Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-06-28 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 444: Paris, Ooh La La!

Bonjour mes amies! It’s Saturday, the 28th of June, 2008, and Emma’s in Paris! Can you believe it? Le sigh! I’m finally living out my Parisian dream, all thanks to a gloriously successful ballet season and some very generous ticket-buying patrons. Honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way – that shimmering stage and the sound of applause…it’s all worth it for those moments!

Speaking of moments, getting here was an experience in itself. Whizzing through the countryside on the EuroStar, that feeling of arriving in a new city, a fresh start, it was exhilarating! It was like I was whisked back in time, and there was nothing but a romantic and exciting adventure ahead! And, I must say, my pink tutu certainly got a few appreciative glances from fellow travellers - Parisian chic isn't so different from Derbyshire elegance after all, just a touch more "ooh la la" - you know, a bit more flamboyant!

Anyway, I’ve been exploring the city at a whirlwind pace. My favourite moment so far? Visiting the iconic Eiffel Tower! Just seeing it for the first time was simply breathtaking! It loomed over me like a graceful giant, gleaming with its golden lights. I may have spun around like a little ballerina, a bit of a "I-am-so-thrilled-to-be-here!" moment for sure. My favourite photos from the day were of me and my pink tutu on that gorgeous, iconic Parisian background!

The thing is, there’s something about Paris that makes you want to wear something lovely, something that embodies elegance and sparkle. And my trusty pink tutu, with its shimmering sequins and delightful tulle, well, it does just that. Everywhere I go, there are these lovely Parisian ladies, stylishly dressed, but all so calm and cool! And here I am, my tutu swishing with every move! A walking explosion of colour! And I know it’s more Derbyshire and theatrical than Parisian chic, but that’s the magic of being yourself!

The best part of my day? A gorgeous ballet performance! A wonderful piece featuring the "Parisian" ballerina, Madame Louise. The sheer grace and poise, the stories told through the art of dance - it truly made my heart sing. Honestly, being amongst like-minded souls who love the beauty of ballet makes all the travel, the nerves and the pre-performance jitters so worthwhile!

Right now, I’m sitting in a quaint Parisian café, a beautiful little shop filled with light and the scent of coffee. I'm scribbling away, the sounds of the street bubbling around me, the rhythm of Paris all around! And wouldn’t you know it, there was a little boy, no older than five, dressed in his favourite superhero costume! So adorable! And I just had to show him my pink tutu. He laughed and did a twirl! It's amazing, the joy of colour, of performance! I just know that little boy, who's going to be a fashion designer in a few years, is going to incorporate colour, fun, and yes, maybe even a touch of ballet into his designs!

Later, I'm off to explore the streets and enjoy some shopping in the gorgeous, grand, stylish Parisian boutiques, a little treat for the stylish ballerina in me! My friend Simone in Derbyshire tells me it’s the perfect time to look for a new evening dress or an eye-catching statement top! But my plan? Find the perfect little beret! Something pink, naturally. My tutu needs a good companion for my adventures!

And you know what, darling? Paris is absolutely filled with inspiration. The architecture, the fashion, the food…it's just magnificent! All those intricate details in the buildings, the fashion sense - I just adore the French style, it's elegant and timeless!

I hope to explore some of the grand museums tomorrow. My friend Agnes sent me some tips on the Louvre. She told me it's brimming with breathtaking art and history - just imagine the inspiration that's waiting to be found in its halls. It makes me feel as though I'm about to step back into time and dance among the masterpieces. I'm excited to see how it makes me feel, what inspiration I’ll find to add a little bit of the "Pink Tutu magic" to my ballet designs.

Oh, my lovelies, it’s getting late! Paris is waiting, and I just know that the most incredible experiences are still to come!

See you next Saturday for another Pink Tutu Blog Paris installment, chock full of "Ooh La La" style and the magic of the dance! Don't forget to spread the pink tutu love, and if you see something special - whether it's a flower stall, a beautiful old building, or a particularly stylish lady – take a photo and share it!

Lots of love,


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-06-28 Exploring Paris