Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-04-09 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Travels: Paris Calling! - Post #589

Bonjour from the City of Lights, my darling tutu enthusiasts! It's Saturday, the 9th of April, 2011, and this Pink Tutu princess is absolutely positively giddy. Paris! Can you believe it? My long-awaited, tutu-tastic trip has finally arrived! And the best bit? It’s a whole week of exploring this breathtaking city, with all the delicious pastries and chic boutiques my heart could desire.

After all the practice, all the pirouettes and leaps in the studio back home in Derbyshire, all the shows and performances I managed to fit in, it’s finally here! The opportunity to live my Parisian dream – one that involves endless latte art and breathtaking ballet performances. Yes, darling, the Pink Tutu is hitting the streets of Paris and my inner ballerina is ready for all the excitement that’s about to unfold.

And how did I get here, you ask? Why, by the most fabulous, most romantic mode of transport, of course: The Eurostar! Imagine, a comfy seat, speedy wi-fi, and a scrumptious breakfast croissant. Oh, how I adore travelling by train. The landscapes flashing by the window feel like a ballet in itself. And in that magical hour of travel, my heart swelled with joy - I was on my way to Paris, to my beloved city of ballet and fashion!

The station felt like stepping straight into a film. That sense of being a character in a story; my imagination taking flight. Then, just as I was marveling at the Parisian architecture and imagining my pink tutu twirling amongst the cobbled streets, I found my apartment. It’s a beautiful little Parisian apartment with a tiny balcony overlooking the most charming street. This city truly does have it all!

Right then and there, the world melted away, and I was lost in the most delicious bubble of Parisian magic. My travel essentials (pink tutu and a whole load of glittery eye-shadow - my travel must haves for every adventure) unpacked, I wandered the streets of this stunning city, taking it all in with wide-eyed wonder. The smell of fresh bread, the bustling cafes, the quaint boutiques filled with pretty dresses and shoes… the very air was imbued with the Parisian spirit, and I, the Pink Tutu girl, felt a bit of that spirit infuse my very soul.

What’s on the agenda for the Pink Tutu today, you ask? Well, after that most divine croissant and a steaming cup of frothy cafe au lait, I’m hitting the Parisian dance scene head-on! You see, there is nothing that fills me with more joy than immersing myself in the ballet world - every pirouette and graceful move feels like a secret language whispered just for me. I’ve already discovered the schedule for the Opéra National de Paris and I've got my eyes set on a show this week! It's "Swan Lake," and I’ve got a feeling my inner swan will be soaring high during that iconic performance. I can just picture it – the delicate beauty of the white swans, the graceful movement, the passion, the emotion… Oh, it’s just about to set my ballerina soul ablaze!

But first, some shopping! Of course. It would be simply a tragedy to visit Paris and not embrace its world of fabulous fashion. A little stroll down the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore will be the perfect opportunity to find something pink and perfectly tutu-tastic to wear to the performance! There's always a little Parisian gem just waiting to be discovered. Maybe even a Parisian street performer to join in the excitement with a spontaneous waltz or a jaunty jig. Who knows, maybe this is the time to finally buy that pink tutu I saw at the **Chloé boutique yesterday… oh, the possibilities! A Parisian fairytale in the making!

After a wonderful afternoon, it will be time for more Parisian delights – the Eiffel Tower is twinkling in the evening air, calling out to me with promises of views and romance. And to top it all off, a scrumptious dinner in one of those hidden Parisian restaurants where the locals love to eat and the food is as divine as a prima ballerina in full flight.

The days ahead promise Parisian magic in every bite and in every breath I take. So buckle up, darling, and come with me on this journey! I'll be sharing it all right here on my blog – from the Eiffel Tower to the Centre Pompidou , from a perfectly pink Parisian dress to my dreams in tutus, I'll take you with me every step of the way. Be sure to check back in every Saturday as the Pink Tutu girl embraces all that this magical city has to offer!

And just remember, darling, life is a dance, and there’s nothing wrong with making that dance a beautiful pink one. Because, after all, the Pink Tutu girl believes that life is simply better when everyone's wearing a pink tutu!

Au revoir, darling!

Your Parisian Pink Tutu Girl,


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-04-09 Exploring Paris