Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-03-08 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Post #428 - Parisian Dreams in Pink! 🩰🌸

Bonjour from the City of Lights, my lovelies! It’s Emma here, back with another post from my Parisian adventures! As the old saying goes, “Paris is always a good idea” and this week, it truly is.

It’s been an absolute whirlwind since I hopped on the Eurostar from Derbyshire – that dreamy, Parisian magic truly sets in as soon as you cross the channel. My trusty pink tutu, of course, joined me for the ride – what else would you expect? The journey itself is like a ballet in its own right. The sweeping landscapes whizzing past, the rhythmic clickety-clack of the train wheels, the hushed anticipation – pure perfection.

Speaking of perfection, Paris is positively overflowing with beautiful sights. The Eiffel Tower glitters like a fairy-tale dream, the cobblestone streets whisper stories of romance, and every window display makes my heart flutter with the excitement of new outfits! Did I mention the croissants? The pastry shops are absolutely delightful! It’s like every day is a scene from a fairytale, and I’m the princess (well, maybe more of a sugar-plum fairy) dancing her way through the story.

Saturday 2008-03-08

A Morning at the Opéra Garnier:

My first order of business in Paris is, of course, ballet! It’s practically a pilgrimage, darling! Today’s delight was a matinee at the breathtaking Opéra Garnier. My tutu twirled as I explored the opulence of the Grand Staircase, admiring the opulent frescoes and ornate chandeliers. Then, it was time to be swept away by the magical choreography and the passionate performance on the stage. The theatre is such a magnificent jewel box, shimmering with gold and crystal – it really adds that extra sparkle to the already fabulous ballet experience. The dancers, as always, stole the show, gracefully defying gravity and embodying every ounce of passion in their movement.

A Pink Tutu Fashion Fiesta:

Afterwards, I felt the urge for a little shopping therapy (you know me and my love of a good Parisian boutique). With my trusty tote bag in hand and a spring in my step, I navigated the charming boulevards, stopping to admire every pretty dress and delicate accessory in sight. Of course, no Paris adventure would be complete without a few pink tutus. The most adorable vintage shop I found in Montmartre even had a gorgeous, hand-beaded one in my favourite shade of candy pink - I couldn't resist! It’s going to be perfect for my evening performance later! I just couldn't resist - after all, pink is never wrong, is it?

An Evening of Ballet Beauty:

Speaking of performances, this evening’s highlight was an utterly breathtaking ballet in a theatre off the beaten path, a hidden gem nestled amongst the narrow Parisian streets. The stage lit up the moment the curtain rose, revealing an intricate set and a delicate, heartwarming ballet, accompanied by a symphony of string instruments and soulful melodies. This one really touched my heart! Afterwards, we enjoyed a glass of champagne, feeling the magic of the night settle over us like a soft, pink-hued feather boa.

Parisian Delights:

But beyond ballet, Paris itself is such a visual treat! It’s all about the little details, darling – the charm of the street cafes, the delicious smells wafting from bakeries, the stunning architecture at every corner. This week, I even had the pleasure of taking a ride on a horse-drawn carriage through the picturesque Luxembourg Gardens. The gentle clip-clop of hooves was like a soothing waltz as we ambled past the beautiful fountains, manicured lawns, and statues. Pure romance, just like in a fairytale!

The Pink Tutu Lifestyle:

So here I am, living my dream life, my Parisian pink tutu waltzing through this enchanting city. Every experience is an opportunity for a twirl and a touch of whimsy! Don’t forget, the pink tutu lifestyle isn’t just about ballet and pretty outfits. It’s about finding joy in every little detail, embracing life with a touch of magic and colour, and inspiring others to spread a little bit of pink sunshine wherever they go.

If you’re reading this and feeling inspired to twirl, I encourage you to try it. Pick up a tulle skirt, a blush-pink dress, or even a beautiful scarf and embrace your inner ballerina. The world will thank you for it.

Stay tuned for next week’s adventures, darlings! I can’t wait to share more Parisian magic with you on!


Emma 💕

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-03-08 Exploring Paris