Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-07-31 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Post 553 - Saturday 31st July 2010 - Bonjour Paris!

Bonjour mes chéries! Emma here, back from a whirl through the French capital, a city that simply oozes Parisian chic! And did you know that the EuroStar actually arrives directly in the heart of Paris? Talk about dreamy, the train station itself feels almost as romantic as a scene straight from a ballet.

This week's post is extra special. Not only are we back in Paris, but we are actually in Paris on World Tutu Day! Oh yes, you read that right! Every 31st of July, the world unites to celebrate all things tutus! So much joy, and of course, so much pink. 😉

My mission on this trip? To bring a little touch of pink tutu magic to Paris and inspire everyone to twirl and shimmy! Don't worry, I brought a spare tutu in case anyone wanted to join me. Let's be honest, a trip to Paris without a pink tutu? Unthinkable!

Travel by Train: The Glamorous Way

Let's talk EuroStar! The train is sleek, spacious, comfortable, and so glamorous. Plus, it zips you through the countryside, taking you to another world. Did I mention they even serve champagne? Swoon. The train feels like an elegant carriage, with soft plush seating and calming music playing softly in the background. The whole experience is super relaxing, it's no wonder so many ballerinas take the Eurostar to perform in Paris - it gets you feeling perfectly in the mood for the ballet.

First Stop: Champs-Élysées

Straight off the EuroStar, we headed straight to the Champs-Élysées, Paris's most famous street, to bask in the glorious sunshine and take in all the beautiful sights. Honestly, it felt like a scene out of a vintage film. And what do we wear for a chic promenade down the Champs-Élysées? You guessed it: a pink tutu, of course! People kept staring, smiling, and even giving us a thumbs-up! You can't deny the allure of a vibrant pink tutu, darling.

Shopping Spree: Paris Style

Now, I know some people head to Paris for museums, landmarks, and historical sights, but my main mission is, as always, the shops! Shopping in Paris is a whole new level. Every corner, every street boasts unique boutiques, fashion houses, and ateliers, just brimming with Parisian elegance. And oh, the colours! So many pastel hues, elegant silks, and chic accessories. I spent a good two hours simply wandering and absorbing the artistic flair and inspiring fashion. I think I may have acquired a few little treasures for myself... but you'll just have to wait for my next blog post to see what!

Parisian Ballet Delights

It simply wouldn't be a trip to Paris without seeing a ballet show. And this time I caught "The Nutcracker" at the Palais Garnier Opera House, which, of course, is an absolute must-see for any ballet enthusiast. It was absolutely magical! The dancers were superb, the costumes were extravagant, and the sets were utterly breathtaking. There's truly nothing quite like a Parisian ballet. And let's not forget, every show provides the funding for my next travel adventure, which I'm always very grateful for!

Paris: A Place to Be Inspired

So, you see? Paris truly is the City of Lights for a reason. The streets are brimming with artistry, elegance, and a sense of pure magic. Every corner seems to spark an idea for a new dance routine. Every shop holds a secret piece of fashion inspiration. The whole city pulsates with the energy of a graceful ballet!

And the best part is, you don't need a pink tutu to enjoy the city. But, I do highly recommend it! 😉 After all, the world needs more pink tutus and a little bit of dancing in our lives!

Until next week, darling!

Yours, always in a tutu,


Pink Tutu Blog

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-07-31 Exploring Paris