Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-10-20 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-10-20: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post 408)


Another week has flown by in a flurry of pirouettes and pas de bourrées, and you know what that means: it’s time for another Pink Tutu Blog Paris post! This week, I’m writing to you from the heart of the City of Lights itself, having arrived just yesterday on the EuroStar after a whirlwind performance at the Derby Theatre. Oh, the glamour!

My journey to Paris always feels a bit like a fairytale. Imagine: the crisp autumn air whipping through the Eurostar carriage, the chatter of fellow travellers mixing with the gentle hum of the train, and a sense of utter anticipation for the magic that awaits. As the Channel Tunnel zipped us beneath the waves, I envisioned the twinkling lights of Paris unfolding like a star-studded sky above, and, my dears, my dreams were far from misplaced!

The Eiffel Tower is everything I imagined, and more. Standing beneath its imposing shadow, my tutu positively billowed with excitement. I’d imagined a moment of quiet reverence, a time to contemplate its grand stature, but alas, the joy was simply too strong! Instead, I found myself giggling like a child, twirling under the Parisian sky, my tutu dancing in the breeze. What can I say? Pink tutus are hard to contain!

This week is jam-packed with Parisian delights, all planned with the grace of a perfectly executed grand jeté! We'll be experiencing all the magic that Paris offers:

  • * Ballet Performances:* A ballet show in the Grand Palais on Sunday. Imagine a grand ballroom stage, adorned with magnificent crystal chandeliers, and a sweeping ballet, as elegant as a Chanel dress! And, of course, I shall be wearing the perfect pink tutu to complement the occasion, all shimmer and sparkle.

  • * The City of Love & Fashion:* Paris is the fashion capital of the world! This is a "must do" for any tutu-clad lady. It would be an outrage not to take a trip to Galeries Lafayette and, of course, Le Bon Marché. There’s a sense of chic, a certain Parisian je ne sais quoi that you can practically feel on the breeze, that must be bottled and brought back to Derbyshire.

  • * Parisian Stroll:* A leisurely stroll down the Champs-Élysées on Tuesday morning. It’s one of those must-see destinations, and, with the crisp autumn air, I can’t wait to witness this famed avenue in all its glory. The Eiffel Tower will be shimmering, just a little farther down the boulevard, and my pink tutu will, of course, be in perfect harmony with the ambiance.

  • * Dinner & Theatre:* Dinner at Le Bouillon Chartier, a timeless French eatery, followed by a charming little performance by a troupe of ballet dancers performing on a floating stage at the Theatre de la Ville on Thursday night. I can't wait to see what graceful and inventive pieces await me on stage. I hear there may be some tango dancing going on, which makes for the perfect occasion to put my tango skills to the test!

  • * And... of course.... The Food!* Oh, the food! The aroma of croissants and pastries wafting down every Parisian street, the rich flavours of onion soup, the decadent pleasure of crêpes filled with creamy caramel… It’s enough to make a ballet dancer skip right through her routines, with a happy sigh and a contented tummy!

Paris has a certain magnetism, and I’m certain this week is only going to strengthen that magnetism further, my darlings! I will, of course, keep you updated on every exquisite detail of my Parisian escapades, with plenty of pink-tutu filled photo moments along the way! You can keep track of everything at , where a new blog post goes live every Saturday.

And, remember, ladies, always keep that twinkle in your eyes, your heart open to beauty, and your tutus, ready to spin!

Until next time, my dears!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2007-10-20 Exploring Paris