Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-12-18 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Week 573 – Paris, je t’aime!

Hello, darlings! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Paris! This week, I'm utterly thrilled to be bringing you a glimpse into the magical city of lights – Paris, of course!

Now, I know some of you think Paris is a bit “played out,” but I simply can't get enough. There's just something about the cobblestone streets, the stunning architecture, and the atmosphere of romantic whimsy that fills my heart with pure joy.

It all started with the Eurostar journey from London. I love travelling by train – it's so elegant, and it gives me a chance to relax, catch up on my reading, and dream up some new blog ideas. Plus, let's be honest, there's something so liberating about stepping out of the train in Paris and just breathing in that city air!

This week’s Paris adventures began on a frosty Saturday morning, perfect for twirling in my pink tulle dress (more on that in a bit!). As usual, I couldn’t resist starting with a Parisian breakfast – croissant, pain au chocolat, and a strong espresso - delicious!

But before we dive into all the delights I experienced, let's address the pink elephant in the room...or should I say, the pink tulle in the street? I was clearly wearing a pink tutu!

I know, I know, I hear you thinking, “Emma, it’s Paris, not a ballet class!” But quelle horreur, my lovelies! I'm not afraid to be a little different and a little flamboyant – I believe in embracing pink tutus, ballet shoes, and anything else that sparks joy! My personal mission, after all, is to spread the joy of the tutu. It’s more than just a piece of clothing, it's a symbol of self-expression and sheer happiness. And honestly, Paris seems like the perfect place to start this pink revolution!

This trip, however, wasn't about ballet – not at first, anyway. I've been planning this Paris fashion escapade for ages and had a list of the chicest boutiques to explore.

And explore I did. Let me tell you, Paris has the most gorgeous vintage stores! I spent the afternoon flitting between charming boutiques like a sugar-plum fairy, dreaming of all the vintage outfits I could see myself in. From sleek, 1950s dresses with full skirts to exquisite Parisian handbags from bygone eras, it was truly a dream come true for a vintage fashion lover like myself.

And no Parisian fashion excursion is complete without a trip to the famed Champs-Elysees! I treated myself to a lovely coffee and a delicious pain au chocolat – all while people watching, of course. And let me tell you, the people-watching on the Champs-Elysees is truly exceptional. From chic Parisian women in their impeccable outfits to dashing men with berets and charming accents, the sheer elegance of it all had me mesmerised!

And it wasn’t all just clothes and shopping, I did indulge in the joys of French cuisine, and trust me, I certainly didn’t hold back! Parisian restaurants, with their soft candlelight and delightful ambiance, felt like they were straight out of a Cinematic Paris movie! And the food, oh my goodness, the food! From the rich, decadent escargots to the buttery, flaky soufflé, it was a sensory explosion for my taste buds!

The following day I was treated to a spectacular ballet show – a performance that left me mesmerized. As a ballet dancer at heart, it truly was the perfect way to spend the evening. Paris and ballet go hand in hand, and there's no better place to see this elegant art form in all its glory. The costumes, the dancers, the music – it was an experience I will cherish for a lifetime.

As the week went on, my Parisian escapades took on a distinctly artistic flair. It wasn't just ballet shows – I immersed myself in the captivating world of art and theater. Paris, you see, is an artist's paradise, and I simply had to take in some of its renowned museums and exhibitions. I strolled through the Musée du Louvre, where masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and other masters hung on the walls, creating an aura of history and artistic grandeur. It was an intimidatingly beautiful experience – I found myself almost as mesmerized by the museum itself as the works inside.

Then it was off to the Opéra Garnier. Oh my goodness! I swear the ornate décor and the lavish setting could rival a fairytale palace – and with a little more imagination, could easily transform itself into a magical scene from one of my favorite ballets!

Paris, you truly have stolen my heart. This weekend, I left with a renewed appreciation for this charming city, for fashion, and the art of ballet! I'll leave you now, with the feeling of this weekend lingering still, and the faint whiff of my pink tulle dress lingering in the air, dreaming of the pink tutu magic to come.

Stay tuned for more adventures, lovelies! And remember, darling, don’t be afraid to be a bit pink and a little extra - it’s your life! Tutus for everyone!

Love and light,


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#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2010-12-18 Exploring Paris