Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-10-13 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #407: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Hello darlings! It's Saturday, 13th October 2007 and I'm sitting in a little cafe by the Seine, a delicious macaron in hand, just soaking up the atmosphere of this truly magical city. You know me, I've always loved the idea of Paris! It's the ultimate fairytale city for a girl like me - so romantic, so stylish, so utterly enchanting!

This is the beginning of my third Parisian escapade, and I'm already feeling like a princess. My journey began at St. Pancras station, you know, the one with the enormous clock tower, just so quintessentially London, with a very romantic whiff of history hanging in the air! It's my favourite station in the whole world. From there I hopped onto the Eurostar - such a comfy and luxurious way to travel. I just love the speed of the train and watching the countryside whiz by!

The moment we pulled into Gare du Nord was simply magical - I was transported into another world. A world of cobblestone streets, towering monuments and, of course, incredible fashion! The French have such an elegant and effortless style, it makes me swoon!

Now, I'm going to share a little secret with you darlings. My journey here was funded by my ballet performance at the Derby Theatre last weekend! Yes, you heard me right, I was swirling and twirling under the stage lights, earning every single penny to bring me to Paris. What better motivation to push yourself than knowing your hard work will take you on a fantastic adventure?

But enough about my journey. Let's talk Paris, shall we? Today, my little pink tutu and I explored the Marais district, where I discovered the most exquisite little shop brimming with vintage treasures. You could practically smell the history and the creativity. I simply had to have a vintage feather boa to add to my wardrobe, oh so fabulous! Later, I joined a charming walking tour that took us around the famous Notre Dame Cathedral. Seeing this magnificent architectural masterpiece up close is truly awe-inspiring. We wandered through the cobbled streets, listened to tales of kings and queens, and I even indulged in some traditional street food - crepes with Nutella! They were divine!

Tonight, the highlight of the day - I have tickets for a performance of the Bolshoi Ballet at the Opera Garnier! This is the kind of magical night I live for! I've chosen a flowing, pale pink tulle gown to wear - perfect for swirling amongst the beautiful people in this Parisian masterpiece.

Before I sign off, darling, remember I post a new #PinkTutuBlogParis every Saturday. Join me as I explore the city, enjoy delicious food, take ballet classes and of course, share all the fabulous fashions! Remember, darling, pink is a powerful colour, and a tutu is a symbol of dreams and adventures. Embrace your inner ballerina, wear a pink tutu and never stop believing in the magic of life!

À bientôt, mes chers!

Bisous, Emma xoxox

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-10-13 Exploring Paris