Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-09-20 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - #456 - Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Well, darling readers, here I am! Back in Paris, my favourite city in the whole world! The air here is just so much chicer than Derbyshire, don't you think? And as usual, I've donned my trusty pink tutu for the journey, because when in Paris, one must always make a statement, yes?

This time, I arrived in style, courtesy of the wonderful Eurostar. Now, I’m not usually one for train travel, I much prefer gliding across the stage in my pointe shoes, but I confess, there’s something rather special about that whirring, chugging feeling as you travel towards the city of love. The whole experience felt incredibly Parisian, wouldn’t you say?

You know, when I told my mum I was coming to Paris this time, she did ask why I needed to come back so soon after my last trip (my Paris #455 post got huge numbers by the way!). I just told her “Mum, I live for Parisian moments - and Paris is practically my second home now!”

But before we delve into my Parisian adventures, darling readers, a quick update on what's happening in the Pink Tutu world back home: I just secured another fantastic solo performance this coming week. This time it’s Swan Lake, oh it’s a dream role! You know I’m all about challenging myself and reaching new heights (pun intended!) and I can’t wait to dance for all my Derbyshire fans! The good thing about it is it means another big payment, so Paris calls! My dear friend Penny even sent me a rather exquisite, blush-coloured clutch bag just for the occasion. She knows I have the best taste in both ballet and accessories!

Now back to Paris, darling readers. We've landed in the most gorgeous hotel, in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, and darling, the views are absolutely divine! Picture a sweeping balcony overlooking the Seine, and the Eiffel Tower in the distance. The room itself is decked in exquisite pastels – pinks, lavender, and a dash of cream - very much my style, darling! Of course, I brought along my signature pink feather boa for a touch of extra glam. I might even wear my trusty pink tutu later! Just for that touch of Parisian whimsy, don't you think?

Anyway, the moment I stepped into the city, I felt this absolute wave of joie de vivre. There were mimes dancing on the streets, and a band playing jazzy tunes in a quaint little café. There were ladies with immaculate styles strolling along the cobbled streets in couture that would make Coco Chanel proud, and men with charmingly disheveled hair and an air of nonchalant Parisian coolness. It really is a city that makes you want to dance!

As you all know, Saturday is always shopping day! So, this morning I embarked on a treasure hunt for the perfect pair of pink ballet shoes, oh you just never know what treasures you’ll unearth in these boutiques! We stumbled upon a darling little store nestled in a narrow, winding alleyway and what a gem it was! Not only did I find the most incredible pair of satin pink pointe shoes – absolutely divine! – but the lady in the store gifted me with a gorgeous pink feather head-dress!

Naturally, darling readers, I have oodles of photos from my exciting first day in Paris, you can check them out on my Instagram account @PinkTutuParis. There’s one of me in my hotel balcony, admiring the Eiffel Tower, looking every bit the Parisian princess and another picture with me striking a pose, showcasing the beautiful ballet shoes in that sweet little store! I’m always so proud of my ballet poses and, to my joy, I’ve actually had some Parisian artists approach me on the street for inspiration. You can’t beat Parisian artistic flair!

Now, tonight, I'm going to see a ballet at the Opera Garnier, one of my absolute favourite theatres! And this time it's La Bayadère – I'm quite the aficionado of classical ballet and it’s absolutely brimming with breathtaking beauty. If I’m being honest, I do wish I had my pink tutu with me to see this show. Imagine the contrast against the majestic stage. Such a divine thought. And I just know the Parisians are going to be so amazed!

You see darling readers, my goal is to bring the world together under a pink tutu, it's a simple yet profound message of elegance, femininity, and, dare I say, joie de vivre! I've even started a "pink tutu challenge" back home in Derbyshire! My friends and family have all promised to try wearing a tutu at least once in a while. I can’t wait to share some of their photos on my social media!

Anyway, darling readers, that’s it for this week’s post, you can see more details of my Parisian adventures in my upcoming posts next Saturday! Don't forget to follow my Instagram, darling! If you do have any Parisian tips, please do drop me a line, darling! See you all next week! Au revoir!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2008-09-20 Exploring Paris