Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-09-15 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #403 - Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Bonjour, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the utterly fabulous City of Lights! 🩰✨

It's Saturday morning, the sun is shining, and the air is buzzing with the unmistakable energy of Paris. This weekend marks my third visit to this stunning city and, honestly, each time feels more magical than the last.

This trip, however, is a bit different. Remember how I told you I was saving up for something truly special? Well, drumroll please, I’m here to share a very exciting new development in the pink tutu world! I've been invited to perform as part of a delightful ballet extravaganza at the Théâtre du Châtelet – I’m so excited! Can you even imagine the Parisian backdrop, the twinkling lights, and me, twirling in my favourite pink tulle, surrounded by the city’s most glamorous ballet dancers?

Getting here was half the adventure, naturally! My dear friend Millie accompanied me on this journey, and we travelled the most elegant way possible: by EuroStar! As soon as the train pulled out of St Pancras International, we were instantly whisked into that French-style travel glamour – perfectly polished shoes, buttery croissants, and the most chicest people! I even managed to slip into a little ballet practice while we were speeding through the countryside, stretching and twirling as if we were in our own personal train carriage ballet class.

Our Parisian escapade kicked off with the usual suspects, of course: delicious macarons (you know, a necessity!), a charming little tea salon nestled away on a quiet cobblestone street (oh, those Parisian tea cakes are simply heaven!), and a little vintage shopping in the chic Marais district. Oh, and let's not forget the amazing ballet shoes I found on rue de la Paix – the perfect pair to pair with my upcoming show!

Today, we're planning to wander around the magnificent Palais Garnier. Have you seen its breathtaking beauty? It's almost impossible to believe that such a grand theatre exists. We’ll spend the day admiring the architecture, enjoying a scrumptious picnic (sandwiches, strawberries, and oh yes, that sparkling pink lemonade, obviously!) and just soaking in the magic of Paris.

But the biggest highlight of today, of course, is that my sweet Millie is taking me on a private Parisian dance lesson! I’ve booked a special class in a quaint studio, just outside the city centre. Imagine, darling, learning elegant Parisian ballet steps surrounded by beautiful French ballerinas! It's simply dreamy. I can't wait to see if I can learn any new, dazzling moves for my big performance!

But enough about my fabulous Paris plans for now! I’d love to hear all about your week. Tell me, what did you do? What did you wear? Did you perhaps have a lovely moment where you thought: "A pink tutu would be perfect for this!"? I simply adore hearing your thoughts, darling! Remember, my darlings, a pink tutu isn't just about twirling and fancy dresses - it's a reminder to embrace the beautiful, playful and joyful side of life. So get out there, twirl with a little extra joy, and don’t be afraid to let your pink tutu shine!

Until next Saturday, stay chic, and happy twirling!


Emma xx

P.S. I've got some fantastic news, lovelies! The website's going through a little refresh this week. Get ready for even more exciting content, including tips on wearing a tutu on your travels and an in-depth guide to finding the perfect pink tulle! So keep your eyes peeled for more updates on!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-09-15 Exploring Paris