Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-09-25 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Post #561 - Paris, Oh Paris!

Saturday 25th September 2010

Bonjour mes chéries!

Well, I did it! I finally made it to the City of Lights! Paris! And of course, I had to do it in style, what else would a pink tutu girl do? Eurostar it was, of course! Nothing beats that comfy carriage journey to the heart of Paris. I love watching the English countryside slowly turn into the rolling French landscapes. There's something magical about seeing the green fields slowly turn into vineyards and then into charming French villages, and finally into the bustling streets of Paris. It's enough to make any ballerina swoon!

Speaking of swooning, my dear readers, I packed the ultimate Paris pink tutu wardrobe. Pink, naturally, is the star, but with pops of navy blue, burgundy, and, of course, black for that Parisian chic vibe. I even snagged this absolutely exquisite black-and-white patterned tulle tutu with delicate black lace trim, which is going to be the ultimate showstopper for my first Parisian ballet class!

Now, let's talk about this city. Oh, Paris, how you mesmerise me! I've only been here a few hours, and already I'm totally smitten. The architecture, the food, the smell of croissants and coffee, even the cobblestone streets! I feel like I'm living in a storybook! I know I haven't seen everything, but even strolling around the Marais and just taking it all in, my heart feels full. I can’t believe I’ve only ever seen photos of this incredible place, and it's finally here!

The day was gloriously sunny, perfect for meandering down the charming streets of the Latin Quarter. You wouldn’t believe what I found at the most delightful little boutique, a vintage pink hatbox with an antique ballerina inside, so sweet, it practically melted my heart! Of course, I had to buy it – how could I not? It is a perfect Paris memory.

Speaking of Paris memories, it’s time for a little cultural exploration! This evening, I’m attending the opera. This evening’s programme includes works by Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin. I've always loved opera; it is the ultimate spectacle for the senses - beautiful music, opulent costumes, a night of complete sensory indulgence, exactly what I needed after a long journey. Oh, and the pink tutu? I will, of course, be wearing my latest pink silk creation. This one has feathers on the hemline and is perfectly poised for an opera-house debut!

Sunday 26th September 2010

The day started with an epic café au lait. Oh my, have you ever tried a French café au lait? It's like the coffee gods themselves created the perfect cup. It’s certainly the most decadent coffee I’ve ever had! I followed the smell of freshly baked pastries to the oldest Boulangerie in the area. Oh my! The croissants, the pain au chocolat, and all those delectable delights. I think I could live on the pastries alone, but then I’d be missing out on all the other amazing food in Paris! I already know I am going to come back here multiple times on this trip! I plan on spending an afternoon in one of these little Parisian cafes, tucked away on a corner of a quiet cobbled street, soaking it all up with a hot drink and a delicious croissant. It’s how the Parisian’s do it and who am I to disagree with a life like that?

After my morning Parisian indulgence, I was ready for the main event of the day – ballet class! Now, the place I've chosen for my Parisian ballet lesson is quite possibly the most beautiful ballet studio I’ve ever been to! Imagine high ceilings with chandeliers, antique mirrors that make you look impossibly elegant, and the smell of sawdust and sweat from all the dancing - so divine! I have to confess I was a bit apprehensive at first; this ballet class was full of professional dancers from all over the world. They looked incredibly professional and oh-so elegant. I couldn’t believe how well they moved – so graceful and effortless. Thankfully, it turned out to be a very friendly bunch, and after a few moments of apprehension, I got to do what I love most; to dance and to lose myself in the beautiful movement of my body. We worked on various barre exercises, but also a lovely series of floor work exercises. I learned some new combinations that I know I’m going to incorporate into my next ballet performance in Derby, when I return home. The floor exercises were fantastic, my teacher gave me lots of new combinations, including this new leg turn that has to be seen to be believed!

In the afternoon, I indulged in a little retail therapy, a favourite Parisian pastime. You all know, that I can’t visit a new city without venturing out on a fashion quest! My favourite stop, as you might imagine, was the vintage clothes shop on Rue de Rennes. I must say, this was one of the most wonderful stores I’ve been to! It's a beautiful vintage wonderland filled with 1950s and 1960s outfits; stunning gowns with feather boas and some exquisite lace designs - heaven! Oh, and guess what I found – a pink velvet hatbox with a dancing ballerina inside! Perfect for holding a special Paris memory… perhaps even this magnificent piece of lace I picked up for my next performance outfit…

The evening is all about soaking up the magic of Paris, strolling down the cobbled streets and ending the day with a plate of delicious cheese and a glass of red wine. Oh, la la!

Monday 27th September 2010

Every day in Paris feels like a magical dream come true! This morning I woke up early for a breakfast of the finest pastries and fresh fruit. I had a very delicious brioche filled with almond cream that was truly delicious, it must have been a dream come true because when I got back for breakfast again, they didn’t have it! How could something so delicious just disappear? I was left to simply make do with an extremely delightful pain au chocolat and a croissant. Oh well, the life of a traveller!

Speaking of life as a traveller, it’s off to the Gare du Nord. My next journey is to Vienna, I can hardly wait to experience the beautiful city of Mozart and waltzes! But first, it’s one last café au lait and pastry, it will be a real struggle not to make it my new everyday routine.

Don’t forget my darlings, I love hearing from you! Let me know what you've been up to this week! Leave me a message in the comment box and be sure to share your favourite Paris moments with me.

Love and tutus, Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-09-25 Exploring Paris