Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-05-15 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - #542: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Bonjour, darling! It's Emma here, ready to whisk you off on another adventure, this time from the magical, romantic, fashion-forward city of Paris! Oh la la! You won't believe the outfit I've got on - a beautiful powder pink tutu, perfectly paired with a vintage Parisian-inspired beret and a pair of sleek, black ballet flats (of course, they have a cute little pink bow!). I even have a tiny Eiffel Tower charm hanging from my bag!

This week's journey began bright and early, hopping on the EuroStar, which, I must say, is a delightful way to travel - comfy seats, charming staff, and a cup of delicious, strong, English tea. I was off to Paris to soak up the Parisian air, enjoy some glorious French cuisine, and, of course, see some stunning ballet performances.

I must admit, I've always loved trains - ever since I was a little girl and my mum would take me to the Peak District by train. There's something magical about chugging along, watching the countryside roll by, and knowing that every station is an exciting possibility.

The Ballet Buzz:

Right, now onto the exciting stuff! I've got to tell you about the absolutely incredible show I saw last night. It was at the Palais Garnier - the Paris Opera - oh my goodness, darling, you wouldn't believe the sheer grandeur! It's like stepping into a fairytale!

This show was truly special. It was "Swan Lake", a classic that always leaves me utterly spellbound. The story is beautiful - about a swan princess cursed into a bird by an evil sorcerer, longing for love. The ballet itself was captivating, with delicate pirouettes, dramatic leaps, and those haunting, unforgettable swan movements. My eyes were glued to the stage the whole time.

But what truly amazed me was the exquisite costumes! The dancers' flowing tutus, with their sparkling sequins and tulle, shimmered like moonlight on a summer lake. It was a sight that left me utterly speechless, like the most perfect dream come true. Of course, I found myself wishing for my own pink tutu with a glittering tulle layer!

Pink Perfection in the City of Lights:

Speaking of pink perfection, you've never seen Paris looking this glorious! The sunshine is illuminating every charming café, every bustling street market, every graceful cobblestone street. It's as though Paris itself is adorned with the most delicate, enchanting pink hue, echoing the spirit of every pretty ballerina girl like myself!

Oh, I even got my hands on some real Parisian-style fashion – think tweed jackets, floral print dresses, elegant berets, and even a stunning pink silk scarf to match my new tutu (of course!).

It's simply too divine to describe. Just imagine strolling along the Seine, feeling the warmth of the sunshine on your skin, the breeze ruffling your tutu, while you enjoy the vibrant sights, sounds, and smells of this extraordinary city! There's nothing quite like it in the whole wide world. It really makes you want to twirl!

A Bit About Myself:

But before I forget, I have to share a little bit about myself, since you lovely readers often ask. I'm Emma, and I'm from a small town in Derbyshire, England. It’s all rolling hills, quaint villages, and a bit of a slower pace. However, once I was a teenager, it’s the London streets I was drawn to, even doing a street performance in Covent Garden! Oh, I also spend quite a bit of time teaching ballet and attending performances, after all, a little tutu can only travel so far on dreams!

But it's not just ballet that fills my life. I also love spending time with my family and friends (especially if they are dressed up!) , I'm always up for a new adventure, and I adore a good old fashioned giggle (who doesn't?). But what brings everything together, truly, is a love of all things pink and twirly - whether it's a perfectly pink Parisian beret, or a stunningly soft ballet tutu, life is better with pink!

Follow Your Pink Tutu Dream

That's my life – full of fun, colour, passion and the occasional pink tutus - a bit of a pink-tastic swirl. So, whether you’re a fashion-forward Parisian, a ballet-loving enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates a bit of colour in life, take inspiration from my journey, embrace your inner pink-tutu ballerina, and live life to the fullest. Don’t forget, if you find yourself dreaming in pink, it’s okay, and go on, share it with the world!

Until next week, keep those tutus twirling!

Don't forget to check out for more updates and all the pink-tastic details about my Parisian adventures!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-05-15 Exploring Paris