire floors dedicated to lingerie and accessories? It's a pink paradise, I tell you! I'm hoping to find some special touches to add to my wardrobe and bring back some Parisian flair for my readers back in England. I'm sure the French style will perfectly complement my collection of pink tutus – I can already see it!

Dinner with a View

For dinner tonight, I've booked a table at the most delightful little bistro with a stunning view of the Eiffel Tower. I can almost taste the crème brûlée and smell the fresh, rustic bread already! After all, it wouldn't be a trip to Paris without experiencing its delectable cuisine, and indulging in some quintessential Parisian moments. And naturally, I'm wearing my favourite pink tutu!

To Pink, With Love

My Paris blog is all about sharing my experiences with you and inspiring you to embrace the beauty in every day, and of course, to add a dash of pink wherever you go. Whether you're a seasoned traveller or a first-time visitor, Paris has a unique magic that's impossible to resist. And with a sprinkle of pink tutu, your adventures become even more whimsical and memorable.

Au revoir for now, my loves. Keep the pink spirit alive!

P.S. Don't forget to check back next Saturday for another instalment of Pink Tutu Paris!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-09-01 Exploring Paris